When someone very close to Invincible is hurt " the gloves come off! Is Mark Grayson's murderous Viltrumite heritage finally coming to the forefront? Find out in this special stand-alone issue that answers the question once and for all: can Invincible be driven to MURDER?
Another great installment of Invincible. This issue only seems weak when compared to other perfect issues of this series, but this issue is still much better than almost every other superhero book put out this week. Read Full Review
The writing is solid, the pace is good, characters are believable in their actions, and while there is an odd panel or two, the art is once again top notch from Ryan Ottley. I like the direction the title is going. Just take a look at that cover; the sun is setting, storm clouds are forming, and the menacing angle and pose of the title character leads me to believe things are going to get very dark for our hero. I'm giving Invincible #56, 4.5 out of 5 Stars. Read Full Review
I can see why my friends recommended this book - it's solid, professional and fun. I wouldn't say it's the best comic book on the stands, but it's better than most. Read Full Review
Perhaps Im being too hard on Kirkman and this issues plot line. This is solid, Invincible caliber stuff. It doesnt feel rushed and it certainly doesnt feel like Kirkmans about to shove our heads under the water again. He will, of course, but it doesnt feel that way right now. Thats a strength, and its my favorite part about his writing. You never really feel it coming. The shock is one of the big reasons for my reading this book, but this issue just doesnt have it. It will probably serve as a perfect bridge towards bigger and better things. Read Full Review