Nathan Madison's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Book Bin Reviews: 17
8.8Avg. Review Rating

Blackest Night #0

May 3, 2009

Blackest Night #0 is an excellent read; the fact that it is free is merely a bonus. The issue is an interesting detour into some of the private thoughts of Hal Jordan, Barry Allen (and even Batman, interestingly enough),as well as a strong indicator of the excellent storytelling that Geoff Johns is no doubt going to produce this summer.

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Booster Gold (2007) #16

Jan 25, 2009

If there is a single person qualified to depict, in both illustration and narrative, Booster Gold (or any other DC character), it is certainly Dan Jurgens. His ability to create realistic and emotional expressions in his characters, copmlimented by Rapmund's inks, is above reproach, and his ability to write and illustrate have grown over time. Dan Jurgens has been a long-time favorite of mine, throughout the years and the various companies and series he has awarded with his work, and I see no reason for my following to end anytime soon. Art, characterization and story-telling are what I expect from Jurgens, and he continuously delivers, time after time. Booster Gold continues to be a surprising and consistently excellent read.

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Final Crisis: Rage of the Red Lanterns #1

Oct 30, 2008

Final Crisis: Rage of the Red Lanterns is a fantastic installment in the current Green Lantern mythos; it is an excellent episode in the ongoing Green Lantern saga, as well as an interesting "sneak peek" as to what is in store for Hal Jordan and the rest of his Lanterns. Longtime fans will enjoy it, and for anyone who has yet to read any of the last few years' worth of Green Lantern stories: this one book will show you what all the talk is about.

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Flash: Rebirth #1

Apr 2, 2009

In this issue, there is also a seven-page preview of the much-anticipated Power Girl ongoing series, by Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner. It looks like it will be just as good as the trio's previous entries into the Power Girl mythos, began in the first few issues of JSA Classified. May can not come fast enough.

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Justice Society of America #19

Oct 15, 2008

Johns, Ross and Eaglesham and everyone else associated with this book continue to provide an excellent series that has been rolling forward since Issue #1, bringing about a mix of both the best of the past, and an interesting insight into the future of the series, and shows no signs of slowing down, in either presenting non-stop action or an engaging and in-depth story, anytime soon.

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Legion of 3 Worlds #4

May 3, 2009

Note: The image in this article is not the one released to stores. At least, it is not the only one, as the issue reviewed here has the image of Kid Flash in place of the other two Brainiac 5's. An attempt to keep news of Kid Flash's return out of the solicitations, no doubt.

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Marvel Zombies Vol. 3 #2

Nov 6, 2008

For anyone who believed that the Zombies had run their course, and that a third series simply was not needed, Marvel Zombies 3 has been an excellent read so far, succeeding in returning to a fan-favorite genre, while adding several new and refreshing aspects to the premise at the same time.

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Marvel Zombies Vol. 4 #1

Apr 13, 2009

While having one or two small flaws, overall this first issue is a worthy read and has the potential to continue the fantastic narrative Van Lente and Walker have shown to be fully capable of creating.

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Ms. Marvel (2006) #32

Oct 25, 2008

The strength of this issue, as well as the creative team as a whole that produced it, is the fact that a story can be told about a super-heroine, before she actually gained any superhuman powers or abilities, and it still looks, feels and reads like the same character; that is how one knows that the crew behind the issue knows what they are doing. Even stripping away everything "super" about the character, the character herself is still there and completely recognizable.

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Necronomicon 1 #1

Sep 30, 2008

Booms Necronomicon is a fantastic book that can serve both as an introduction to the world of Howard Phillips Lovecraft, as well as a welcome addition to the mythos he created over seventy years ago.

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Nova (2007) #18

Nov 3, 2008

This installment of the Nova series, just as the seventeen before it, never let up on the action, the progression of both its plot and characterization of its title hero, and ends on a cliffhanger that makes one wish that the month between issues was a great deal shorter.

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Nova (2007) #21

Feb 14, 2009

Nova persists in being among Marvels top-tier series, with a creative team dedicated to bringing this character into his proper place at the forefront of the Marvel Universe.

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Nova (2007) #25

May 31, 2009

Twenty-five issues into its run, and Nova has not slowed down in the least. Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning have made the cosmic sector of the Marvel Universe all their own, with the Annihilation titles, the current War of Kings event, and monthly series, such as Nova. Throughout this title's run, Abnett and Lanning have attempted, and succeeded, in bringing the title character into some of the most important recent events of the Marvel Universe, while providing said character with his own unique voice and personality. Kevin Sharpe's pencils are only enhanced further by the final touches of inkers Jeffery Huet and Nelson Pereira. Nova has always been a series of superb quality, in every possible way, and this issue does nothing to sully that record.

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Superman: New Krypton Special #1

Oct 24, 2008

Superman: New Krypton Special is a fantastic work, in and of itself, and is also a perfect point from which to launch a tome in the Superman mythos that has been long hyped and anticipated; one that which, if the past and present work of the creative team is any indication, will not disappoint any long-time, or new, followers of the Man of Steel's adventures.

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Terra #1

Nov 8, 2008

Terra #1 presents a new take on an established character who, given the creative team working on her series, will both honor the history that comes with the name and, hopefully, make the name all her own. A mini-series I intend on following.

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Thor (2007) #11

Nov 9, 2008

In a series that gets better with every issue, this particular episode is a high-point; a story that does not offer a great deal of action, but rather excellent insight into the title character(s), as well as an appearance by a hero whose presence has been sorely missed in his world.

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Zero-G #1

Oct 24, 2008

Zero-G is not awful. It was an entertaining and interesting read, and I will consider getting the second issue; however, that second issue will be something that I skim through before purchasing. The characterization is very well done, and that gives me hope that the main plot and conflicts of the story will unfold in an original way in future installments.

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