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Joined: Sep 02, 2020

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Pangasauras reviewed Swamp Thing #21 May 22, 2022

A truly incredible piece of comic book literature.

Swamp Thing #21

By: Alan Moore, Stephen Bissette
Released: Nov 30, 1983

In a standalone issue titled "The Anatomy Lesson," writer Alan Moore delivers a haunting origin story that reshapes the SWAMP THING mythology. Terrifying revelations are made about the nature of Swamp Thing, kicking off a journey of discovery that takes the character across the Earth--and beyond.

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Pangasauras rated Swamp Thing #20 May 22, 2022

Swamp Thing #20

By: Alan Moore, Dan Day
Released: Nov 30, 1983

Legendary writer Alan Moore makes his debut on SWAMP THING with this issue wrapping up dangling plot threads from previous writers before diving into his own iconic run in issue #21. This hard-to-find issue puts various supporting characters in place and even features the death of Swamp Thing!

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Pangasauras rated V For Vendetta Vol. 1 May 22, 2022

V For Vendetta Vol. 1

By: Alan Moore, David Lloyd

A powerful story about loss of freedom and individuality, V FOR VENDETTA takes place in a totalitarian England following a devastating war that changed the face of the planet. In a world without political freedom, personal freedom and precious little faith in anything, comes a mysterious man in a white porcelain mask who fights political oppressors...

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Pangasauras rated Thor #140 Jul 16, 2021

Thor #140

By: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby

Will Thor be triumphant over the Growing Man? And which familiar villain spawned this gargantuan foe?

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Pangasauras rated Batman #7 Jul 9, 2021

Batman #7

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Mar 21, 2012

Batman may have survived the Court of Owls' first strike (barely), but even as he recuperates, the Court is preparing to launch its most deadly and sweeping attack yet. Plus: The secrets revealed in this issue will change Batman's world forever! You won't want to miss the issue everyone will be talking about!

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Pangasauras rated Batman #6 Jul 9, 2021

Batman #6

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Feb 15, 2012

Trapped far beneath Gotham City and hunted by the Talon the Court of Owls' unstoppable killer Batman lies bleeding and broken. With no way out and no one to help, is this the end for The Dark Knight?

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Pangasauras rated Batman #5 Jul 9, 2021

Batman #5

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Jan 18, 2012

Deep beneath Gotham City lies the Court of Owls' deadliest trap and Batman has fallen right into it! Can he escape, or will he perish in a maze of nightmare? Enter the labyrinth, Batman if you dare!

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Pangasauras rated Batman #4 Jul 9, 2021

Batman #4

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Dec 21, 2011

Shocking discoveries lead Batman deeper into the mystery of the Court of Owls and its secret and bloody ties to both Gotham City and the Wayne family. But an even deadlier threat awaits Batman: a trap set hundreds of years ago, far beneath his city. The war for Gotham's soul begins here!

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Pangasauras rated Batman #3 Jul 9, 2021

Batman #3

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Nov 16, 2011

As Bruce digs deeper into the mystery of the recent owl murders, he soon finds himself face to face with a shocking enemy an enemy the Wayne family has secretly been at war with for centuries. Be there for the first shots of the war for the soul of Gotham City. Friends will become deadly enemies and secrets will be revealed revelations that will ...

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Pangasauras rated Batman #2 Jul 8, 2021

Batman #2

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Oct 19, 2011

Bruce Wayne is back in the cowl, hunting a new and deadly killer in Gotham City a killer with a vendetta against Bruce Wayne! But who is this mysterious killer in an owl skull mask? And is he the key to unlocking one of Gotham's oldest and most terrifying secrets? Be there for their first brutal encounter!

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Pangasauras rated Batman #1 Jul 8, 2021

Batman #1

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Sep 21, 2011

Be here for the start of a new era for The Dark Knight from writer Scott Snyder (AMERICAN VAMPIRE, BATMAN: GATES OF GOTHAM) and artist Greg Capullo (Spawn)! A series of brutal killings hints at an ancient conspiracy, and Batman learns that Gotham City is deadlier than he knew.

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Batman: The Dark Knight Returns #2

By: Frank Miller, Klaus Janson

The iconic series continues as a new Robin debuts and a gang of violent mutants stakes a claim on the streets of Gotham City. Unfortunately for them, The Dark Knight is about to prove that these streets are his, and he has a battle tank of a Batmobile to back him up!

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Batman: The Dark Knight Returns #4

By: Frank Miller, Klaus Janson

In this final legendary issue, it's Batman vs. Superman with the fate of the Earth at their feet. Nuclear Armageddon stands just within reach as the two biggest heroes on earth battle it out and the world watches on. Can The Dark Knight possibly take down the Man of Steel?

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Pangasauras rated Batman Annual #2 Jun 21, 2021

Batman Annual #2

By: Tom King, Lee Weeks
Released: Nov 29, 2017

Travel back in time with us to see the early days of the Bat and the Cat. What was Bruce and Selina's first date? How did this rivalry blossom into romance, and then go right back to being a rivalry again? Tom King reteams with his BATMAN/ELMER FUDD collaborator Lee Weeks to show us a little young love with capes and cowls. And a little crimefighti...

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Batman: The Dark Knight Returns #3

By: Frank Miller, Klaus Janson

What ever happened to Batman's greatest ally and his most dangerous foe? Find out here as The Man of Steel and the Joker both make explosive returns to the life of The Dark Knight. And you won't believe the vicious final confrontation between the Clown Prince of Crime and the Caped Crusader!

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Batman: The Dark Knight Returns #1

By: Frank Miller, Klaus Janson

This masterpiece of comics storytelling brings to life a dark world...and an even darker man. Frank Miller completely reinvents the legend of Batman in his saga of a near-future Gotham City gone to rot, ten years after the Dark Knight's retirement.

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Batman: The Man Who Laughs #1

By: Ed Brubaker, Doug Mahnke
Released: Feb 9, 2005

Superstar writer Ed Brubaker (CATWOMAN, GOTHAM CENTRAL) teams with artist Doug Mahnke (FINAL CRISIS, GREEN LANTERN) to tell the tale of Batman's first battle against his greatest enemy: the Joker!

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Pangasauras rated Batman #407 Jun 4, 2021

Batman #407

By: Frank Miller, David Mazzucchelli
Released: Apr 29, 1987

Year One, Part 4: Friend in Need
Lt. Gordon has been learning his way on the streets of Gotham almost in-step with Batman and the two finally start to see eye-to-eye in part four of "BATMAN: YEAR ONE". Can Gordon and Batman work together for the greater good of Gotham City?

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Pangasauras rated Batman #406 Jun 4, 2021

Batman #406

By: Frank Miller, David Mazzucchelli
Released: Mar 25, 1987

Year One, Part 3: Black Dawn
Batman's nailed down by the Gotham City police in a crumbling building with nowhere to run! It'll take his arsenal of skills to get out of this one while proving he's on the side of justice - but how can he when they're gunning so heavily for him? Plus, Catwoman debuts in part three of "BATMAN: YEAR ONE"!

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Pangasauras rated Fallen Angels #2 Jun 3, 2021

Fallen Angels #2

By: Bryan Edward Hill, Szymon Kudranski
Released: Nov 27, 2019

Psylocke finds herself in this new world of Mutantkind unsure of her place in it... but when a face from her past returns only to be killed, she seeks help from others who feel similar to get vengeance. Cable and X-23 join Kwannon for a personal mission that could jeopardize all Mutantkind!
Rated T+

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Pangasauras rated X-Force #2 Jun 1, 2021

X-Force #2

By: Ben Percy, Joshua Cassara
Released: Nov 27, 2019

X-Force is the CIA of the mutant world-one half intelligence branch, one half special ops. Beast, Jean Grey and Sage on one side, Wolverine, Kid Omega and Domino on the other. In a perfect world, there would be no need for an X-Force. We're not there...yet.
Rated T+

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Pangasauras rated Batman #405 May 31, 2021

Batman #405

By: Frank Miller, David Mazzucchelli
Released: Feb 25, 1987

Year One, Part II: War is Declared
Bruce Wayne decides on a haunting guise perfect for feeding on the cowardliness of the criminals he plans on taking down. But it looks like his campaign against crime may be too effective as Gotham's corrupt officials order the police to take The Dark Knight down in part two of "BATMAN:YEAR ONE"!

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Pangasauras rated Batman #404 May 30, 2021

Batman #404

By: Frank Miller, David Mazzucchelli
Released: Jan 28, 1987

Year One, Part 1: Who I Am - How I Come to Be
Frank Miller (THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS, Sin City) and David Mazzucchelli (Daredevil) deliver the acclaimed, four-part origin of Batman! Witness Bruce Wayne's transformation into The Dark Knight as he combats his own demons while struggling to topple the corrupt political system infesting his home.

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Pangasauras rated Superman: Red Son #3 May 29, 2021

Superman: Red Son #3

By: Mark Millar, Kilian Plunkett
Released: Aug 27, 2003

The ELSEWORLDS miniseries comes to a shocking conclusion! By the year 2000, Superman's Soviet Union is a crime-free utopia...where the people have no choices, and dissent is not tolerated. How will humanity react to his benevolent dictates?

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Pangasauras rated New Mutants #2 May 29, 2021

New Mutants #2

By: Jonathan Hickman, Rod Reis
Released: Nov 27, 2019

The classic New Mutants (Sunspot, Wolfsbane, Mirage, Karma, Magik, and Cypher) get together with a few new friends (Chamber, Mondo) to seek out their missing member and share the good news... a mission that takes them into space alongside the Starjammers!
Rated T+

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Pangasauras rated Superman: Red Son #2 May 28, 2021

Superman: Red Son #2

By: Mark Millar, Dave Johnson
Released: Jun 11, 2003

Twenty years after the events of last issue, Russia's Superman has become the hero of his country -- and the world -- while Lex Luthor has worked with the CIA to bring him down. Faced with ever-looming threats from within and the rise of a mysterious Batman from the underbelly of Moscow, how much longer will Superman's reign continue? What's hidden...

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Pangasauras rated Marauders #2 May 28, 2021

Marauders #2

By: Gerry Duggan, Matteo Lolli
Released: Nov 20, 2019

The Hellfire Trading Company has control of Mutant trade on the seas... but that doesn't mean its Inner Circle is done stabbing one another in the back. As Captain Pryde and her Marauders sail on, the real cutthroats are back home...
Rated T+

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Pangasauras rated Excalibur #2 May 28, 2021

Excalibur #2

By: Tini Howard, Marcus To
Released: Nov 20, 2019

Betsy Braddock is Captain Britain, but a citizen of Krakoa. With Rogue's condition a mystery, the team heads to the one place that has always been the seat of Excalibur's power - the Lighthouse.
Rated T+

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Pangasauras rated Fallen Angels #1 May 27, 2021

Fallen Angels #1

By: Bryan Edward Hill, Szymon Kudranski
Released: Nov 13, 2019

Psylocke finds herself in this new world of Mutantkind unsure of her place in it... but when a face from her past returns only to be killed, she seeks help from others who feel similar to get vengeance. Cable and X-23 join Kwannon for a personal mission that could jeopardize all Mutantkind!
Rated T+

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Pangasauras rated Superman: Red Son #1 May 27, 2021

Superman: Red Son #1

By: Mark Millar, Jeff Johnson
Released: Apr 30, 2003

The ELSEWORLDS miniseries arrives! When Krypton explodes, the infant Kal-El is rocketed to Earth, where he lands on a Ukrainian farm during the 1950s! How will the Cold War affect the Man of Steel?

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