Lusquinhas's Profile

Joined: Feb 25, 2021

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Lusquinhas rated Descender #1 Feb 25, 2021

Descender #1

By: Jeff Lemire, Dustin Nguyen
Released: Mar 4, 2015

One young robot’s struggle to stay alive in a universe where all androids have been outlawed and bounty hunters lurk on every planet. A rip-roaring and heart-felt cosmic odyssey that pits humanity against machine, and world against world, to create a sprawling space opera from the creators of Trillium, Sweet Tooth, and Little Gotham.

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Lusquinhas rated Super Sons Annual #1 Feb 25, 2021

Super Sons Annual #1

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Paul Pelletier
Released: Nov 29, 2017

"SUPER-PETS UNLEASHED"! The World's Furriest team Krypto and Titus-together at last! Tired of the boys stealing the spotlight, the doggy duo lead the Super Sons on a canine-powered epic!

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Lusquinhas rated Super Sons #16 Feb 25, 2021

Super Sons #16

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Carlo Barberi
Released: May 23, 2018

"END OF INNOCENCE" part two! The epic battle between the Super Sons and Kid Amazo crashes to a close, and Superboy and Robin must decide how to pick up the pieces of the disastrous Amazo Project. The Super Sons face tomorrow in this latest chapter of their journey together!

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Lusquinhas rated Super Sons #15 Feb 25, 2021

Super Sons #15

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Carlo Barberi
Released: Apr 18, 2018

"End of Innocence" Part One! Robin and Superboy have been to hell and back again, but this time their friendship must stand the ultimate test: the Amazo Project! Kid Amazo returns as the pieces of this deadly plan fall into place and reveal a secret that might tear apart Damian and Jon's growing friendship.

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Lusquinhas rated Super Sons #14 Feb 25, 2021

Super Sons #14

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Carlo Barberi
Released: Mar 21, 2018

"MOTHER'S DAY" part two! Talia al Ghul is back in Damian's life, for better and for worse! As the world's deadliest mom forces Robin to make the ultimate choice between his past and future, Superboy finds himself caught in the middle. But the specter of Damian's murderous past life has shaken the bond between the Super Sons, and the body count is f...

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Lusquinhas rated Super Sons #13 Feb 25, 2021

Super Sons #13

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Carlo Barberi
Released: Feb 21, 2018

"Mother's Day" part one! Talia al Ghul returns for her son Damian, whom she trained from birth to be an assassin. With the evil in Robin's past finally revealed to Superboy, it might be too much for the Sons' partnership to survive...especially when the boys find out her next victim is one of the most important people in their lives!

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Lusquinhas rated Super Sons #12 Feb 25, 2021

Super Sons #12

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Jan 17, 2018

"SUPER SONS OF TOMORROW" epilogue! Superboy and Robin must face the repercussions of the events of "Super Sons of Tomorrow" and how the emotional toll will affect their relationships with each other, their parents and the Teen Titans. Meanwhile, the past rears its ugly head to haunt Damian Wayne-in the form of his mother, Talia Al Ghul!  

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Lusquinhas rated Super Sons #11 Feb 25, 2021

Super Sons #11

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Dec 20, 2017

"SUPER SONS OF TOMORROW" part two! The Super Sons are on the run after discovering Superboy's dark destiny. Will Robin be able to protect his friend from the Batman of Tomorrow?

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Lusquinhas rated Super Sons #10 Feb 25, 2021

Super Sons #10

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Brian Ching
Released: Nov 15, 2017

"SECRET HEADQUARTERS"! In the aftermath of "Planet of the Capes," big changes challenge both Damian and Jon, as Superboy revels in his new power and a decision by Batman rocks Robin's world forever. And as promised earlier, the debut of the Super Sons' new secret headquarters!

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Lusquinhas rated Super Sons #9 Feb 25, 2021

Super Sons #9

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Oct 18, 2017

"Planet of the Capes" part four! Superboy and Robin were training to become the next Superman and Batman-but they never signed up to be the saviors of the multiverse! Ready or not, the boys have their work cut out for them as the endless alien armies of Yggardis descend upon our young heroes!

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Lusquinhas rated Super Sons #8 Feb 25, 2021

Super Sons #8

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Sep 20, 2017

"Planet of the Capes" part three! The Super Sons find themselves blasted across the cosmos to a weird world called Yggardis. As Superboy and Robin endeavor to stop this strange place's super-powered factions from killing each other, can a horde of ultra-powerful aliens, some sentient multiversal clay and a showdown with the villain Kraklow stop the...

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Lusquinhas rated Super Sons #7 Feb 25, 2021

Super Sons #7

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Aug 16, 2017

"PLANET OF THE CAPES" part two! Monster maker Kraklow puts Superboy to the test during his first team-up with Damian Wayne's Teen Titans. As wave after wave of Kraklow's wicked creations try to overwhelm the Teen Titans, can Superboy turn the tide in this onslaught of enemies?

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Lusquinhas rated Super Sons #6 Feb 25, 2021

Super Sons #6

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Jul 19, 2017

"Planet of the Capes" part one. ROBIN has a new member of the Teen Titans in mind and it's SUPERBOY! But the Boy of Steel's induction might be short-lived due to an unexpected strike from a group of villains that will send the Super Sons and Teen Titans on their wildest adventure yet! Plus, the first look at the all new Super Sons headquarters!

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Lusquinhas rated Super Sons #5 Feb 25, 2021

Super Sons #5

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Jun 21, 2017

"Battle in the Batcave"! The battle with Kid Amazo leaves Jon and Damian's friendship in ruins as the boys decide their partnership isn't working out! It's a rumble between Superboy and Robin like you've never seen as the boys rage through the house Batman built!  

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Lusquinhas rated Super Sons #4 Feb 25, 2021

Super Sons #4

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Jorge Jimenez
Released: May 17, 2017

"When I Grow Up" part four! As our young heroes struggle to break free of the deadly Kid Amazo's control, they discover the truth behind this young villain's power! But with an army at his command, and his sights set on total domination, the boys will need to put up the fight of their young lives to stop him! Is the key to stopping him not beating ...

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Lusquinhas rated Super Sons #3 Feb 25, 2021

Super Sons #3

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Apr 19, 2017

"When I Grow Up" part three! It's Super-Son vs Bat-Son as the exciting new series continues! Kid Amazo is ready to rip the hearts out of the world's not-so-finest super duo. Face to face with their newest-and first-villain, Jonathan and Damian strike out the only way they know each other!

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Lusquinhas rated Super Sons #2 Feb 25, 2021

Super Sons #2

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Mar 15, 2017

"When I Grow Up" part two! Robin and Superboy - in the clutches of Lex Luthor! The boys are in big trouble! How exactly are they supposed to explain what's happened to Superman and Batman? Plus, Kid Amazo's power grows, and this tyrant in the making is about to make life miserable for the Super Sons!

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Lusquinhas rated Super Sons #1 Feb 25, 2021

Super Sons #1

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Feb 15, 2017

"When I grow up" part one! The sons of Batman and Superman have graduated to their own monthly comic-but if they want to survive, they're going to have to share it! Writer Peter J. Tomasi (BATMAN & ROBIN, SUPERMAN) teams with rising-star artist Jorge Jimenez (EARTH 2) to bring you the adventures of the World's Smallest. This debut issue looks at th...

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Lusquinhas rated Daredevil #227 Feb 25, 2021

Daredevil #227

By: Frank Miller, David Mazzucchelli

Karen Page sells Daredevil's secret identity for drugs. Then, Kingpin buys the name and proceeds to wreck Matt Murdock's life.

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Lusquinhas rated Daredevil #228 Feb 25, 2021

Daredevil #228

By: Frank Miller, David Mazzucchelli

Matt Murdock's life continues to unravel and he decides to confront the Kingpin directly.

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Lusquinhas rated Daredevil #229 Feb 25, 2021

Daredevil #229

By: Frank Miller, David Mazzucchelli

Ben is warned off of investigating a story about Murdock and the Kingpin. A wounded Matt is tended by Sister Maggie.

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Lusquinhas rated Daredevil #230 Feb 25, 2021

Daredevil #230

By: Frank Miller, David Mazzucchelli

While Matt is being nursed back to help by Sister Maggie, he discovers a secret about her that will change their relationship forever! Meanwhile, Kingpin commissions a Daredevil costume...

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Lusquinhas rated Daredevil #231 Feb 25, 2021

Daredevil #231

By: Frank Miller, David Mazzucchelli

Ben begins to expose the Kingpin and accidentally puts his wife in danger in the process. Matt and Karen are finally re-united!

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Lusquinhas rated Daredevil #232 Feb 25, 2021

Daredevil #232

By: Frank Miller, David Mazzucchelli

Matt helps Karen kick her drug habit. Kingpin hires a deranged Super Soldier to go after Daredevil.

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Lusquinhas rated Daredevil #233 Feb 25, 2021

Daredevil #233

By: Frank Miller, David Mazzucchelli

Captain America intervenes in Daredevil's battle with Nuke and finds out that the government has still been using the Super Soldier Program.

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Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again #3

By: Frank Miller

The epic finale to Frank Miller's follow-up to THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS! Prepare for the final showdown between Lex Luthor's dictatorship and Batman's army! Plus, Batman confronts the man who has been dressed as the Joker--and his identity will put the Dark Knight in a fight for his life!

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Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again #2

By: Frank Miller

As Batman and Catgirl break into Lex Luthor's complex, Barry Allen recruits the Elongated Man for a mission in Arkham Asylum. Plus, Superman must face the threat of the coming invasion of Brainiac--but refuses to fight back!

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Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again #1

By: Frank Miller

Three years after the events in THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS, Batman knows the world is nowhere near the perfect little place it pretends to be, and he sees the cracks in the system that have been neatly covered up. It's time to find where all the heroes have gone, and the Dark Knight is the right man for the job.

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Daredevil: Love and War OGN

By: Frank Miller, Bill Sienkiewicz

Frank Miller explores the push and pull nature of Kingpin and Daredevil's relationship. Vanessa Fisk represents all that the Kingpin holds dear; when the woman he loves is in grave danger, Fisk will act savagely to save her. All's fair in Love and War, and for Kingpin the saying’s particularly true!

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Lusquinhas rated Batman #407 Feb 25, 2021

Batman #407

By: Frank Miller, David Mazzucchelli
Released: Apr 29, 1987

Year One, Part 4: Friend in Need
Lt. Gordon has been learning his way on the streets of Gotham almost in-step with Batman and the two finally start to see eye-to-eye in part four of "BATMAN: YEAR ONE". Can Gordon and Batman work together for the greater good of Gotham City?

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