Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1
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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: David Lafuente Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 12, 2009 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 12 User Reviews: 6
8.4Critic Rating
5.2User Rating

Almost ten years ago, Ultimate Spider-Man launched the Ultimate line, a reinvention of the Marvel Universe that defied the odds and every expectation. Today, it happens again: This new chapter in the life of the teenaged webslinger picks up in the aftermath of Ultimatum and completely redefines the status quo of Spider-Man for the next generation! With a new supporting cast, new villians and maybe even a new Spider-Man, this new chapter will keep you guessing month after month. Join Eisner Award-winning writer BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS in introducing new ongoing artist DAVID LAFUENTE (ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN ANNUAL, PATSY WALKER: HELLCAT)! You have more

  • 10
    Comix 411 - David Torres Aug 12, 2009

    Pick this one up, people. It's very good. Brian Michael Bendis knows Spider-Man and we should all be glad he's been around for so long writing this book. It will be interesting to see when he does eventually leave, how a new writer interprets the character. However for now, sit back, have fun, and enjoy the ride! Read Full Review

  • 10
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Aug 13, 2009

    Like its counterpart, Ultimate Comics Avengers, this is a great introduction to the Ultimate Universe; unlike that issue, however, I really feel that I got my $3.99 worth thanks to the densely packed storytelling and the simply superb showing on all fronts. I don't agree with Marvel's choice to price this at $3.99, but if this series continues to be as strong as this issue, I could be swayed to find an extra $4 each month to pick it up. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Mania - Chad Derdowski Aug 18, 2009

    I was going to give the book a B+ but then I sat back and reflected on the past few months of Amazing Spider-Man. I’ve tried to like that book and I’ll admit that it’s gotten better… enough that I’ve given it a B- or two. But reading this comic reminded me of what Spider-Man is supposed to be and it bumped the book up to an A-. Well done, guys. You actually deserve the title of “ultimate”. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt Aug 13, 2009

    There are a few places where the relaunch may bamboozle readers. A 6-month gap has introduced a few changes to the status quo, but in comics, this is a familiar, easy-to-swallow device. If anything disappoints, it's actually the lack of shake-ups. This is a good issue -- a great one, in fact -- but it's not substantially different from what came before. Following a major crossover event and hype from editorial, the title's familiarity turns out to be both its biggest strength and biggest weakness. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    IGN - Daniel Schmergel Aug 12, 2009

    So, yeah, Bendis may be guilty of a little hyperbole, but comic fans are better off for it. The decade's most consistent title is back, and, without exaggerating, I can tell you it's better than ever. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Aug 14, 2009

    I was genuinely afraid they were going to toss out this comic with the rest of the Ultimate Universe. How nice to be wrong! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Bin - Zak Edwards Aug 15, 2009

    David Lafuente has only one major flaw I can find in his work and its fairly minor but completely annoying. Spider-Mans head is a perfect circle, perfect! Its like the thing was drawn with a compass. And its not like Peter Parkers head is circular, just Spider-Mans. And it gets to you, like a thorn in your foot or a splinter or that feeling on your face when you know you have a pimple coming and there is nothing you can do about it but touch your face all the time. Something Mr. Parker is probably experiencing under his Spider-Helmet. But besides this, Lafuente has the skills with both character expression and comedic timing as well as a handle on darker action sequences to really make this title be all it can be. While I will miss Stuart Immonen and all his gorgeous action sequences, it is nice to have someone whose talents can really highlight the more mundane points of this series. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace/Charles Webb Aug 11, 2009

    If you liked this review, be sure to check out more of the authors work at Monster In Your Veins Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Aug 14, 2009

    I thoroughly enjoyed this issue, as I have so many that came before it. Nevertheless, I found this issue to be a source of frustration. While Bendis does shake up some elements of the status quo that is this incarnation of Peter Parker's life, there's no sense that this is really a new beginning for the book. As such, the new title and relaunch makes little sense beyond a pure marketing standpoint. What's puzzling is how Marvel seems perfectly willing to undo this relaunch/renumbering approach when a title is meant to approach some sort of milestone. I can't help but wonder if this series will revert back to Ultimate Spider-Man once Bendis reaches what would have been the 200th issue. On top of that, the new branding for Marvel's Ultimate books is flat, boring and unattractive. The only thing drawing the eye to this comic book is Lafuente's art. The masthead is as generic as it could be. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Stephen Schleicher Aug 15, 2009

    Overall, Ultimate (Comics) Spider-Man #1 does what it should; it breaths some new life into the title, which should bring in some new readers, and it also kicks off a new story-line that will have those of us who have been reading the title since the beginning a bunch of questions that need answers - which of course will have us coming back next issue. For this reason, Ultimate (Comics) Spider-Man #1 earns an impressive 4 out of 5 Stars. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Andrenn Aug 14, 2009

    Bendis had a huge chance to give us a strong debut issue that could have let us get up to speed and establish the status quo of the book. Sadly he chose to give us more questions than answers which makes this a hard to recommend read. Still, even for all it's faults, the art alone could make it worthwhile and fans of the characters will at least get something. Therefore, I am giving Ultimate Comics Spider-Man a cautious recommendation. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Aug 13, 2009

    Overall, I enjoyed it quite a bit, but it's mostly same old, same old for Ultimate SpiderMan. Sorry, Ultimate Comics SpiderMan. Add a $1 increase in price to the book and I'm almost tempted to switch to trades for it. However, it's still the same, consistently good Ultimate SpiderMan we loved prior to Ultimatum, so feel free to jump back on with no worries. Read Full Review

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