Monsignor Wanty: prays for Tarot to get her hands dirty, Joes Delgado to suit up once again (though I hate that helmet he's holding), an explanation of Konvikt's pummeling of Superman, a Superman-Wonder Woman squabble and even more coolness! Go Trinity! Read Full Review
The pacing of the stories could use a little work. Maybe the editors think that since this is a weekly comic, they don't have to rush the story. Well, they shouldn't prolong it either. For example, the Tarot story is full of mysteries that seem thrown together. The lead character is pleasant enough but she also seems a little dull-- and no, not because she has normal-sized breasts. The villain in the main story also seems like a rehash-- another oversized, super-strong monster. What do we call him? Purple Hulk? Doomsday ver. 2? Even his name, "Konvikt" seems swiped from another superstrong monster called "Subjekt-17" who faced Superman in the pages of his own book back in 2006-- in a story written by the writer of TRINITY. Again, they are substituting "K"s for "C"s. I don't want to komplain but Curt Busiec kan do better. Read Full Review
Busiek delivers a workman's effort with Trinity #4. I am still stuck in neutral on this title. I cannot recommend that you spend your money on Trinity, but it isn't so bad of a read that I would urge you to avoid Trinity. If you like simple comics with an old school feel then you might enjoy Trinity. Read Full Review
Trinity still has a long, long way to go before anyone can call it a success or failure, but right now, it hasn't convinced me to stick around for a year and over $150. Read Full Review
I think the biggest failing of any weekly series is trying to make each week as good or better than the rest. Granted, it is impossible to keep the story building week after week, without some down time, or moments where the reader can catch their breath, but having that down time happen in the fourth issue - one that features a major battle mind you - does not bode well for the series. On the plus side, Busiek is still building themes, and that is probably more important than any Biff! Bam! Boom! action.This week was a rather ho-hum week for the series, earning Trinity #4 2.5 out of 5 Stars. Read Full Review
Trinity #4 is better than the last two issues, but not by much. There are so many people involved that it's getting harder and harder to differentiate who's doing well and who's not. This issue has slowed the nosedive and even ends with a glimmer of hope that things will start to get more interesting, but at the end of the day I want proof, not leads. Read Full Review