Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #3
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Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #3

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: David Lafuente Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 29, 2008 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 3
8.4Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

The relationship between Peter Parker and Mary Jane is one of the most iconic and popular romances in all of comics, and in this very special issue that relationship delves into an area never before seen in any Spider-Man comic. A controversial issue for any Spidey fan!

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Dan Hill Nov 4, 2008

    Final word: A prime example of what this book does best. Kinetic action and set pieces crossed with great dialogue and great characters. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Major Spoilers - Stephen Schleicher Oct 30, 2008

    I've been on a kick of rating comics pretty high these last couple of weeks, and for good reason - there are some great stories being told. Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #3 is no exception, earning 4.5 out 5 Stars. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Oct 28, 2008

    I follow Ultimate Spider-Man in HCs rather than monthly, but I'll still be looking out for this annual. This is a stand-alone issue that's well worth picking up immediately for anyone who enjoys the series - and it's accessible enough that you won't be lost even if this is the first issue of the book that you've ever read. My score may seem a little high, especially given the flaws I've outlined, but they really don't detract very much from the story at all. On the whole, this is an excellent Spider-Man comic that reminds you how good Bendis can be (and why he's a perfect fit for this title), and also introduces a new artist to the book who will hopefully return to its pages before too long. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt Nov 3, 2008

    As a package, there are no huge faults with the annual -- a minor art glitch here, a pacing problem there -- but on the whole, it does deliver a satisfying story that can be read in one sitting, while also tying into the main series in an important way. In short, it's everything that Quesada wanted Marvel annuals to be when they returned from their hiatus, and it's everything a reader could want out of one too. Definitely worth a look, whether you read "Ultimate Spider-Man" or not. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    IGN - Richard George Oct 29, 2008

    This annual is noteworthy in its ambition even though we've been in these quiet character studies before with this series. Bendis delivers some great lines and moments, and even though some might wonder what the whole point of this was, it's still a very sweet, more romantic side to this series that's entertaining. It's hard to ask for much more. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Bin - Zak Edwards Nov 2, 2008

    David Lafuentes art frustrates me and is enjoyable all at the same time. Where the series regular penciller, Stuart Immonen, has a firmer grip over the action part of Ultimate Spider-Man, Lafuente obviously is much better at the drama. This is great for an issue focusing on the drama, but even within these sections there are some problems. The characters can become exaggerated very quickly and reminds me of childrens anime. But his expression when done with more subtlety, like in the final resolution between Peter and Mary-Jane, pays off, with the emotional impact being felt and conveyed as very real. His Spider-Man, on the other hand, is just not good. The character is largely disproportionate, with a giant head which is an almost perfect circle. The car chase scene, for everything except for Spider-Man, is handled very well. The pacing is perfect, and the tension of stopping the runaway car is suspended and carried on for a full effect. His homage to a previous moment with P Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Oct 30, 2008

    Marvel's original Annuals were once the home for some very special stories, such as Reed and Sue's wedding, the birth of Franklin Richards or Spider-Man facing the Sinister Six. I couldn't tell you what happened in most annuals in recent years - but this is one story I'll remember. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - J. Montes Nov 5, 2008

    Mary Jane and Brian Bendis not only cockblock Peter, but the readers as well. Peter takes it like the good guy he is; our lovable loser gets another night of blue balls. A wasted opportunity! Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Oct 30, 2008

    Great job dealing with the teenage sex talk, but the various subplots of the book all feel disjoint and lack any cohesion, giving the book a jarring and disconnected feeling. Trim this down to the important parts and it would have been a picture perfect book. Read Full Review

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