Star Trek / Legion of Super-Heroes #2

Writer: Chris Roberson Artist: Jeffrey Moy Publisher: DC Comics Critic Reviews: 1
7.0Critic Rating
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  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Stephen Schleicher Nov 13, 2011

    I'm sure the Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes crossover didn't get a lot of attention from DC because the company was busy with its own relaunch of the property. However, in six months, when fans have once again turned against what is going on in the current Legion book, I hope those in power consider turning the Legion of Super-Heroes over to Roberson and the Moys. They get the characters, and the art style is terrific for both the LoSH and the ST:TOS group. While the story seems to spin in many places throughout the issue, overall, it's a great read that to this point successfully gives readers a crossover between two properties that seemingly don't belong in the same universe... and I'm gonna guess by the time it is all over, everyone won't be in the same universe. Pick up Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes #2, it's certainly worth 3.5 out of 5 Stars. Read Full Review

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