While Hellboy makes one last stand against the Queen of Blood the war between the forces of good and evil rages on the battlefield with heaps of dead monsters and knights!
Hellboy: The Fury #2Posted: Saturday, July 16, 2011By: Ray Tate Mike MignolaDuncan Fegredo, Dave Stewart (c)Dark Horse Talk about unpredictable. It seemed like the forces of good would triumph thanks to the timely delivery of Excalibur, but it all appears to rest on the shave horned head of Big Red's own bad self. Read Full Review
And far away from the clashing armies, Hellboy is locked in single-combat against The Dragon, the ultimate beast whose presence on Earth heralds the end of everything. Read Full Review
Once again one of my favorite comic books. It isn't often where I find that I don't enjoy Hellboy. I absolutely love the way Mignola incorporates legends and mythos from different cultures into his modern storytelling. The art for this series is absolutely breathtaking. This series is definitely one Hellboy fans won't want to pass up. Read Full Review
This is the 19th of 20 "Hellboy" comics by Mignola and Fegredo, so it's perhaps not the best place for a new reader to jump in. But that said, picking up "Hellboy: Darkness Falls" and then "Hellboy: The Wild Hunt" will get you two thirds of the way there. If you haven't been reading "Hellboy," those stories are a great spot to jump in. Thanks to Mignola and Fegredo, "Hellboy" is mandatory reading. Great stuff, from start to finish. Read Full Review
This issue at its core is just a speed bump until the finaland may not be as good as the first, but it's still excellent on its own meritsand a great read. If you've been waiting for Hellboy to hit something this isthe issue and the next promises to be bigger and better. Read Full Review