Marvel Zombies Vol. 3 #2

Writer: Fred Van Lente Artist: Kev Walker Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 5, 2008 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 5
7.7Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

Machine Man and Jocasta have journeyed into the Zombieverse to secure the one item needed to save the Marvel Universe from undead infestation - but first they have to blast their way through the flesh-eating hordes of the Zombie Kingpin of New York!!

  • 8.1
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Nov 5, 2008

    Assuming next issue doesn't dip in quality just like this one rose, Marvel Zombies Vol. 3 may actually rank as the best in the series. I know that doesn't say a whole lot, but it's encouraging to see a concept as seemingly played out as this find new life with a new creative team. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Paul Brian McCoy Nov 4, 2008

    In fact, to be quite honest, there wasn't a single thing that let me down this issue. Sure, the art could go a little further with the gore, or maybe push the expressionistic boundaries that the previous series did, but it still holds up. And the story is by far the best of the three series so far. We have strong characters, excellent characterizations, a fresh twist on the theme, and fast, entertaining pacing and dialogue. Who could ask for anything more? Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Bin - Nathan Madison Nov 6, 2008

    For anyone who believed that the Zombies had run their course, and that a third series simply was not needed, Marvel Zombies 3 has been an excellent read so far, succeeding in returning to a fan-favorite genre, while adding several new and refreshing aspects to the premise at the same time. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Timothy Callahan Nov 5, 2008

    But a little sentimentality never hurt anyone. Especially not a robot with a built in laser array and a mean-on for anyone wearing flesh. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Nov 20, 2008

    Writer Fred Van Lente really knows how to make obscure characters shine again, and I love him for it. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - J. Montes Nov 12, 2008

    Yes, this story's improving but it's hampered with stupid decisions and annoying diatribes. If Fred Van Lente's trying to make me hate Machine Man, he's succeeding. And what's going on with Morbius? Other than being briefly mentioned his plotline isn't even touched upon in this issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Storm Winterfyre Apr 24, 2020


  • 8.0
    Rhinoeat Sep 16, 2021

    Why didn’t Kirkman write this well?

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 7.0
    Ultimate Goblin Sep 23, 2021

    I don't know, it was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better, than the previous issue, but I still have some issues or what... Leader had a hole in his big head, I noticed that, because he has a VERY big had. He was injured in Marvel Zombies Vs Army of Darkness. But what do we see here? He doesn't have a hole in his head. And why this bothers me? Because Vulture had his injury, that he got in the Marvel Zombies Vol 1. So, zombies doesn't have a regeneration of some sort. So, the authors were just lazy. All injures of zombies must be permanent. All zombie heroes in volume 2 had their injures, that they got in volume 1... And what about Kingpin? He was killed by Punisher in Marvel Zombies vs Army of Darkness. So, how could Kingpin be here as zombie? He was more

  • 5.5
    Adsun22 Dec 1, 2024

  • 3.5
    UxasIs May 3, 2021

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