Hunter's Fortune #4
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Hunter's Fortune #4

Publisher: Boom! Studios Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
10Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

  • 10
    Major Spoilers - Stephen Schleicher Mar 28, 2010

    I really enjoyed reading this series. Hunters' Fortune is a perfect mix of Saturday morning serial, mixed with the nostalgia for when adventure movies meant more than hiding in a lead lined refrigerator to escape a nuclear blast, and a story that is modern enough not to lose those hooked on the Intardwebz and technology. While you might have some problem tracking down all four individual issues, the trade should be coming soon, and it will be well worth the money you'll spend. Hunter's Fortune #4 concludes the way any grand adventure should; with the reader wanting more. It's a great story, and worth every one of the 5 Stars it earns. Read Full Review

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