Booster Gold #16

Writer: Dan Jurgens Artist: Dan Jurgens Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: January 14, 2009 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 3
7.3Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Part 2 of the 4-part "Reality Lost" arc continues in this "Faces of Evil"issue as Booster Gold finds himself stranded in the midst of the battlefields of World War I and comes face-to-face with the infamous Hans von Hammer, a.k.a. Enemy Ace! Meanwhile, Goldstar and Skeets continue their search for the missing Rip Hunter!

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Bin - Nathan Madison Jan 25, 2009

    If there is a single person qualified to depict, in both illustration and narrative, Booster Gold (or any other DC character), it is certainly Dan Jurgens. His ability to create realistic and emotional expressions in his characters, copmlimented by Rapmund's inks, is above reproach, and his ability to write and illustrate have grown over time. Dan Jurgens has been a long-time favorite of mine, throughout the years and the various companies and series he has awarded with his work, and I see no reason for my following to end anytime soon. Art, characterization and story-telling are what I expect from Jurgens, and he continuously delivers, time after time. Booster Gold continues to be a surprising and consistently excellent read. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Jan 15, 2009

    Jurgens also follows on from Johns' and Katz's tag of connections of characters throughout the years. For those who like that sort of things, it's a nice little coda to this issue; for those who don't care about them, though, it doesn't affect how you'll feel about the rest of the issue. "Booster Gold" may have suffered a little bit under four months of issues that didn't feel like they were doing more than stalling for time (although to be fair, Dixon's at least have connected up with the rest of the series), but everything definitely feels back on track. It's a good time to be reading "Booster Gold." Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Major Spoilers - Stephen Schleicher Jan 18, 2009

    For some reason, this far into the game, Booster Gold seems to be losing some of its luster for me. I don't know if it is because the current story line seems to be a retread of what we've seen before in other time traveling stories, or if it is something else, but if something doesn't change soon, I foresee Booster Gold losing readers, which would be a real shame. Even with that revelation in mind, this issue wasn't terrible. It was a good story that featured characters from DC's past done in a way that made sense. Booster Gold #16, earns an above average 3 out of 5 Stars from me. Read Full Review

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