Three weird tales show the world of Hellboy through the years, with Edward Grey appearing alongside Sarah Jewell, hero of the recent Rise of the Black Flame series in 1890s London. In 1980s New England, Hellboy, Abe Sapien, and Liz Sherman set out on a simple search for some missing kids and encounter a tormented spirit seeking to share its pain. And Paul Grist (Kane, Jack Staff) joins the team for a 1950s Hellboy story providing a glimpse of the next new title to debut in the Mignolaverse.
The perfect combination of supernatural chills set in three different time periods. You'll discover ancient vessels, laugh at unexpected threats, and never want to go in the woods again. Something for everyone. Hellboy in winter is truly special. Read Full Review
With a Hellboy's adventures "done," getting new stories featuring the big guy is always worth the price of admission. The Hellboy Winter Special 2017 is a great collection of stories that has something for everyone, and gets a Strong Buy Recommendation from me. Read Full Review
Mike Mignola and friends are back with one winter-themed one-shot, one that offers another satisfying dose of Hellboy. While the three stories in this issue share the winter theme, stylistically and tonally they're all drastically different. Read Full Review
Its difficult to imagine someone not wanting to be a part of a project like this, but thankfully we get a group of people who feel plain right for the job. This one-shot is a good jumping on point for what has become a sprawling universe with a lengthy yet rewarding reading order. Be warned though, you're likely to get hooked, and if not Hellboy, then certainly on one of these talented contributors. Read Full Review
A mixed bag, but a generally enjoyable special issue. Read Full Review
Ultimately, we have a variety of stories that do what they set out to do, one which I think really successfully teases a yet-unseen shadowy corner of the Hellboy universe in The Visitor, but the other two of which are fun but pedestrian stories. Read Full Review