Superman: Earth One #1
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Superman: Earth One #1

Writer: J. Michael Straczynski Artist: Shane Davis Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 27, 2010 Cover Price: $19.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 13
8.1Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

  • 10
    Major Spoilers - Stephen Schleicher Oct 31, 2010

    I simply can't stop thinking about this story. Straczynski did not give us an open and shut story in this book. There are still many story elements that go unresolved, and I like that open ended feeling. DC has plenty of other Earth One tales to tell featuring other heroes in the DC catalogue, but if DC wanted to replicate Marvel's Ultimate Universe, this is a fantastic story to kick things off. When all is said and done, I really do want to continue to read the adventures of Superman in this alternate Earth. While $19.99 may seem like a mighty price to pay in this economy, the story and art inside are well worth it. This is a book that needs to be read and celebrated and is definitely something you need to go out and buy. Superman: Earth One is deserving of 5 out of 5 Stars. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Booked - Krysta Jo Nov 22, 2012

    I'm not sure if this would be a satisfying story for avid Superman fans since this is an origin story, not a wrap-up to a story arc. I'd highly recommend this for new readers that want to delve into the world of Superman, but were reluctant with investing in the comics previously published. I rate this 4/5 stars, because it's so entertaining. This story, and the characters in it, will satisfy your curiosity of Superman's world, and make you crave for more. Guaranteed. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comic Watch - John Jack Jan 14, 2018

    If anyone ever wants to contact me, look me up in my groupfor the love of comic books, I also have several comic pages dedicated to my various true loves,Batman,Spider-man,Marvel,Oldie GoldiesandHats! (Long story on that last one haha) or on Twitter@johnbatusijack Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    A Comic Book Blog - T. A. Ewart Nov 18, 2010

    Superman: Earth One is worth your time and money. It's one of the better Superman stories in a long while, and if you're a Superman fan, and want more stories, better stories, it helps to support the doubles to get to the home runs. Actually, for me, this one is inside the park. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    cxPulp - Blake Petit Oct 30, 2010

    I absolutely loved this book. Its a version of Superman that feels completely faithful to the spirit of the character while still shaping a world that feels fresh and new, as if wed never seen any of this before. Thats about as great an achievement as one could hope for when youre looking at comics first superhero. If Batman: Earth One is half this good, DCs newest universe is going to be a grand place to visit. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Bin - Leroy Douresseaux Nov 1, 2010

    Superman: Earth One is the Superman book that everyone who reads Superman should be reading. Or put it this way: if you know about Superman, you probably need this book in your hands. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Nov 7, 2010

    What really grabbed my attention early on in the book was the "Good Clark Hunting" riff as we watch this extraordinary young man explore the professional landscape of Metropolis. Even though nobody is aware of it, there's nothing Clark Kent can't do, and he's finally reached a point in his life when he plans to put those gifts to use. While his motives aren't selfish - he's determined to find a career that will allow him to provide for his widowed mother - they are self-centered. He's not worried about the world; he's focused on his small corner of it. He's also determined to find a small measure of happiness and fulfillment. In the past, Clark Kent has almost exclusively been portrayed as unrelentingly selfless. Selflessness is admirable, but such a perfectly ethical and wholly giving person is harder to accept than someone who makes the difficult choice to dedicate his life to helping others. Clark is tempted here to use his powers for personal gain, and that temptation is enough to Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicBuzz - lifelike Feb 17, 2011

    Overall this is a somewhat half hearted attempt to either introduce or reintroduce Superman to a current audience, with staggering visual spectacles and an interesting first act that gives way to a formulaic and wayward combat and conclusion. That said it is worth a look and there is hope for the Son of Krypton yet, though not an awe inspiring issue it has laid the foundations to what could be a very powerful and engrossing Superman franchise. Fingers crossed for more personal turmoil and less pantomime next time. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Oct 27, 2010

    There is no doubt in my mind that this is DC's way of trying to freshen up their flagship character for another run at the silver screen (especially when the first intersection we see in Metropolis is Donner Place and Swan Street), but I don't think this really succeeds at anything more than being a pitch book. The classic characters are spruced up and made trendy, but they don't feel like characters I can really care about. After the recently completed "Superman: Secret Origin" this story pales in comparison. This is the start of the "Earth One" line, but it's a pretty slow start. I certainly hope the next installment rises up to meet the hype a little more strongly. Read Full Review

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