Batman #5

Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Greg Capullo Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: January 18, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 29 User Reviews: 68
9.5Critic Rating
9.3User Rating

Deep beneath Gotham City lies the Court of Owls' deadliest trap and Batman has fallen right into it! Can he escape, or will he perish in a maze of nightmare? Enter the labyrinth, Batman if you dare!

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Carl Boehm Jan 18, 2012

    This book gives me shivers at how great it is. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comicosity - Aaron Long Jan 23, 2012

    This issue in particular is by no means a 'typical' superhero comic book " this is outside the norm and brilliantly executed. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Entertainment Fuse - Eric "djotaku" Mesa Jan 20, 2012

    Comparisons to Morrison aside, this is an excellent issue and a GREAT example of the fact that Super Hero comics don't have to be stagnant. You don't have to go the indie route just to get an amazing story. Scott Snyder is here, giving Batman the kinds of stories he deserves and the kinds of stories that you need to be buying. Read Full Review

  • 10
    ComicBuzz - johnlees Jan 29, 2012

    With Batman #5, this story has now topped The Black Mirror. If Snyder can keep up the quality, were looking at another all-time classic. Im expecting Batman #6 to finally break this streak of this title constantly outdoing itself, because I genuinely think you cant top a comic as good as Batman #5. But all the same, I expect it to be great, and the third week of February cant come fast enough. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Book Resources - Ryan K. Lindsay Jan 17, 2012

    "Batman" #5 is the best issue of the series to date. It is also Scott Snyder's best script ever, on many levels, and Capullo/Glapion surpass their exemplary work on the previous four issues. Batman is a crazed lunatic, Gotham is not a nice place to live and we all have to face our fears before we die. These are the truths of Batman, and Snyder and Capullo deliver them in a manner you will never ever forget. This short tale of a captured crusader slowly descending into the madness that should have consumed him years ago is a ferocious tale that disturbs with what it chooses not to do. This foray into the different is a bold experiment in telling a story in a way no other medium could manage, and everyone involved should be complemented on the bravado to try it and the skill to pull it off damn-near perfectly. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Jan 18, 2012

    It's not often I find myself re-reading a comic book more than three times before even writing a review. Even the best issues rarely get a second read immediately. This is an issue of BATMAN you won't soon forget. Snyder and Capullo are putting Batman through the ringer and you almost get the impression that they despise the character (which they don't). The first time I read this, I had a heavy feeling in my chest. It was a feeling where I had to let out my breath and say "whoah..." It's an added treat that the issue is laid out in an unconventional manner. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - Lan Pitts Jan 18, 2012

    Batman #5 has been a long time coming and the intensity has been building with each passing issue. The Court of Owls is still a mystery that Batman has yet to solve and us as readers are kept in the mystery, awaiting the finale. This is the best issue of the series thus far, and quite possibly, the best issue that DC has put out since the reboot. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Jan 20, 2012

    As you read the book, you get to a page layout where you have to turn the book left side up to make sense of it all. When you turn from that layout, the next page is upside down which looks like a mistake. You naturally turn it right side up to examine the page thinking you are correctly holding the book again. As you continue to read, it takes you a minute to realize that you're reading the previous pages over again, thus, experiencing and sharing the mental madness Batman is going through. The ingenuity of it all was simple and brilliant. The art work is in sync with the story almost more than any other comic book I have read in quite sometime. Even this early in the year, Snyder's number 5 has all the makings to be the single best issue of the year. Read Full Review

  • 10
    PopMatters - Michael D. Stewart Jan 22, 2012

    Batman #5 feels like the halfway point of Snyder and Capullo's story; it may very well be its zenith. That's not to say this is the best they will ever accomplish, rather it is something of a baseline as to the type of presentation they can develop within the confines of the narrative structure. Early on, there was a foundation established by this series' second issue. That foundation has been shaken to its core, but still stands as the base on which this story is planted. Getting back to issue five, what we have is arguably the best example of contemporary comic storytelling from the perspective of complimentary story and design, particularly in this New 52 period. Refrain from saying the bar has been raised. The bar has been taken out of existence. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - George Marston Jan 18, 2011

    Batman #5 is one of those rare books that kind of made me step back for a second, take a breath, and re-read it immediately. Truly breathtaking; a masterpiece. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Major Spoilers - Stephen Schleicher Jan 19, 2012

    After my last review, writer Scott Snyder contacted me to let me know that my mind would be blown with issue #5. I was skeptical, but willing to give Snyder another chance. Snyder and company delivers with this issue, knocking it out of the ballpark, blowing it out of the water, and whatever other metaphors exist to express something that is spectacular in every single way. From the story, to the art, to the layouts, Batman #5 is a treat that should be on your must buy list. Totally gonna read this about 10 more times today, Batman #5 earns 5 out of 5 Stars. Read Full Review

  • 10
    A Comic Book Blog - John Barringer Jan 24, 2012

    It's the third week of January and I think I already know my favorite single issue of 2012. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Book Revolution - Andrenn Jan 21, 2012

    If you are not buying Batman, for whatever reason you may have, you need to fix that. Even if you are a Marvel Zombie, buy it. Even if you are an Indy fan only, buy it. Even if you are a DC fan and you do not like Batman, you need to buy it. Batman is one of the best comics out there. Not best super hero comic or horror comic or any other kind. One of the best comics out there period. Read Full Review

  • 10
    CHUD - Jeb Delia Jan 24, 2012

    I truly believe this issue of Batman will continue to occupy this space within my mind, as well. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Gotham Spoilers - Gotham Spoilers Jan 18, 2012

    I was shocked how drastically out there this book was. It took a big risk, but pulled it off flawlessly. There's a running joke that Snyder really hates Batman, because he does such terrible things to him, and man, you really got to think about that now, because really, the only thing you can say about this issue is how bat shit crazy it is. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - David Pepose Jan 23, 2012

    Out of everyone in the New 52, Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo are officially the team to beat, showing how to make a satisfying chapter that makes readers eager for the next installment, rather than just follow along out of habit. Batman #5 is a comic that stretches itself " and it's protagonist " beyond the breaking point, and it's that level of ambition that's earned yet another perfect score. Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, but three times is a pattern. Pick this book up yesterday. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry Jan 18, 2012

    By all means, try it out. Buy an issue of Batman #5 and hand it to someone who neither knows nor cares about Batman comics and then write back to me with the results. We could do a whole article featuring everyone's success stories.Read more: Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Book Bin - Dan Horn Jan 19, 2012

    I'm getting chills just thinking about how clever and how truly horrifying this issue was. This can't be a Batman comic, my common sense keeps insisting. But here it is in my hands with "Batman" printed across the cover. I once accused Snyder of being too predictable, telegraphing the outcomes of his Detective story arcs, but with this solitary issue Scott Snyder has ascended to comic book royalty in my mind. This is terrific stuff, even if it makes my stomach turn. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Jan 20, 2012

    A real masterpiece of a comic. Most comics you read and just kinda toss them to the side. This issue is full of visual moments that will stick with you for a long time. Wonderful storytelling by the whole creative team. But, let's not make digital readers leave the comic and go into the iPad's settings to be able to continue the experience. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    The Comic Book Revue - Jay Mattson Jan 19, 2012

    Seeing Bruce confront hallucinations, his own mortality and the (apparent) potential loss of his 'story', or, his memories, his history as a Wayne and as a hero. While everything stays in the 'generally vague' category of explanation in this issue, next month's issue looks like it will give us some answers to the Court of Owls' motives and maybe their members! Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jan 19, 2012

    We're a long way from the "Best of 2012" list being compiled, but I confidently predict this comic will be on it. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Jan 18, 2012

    Greg Capullo's pencils, for the first time, really hit me as wonderful. I've always liked the work, but with Batman #5 Capullo and Snyder are in perfect harmony. Every panel depicting Batman's slow descent into madness is a true representation of Snyder's idea. It's not just a visual representation of what Snyder wrote; the art also gets into the nooks and crannies of the ideas behind the writing. Batman's face reflecting the insanity, his shredded costume, the various ways he sees himself, it's all stunning work. If this level of kinsmanship continues, we could be looking at the best thing to happen to Batman since Dennis O'Neil and Neal Adams. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    IGN - Joey Esposito Jan 18, 2012

    From every perspective, Batman #5 is fantastic. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Grant McLaughlin Jan 22, 2012

    Fanboy griping aside, this is a solid comic book. The rushed pacing hurts the story a bit, keeping this from being a "Must Read", but everything else is so good that it's forgivable. Snyder continues to write a mean Batman, and Capullo and Glapion are doing a bang-up job of bringing his words to life. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Outer Realm Comics - Jakob Jan 30, 2012

    Even if the story doesn't travel that far forward in this issue it should be read by anyone with any interest in Batman. Snyder's writing and Capullos art work in tandem to produce one of the best, most unsettling portrayals of Batman fighting his own psyche I've ever read. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - lucstclair Jan 22, 2012

    Batman hasnt seen this much abuse since his first experience with the Venom drug (see Batman: Venom tpb. Awesome trade). He is pushed to his limits both physically and psychologically as this series just keeps on getting better and better with every issue. I dont know if your copy of this issue was like mine, but pages #16-#19 were printed upside down. Was this purposely done to give the reader a sense of dementia like Batman was going through? Or was this just a printing error? Im gonna go with the latter. Written by Scott Snyder (Severed) and illustrated by the breathtaking art of Greg Capullo (The Creech). From DC Comics. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Jan 23, 2012

    Batman has people waiting for him. Nightwing, Robin, Batgirl and Catwoman all make an appearance, and these cameos are just as important as the widescreen scope of the plot and the artwork. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Jan 21, 2012

    Although I don't think it's a great Batman story, it is well-told, with some strong artwork by Greg Capullo, and begins and ends with a couple of really nice moments such as the opening pages featuring Batman's friends wondering what has become of their hero and the comic's final panels which (finally) give us a glimpse that Damian may be more than the rebooted spoiled little shit we've seen so far. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Jan 20, 2012

    Snyder is treading in some dangerous waters at this point. He's delving into territory that is occupied by the elite writers of the character. It's a high risk, high reward situation. Some are going to find that this book is brilliant and helps solidify Snyder's mark on the character. While others might find this to have a been-there-done-that feel from the Morrison run. I find myself in the middle but don't be misunderstood; this is an entertaining issue with fantastic artwork. I'm fully charged to see where this is heading. I definitely recommend picking this book up. Read Full Review

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