Battlefields: Dear Billy #3
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Battlefields: Dear Billy #3

Writer: Garth Ennis Artist: Peter Snejbjerg Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: March 25, 2009 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
9.3Critic Rating
9.5User Rating

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Rob G Mar 30, 2009

    I realize that in this review I haven't revealed much of the specific plot and that is because the story is so tightly written that I am afraid any detail might spoil it for the poor lug who hasn't read this series yet. Quite soon this series will be collected into a small TPB and sold for less than ten bucks. Buy it! Or, if you can find them, get the whole series now with the three beautiful Cassady covers. I cannot not wait for the next series of Battlefields to hit the shelves! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Major Spoilers - Stephen Schleicher Mar 23, 2009

    I mentioned during the last review that Dear Billy is very much a goodbye letter to the man Carrie Sutton has fallen in love with. But instead of the typical Dear John letter, where the relationship is ended abruptly without long drawn out conversations, Carrie ends the relationship in a most dramatic way. It is shocking, but considering her alternative, it is the only way out for her. Sometimes, endings like this one are telegraphed pages in advance, however, this time I was taken by surprise. It is sickening and sad at the same time, but also a brilliant way to show the horrors of war from a very different perspective. Ennis and and artist Peter Snejbjerg don't sugar coat the death and violence in the issue, and if you can stomach such things, it is a story that leaves you thinking for a while, instead of bounding off to the next superhero romp. Battlefields: Dear Billy #3 packs a wallop, and deserves 4.5 out of 5 Stars. Read Full Review

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