Robin #174

Writer: Chuck Dixon Artist: Chris Batista Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 21, 2008 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 1
7.4Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

It's an all-out brawl, and Robin, Violet and Spoiler will have to work together if they want to get out alive. By the end of the night, casualties will be counted and the ultimate mystery of Spoiler's true identity will finally be solved!

  • 10
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren May 21, 2008

    On the non-Spoiler side of things, there was one scene that really made me laugh out loud, which is rare for a comic to do. They had a rather generic fight at the beginning of the issue that carried over from last month and, as they ended the fight rather quickly with a bunch of explosions and cars and what have you, it cut to the Penquin turning his TV off and proclaiming it was the "typical Hollywood Tripe. Lots of explosions and an unsatisfying conclusion." It caught me off guard and I was roaring at it since it was a pretty damn accurate description of the opening fight scene. It was made all the funnier as this was the only appearance of the Penquin in the issue, making it stand out even more in my mind. Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    IGN - Dan Phillips May 21, 2008

    On art, Chris Batista proves a strong match for Dixon's high octane, character-driven action stories. There's an appropriate amount of energy and personality to the big fight sequence that starts this issue, and he likewise captures the complicated emotional reactions to Stephanie's return. I commented in earlier reviews that it feels like Dixon never even left the title, and the path the series seems to be taking makes that feeling even stronger. It's pretty clear that the Boy Wonder's solo series is well on its way to returning to its prime form. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Joey Davidson May 22, 2008

    So then that leaves us with this: Did the issue live up to its preceding? Yes and no. Sure, questions are answered for the most part. Dixon set readers up for a nice, drama-filled rollercoaster of despair and joy, and we are treated to a bit of emotion throughout this book. But that emotion and excitement lasts maybe 9-ish pages. Everything before that seems to be little more than filler. Nevertheless, with Dixon at the helm on this one, now is a great time to be a fan of Robin. Drake is being forced to deal with a lot of intense situations, and Dixon is handling that pretty well. I am nervous to see the next installment and how it ties in with the Batman R.I.P. run. Until then, thisll do. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Major Spoilers - Stephen Schleicher May 28, 2008

    Overall I'm giving the issue 3 out of 5 Stars and hoping Spoiler sticks around for a long time, develops a strong relationship with Tim as both lover and crime fighting partner, and doesn't get another drill to the face anytime soon. Read Full Review

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