Hellboy: The Fury #3
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Hellboy: The Fury #3

Writer: Mike Mignola Artist: Duncan Fegredo Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: August 10, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 4
9.3Critic Rating
9.4User Rating

With her tower in ruin, and her body a vessel for the Ogdru Jahad, the Queen of Blood shows no mercy to Hellboy as their final battle meets a stunning conclusion!

The conclusion of the epic story that began in 2007's Darkness Calls.

"Everything in Hellboy for the last ten years or so has been building to something big-and this could be it. I can't wait."-Comic Book Revolution

  • 10
    Major Spoilers - Stephen Schleicher Aug 11, 2011

    Until 2012, Hellboy: The Fury #3 is a perfect way to send off the character - it's one of those "Oh, Crap!" kind of moments that is fitting for this character. This is a great issue. It is an issue that should stick in comic readers' minds as that one moment when the big guy actually bought it. Pacing, color, inks, everything come together to tell a perfect tale that has been building since the first appearance of the title character. If you haven't picked up the first two issues in this series, do it now, then buy Hellboy: The Fury #3 - it's a 5 Star experience you won't soon forget. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Aug 13, 2011

    Hellboy: The Fury #3Posted: Saturday, August 13, 2011By: Ray Tate Mike MignolaDuncan Fegredo, Dave Stewart (c)Dark Horse The crescendo and the coda. Hellboy battles Nimue for the sake of humanity as Ragnarok's effects ravage London. For the longest time, Hellboy fought against his fate: to become the king of Hell and bring the demons to raze the earth. It's only with these latest chapters in Hellboy's story as accompanied by stellar artists Duncan Fegredo and Dave Stewart that Mignola suggested Hellboy was not doomed to prophecy. He was in fact a true heir to Arthur's Excalibur and with that sword, he could destroy the coming darkness. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Aug 10, 2011

    If you've ever read a Hellboy comic or even watched either movies, you have to read this arc. This is big stuff in the world of Hellboy and you won't want to miss out. Past story arcs have been great but this is at a completely different level. WIth a feeling that it's been in the works for a while, this story absolutely changes things. Mignola's writing is top notch and you have to see Fegredo's art complimented by Stewart's colors. After reading it, I had to read it again. I can't remember the last time I felt so much over a Hellboy story. Bravo to all involved. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Zack Davisson Aug 25, 2011

    Wow. Just, wow. I am still reeling from that last page of Hellboy: The Fury #3. Mignola, Fegredo, and Stewart pulled off the perfect slam-bang finish for their epic story arc. This is the end of Hellboy as we know him. This is the beginning of... something? I dont know yet. I do know that this issue was so amazing that when I finished the last page, I immediate returned to the first page and read it again. Then I did it a third time, making sure I didnt miss any of the details or any subtle clues that the Hellboy team may have worked into the story. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    IGN - Miguel Perez Aug 10, 2011

    From here on out it's anyone's guess what Mignola has planned for Hellboy. It's exciting and scary to see a creator take such a drastic step, and I'll damn sure be going along for the ride. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Aug 15, 2011

    Some will take issue with how Hellboy manages to defeat an ultra-dimensional god-like being with his giant fist and a flashy knife and I think they’ll miss the point. Mignola tells a story the way he sees fit but he also knows this is a comic book. No matter what really happens the good guys always win, even if that win comes at a high price. That’s Hellboy in a nutshell, and I’m not sure what the naysayers are expecting. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Aug 10, 2011

    What's for the future? Well, knowing Mignola, anything. He's stated this isn't the end of Hellboy, both the character and the comic, even though he's now dead. But considering the manner of his death, and the jaw-dropping visuals on what happens next, the possibilities are endless. I, for one, can't wait to see the next iteration of "Hellboy" (drawn by Mignola again, no less) and see just what sort of life-after-death awaits our hero. Until then, though? I think it's time to sit down and re-read all of my "Hellboy" collections. Because even if we never got another "Hellboy" comic, I'd be satisfied with this as the end of the story. Well done, Mignola and Fegredo. "Hellboy: The Fury" has been worth every penny and a lot more to boot. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Aug 13, 2011

    The down side of the issue is the ending. Hellboy doesn't make it out of the fight unscathed. However, it just isn't entirely clear if he gives up or if his sword runs out of power or if Nimue is just that more powerful. I'm not really knocking the ending, I actually liked it, but I don't quite understand the events that I observed. I've read the issue a few times and I come to several different conclusions. Also, I am not really certain what Mab's role in all of this actually was. Again, more questions than answers left me a little empty at the end. Read Full Review

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