I haven't read Long Halloween in so long but it's coming up soon. I'm currently trying to get through all of Post-Crisis Batman up to N52.
Year One, Part 1: Who I Am - How I Come to Be
Frank Miller (THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS, Sin City) and David Mazzucchelli (Daredevil) deliver the acclaimed, four-part origin of Batman! Witness Bruce Wayne's transformation into The Dark Knight as he combats his own demons while struggling to topple the corrupt political system infesting his home.
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Just saw The Batman and immediately grabbed my Year One copy as soon as i got home, and I'm once again reminded why this is the best Batman Story ever made. Miller and Mazzucchelli are at the top of the game, is beautifully written and illustrated, the way they portray Gotham is just perfect, you immediately realize what Batman and Gordon are going to have to deal through the years. We see a city that is poisoned in so many layers, journalists, cops, politicians, criminals, the mob, all of them holding Gotham at the palm of their hands to do what they want, while the people suffer.
Seeing Bruce and Gordon perspectives interchanging is just awesome, we see Gordon arriving through the subway, seeing the city so up-close that he wishes he was in the plane with his wife, stating that Gotham would at least look civilized, then we see Bruce arriving in the plane seeing the streets, the concrete skyscrapers and buildings of Gotham, and he wishes he had taken the subway, so that he could be closer to the enemy. Fucking brilliant.
I could talk about every single panel of this issue alone, but I'm already anxious to go to the next issue, who wouldn't be with THAT last page right? more
It's perfect. Miller and Mazzucchelli created the greatest Batman comic of all time.
I haven't read Long Halloween in so long but it's coming up soon. I'm currently trying to get through all of Post-Crisis Batman up to N52.
“Yes father. I shall become a bat.”
Masterclass of storytelling and world-building. Pretty much the definition of a classic.
Ahead of its time
The return of Bruce Wayne and the first days of Jim Gordon at Gotham!
The city revealed to us through the eyes of Gordon, who thinks that is literally in hell.The other protagonist is inexperienced, still learning but has a plan, thus his first night as crimefighter goes terribly wrong and almost got killed.Frank Miller manages to make a contrast between the two heroes and their perspectives and creates one of the most iconic moments of Batman at the end of the issue.
The redefined origin story without repeating the old story but peserving its essential core.
Gordon is on another league and shines above all in this one👌