I loved the art as always,and the story is crazy like I like it, I just can't get enough of the darkest Knight.
Capullo´s artwork: 5/5 maybe he delivered us a better panels but in general I dig a lot what he is doing in this comic and some colors looks beautiful. I think you need to judge this comic from two perspectives, one: A part from something bigger, I mean when we have the full story we will see if the whole thing works well or not and, two, as comic book stand alone, it´s perfect, of course not but it´s fun and fits well with book one and two. Some people will criticize that it uses resources used in other stories, but that is clear from the beginning, it all counts. For me is a 4.5/5. I suspect the story will be criticized for making use of nostalgia at certain points,at least for me it works.In the end you are interested in knowing what will happen and I think that is good.
So many great developments in this book! Really excited to see what’s going to happen, not only here, but in some of the tie ins
A lot better than the last issue. The last issue felt like Snyder and capullo doing the works. It was boring, slow, and didn't really do much to advance the plot. In this issue, it picks up the pace and provides some of that action that many fans have been waiting for. It also has a lot of call backs to DC stories that was cool to see
" All right, all right. Not in front of Clark."
My favorite thing about this issue is the self awareness of just how nuts of a concept this book is. It kind of gets close to breaking the 4th wall a couple of times, and as always the incredible art team lead by Capullo keeps it going even when it hams it up.
Dark Nights: Metal feels like a blockbuster movie unraveling before our eyes. There's no time to breathe, because action never stops, even for a moment, and every chapter so far tried to squeeze as much action into its limited number of pages as possible. The event grows - from regular series it's going to expand into several spin-offs and one-off issues. Hopefully the upcoming Guidebook will explain few things to us, as well as properly ground all the characters and shows us how and why they're in particualar places looking particular way, and having a chance to develop. That's something the series so far has been missing - a chance for each main hero to grow, and all of that because the plot has to progress forward super fast. And it's not like I don't like what I see, but as I said, some breething room and development would be more than welcome. more
This one lost me a little. Was just too convenient and sometimes too corny for its own good. Worst issue yet but also sets up some good things moving forward.
Everything is finally coming together,return of superman and much more to look forward. Saved by all the explanations they have given about this bizarre setting
Okay. This has a mix of both good and blah. Overall, I am still liking Death Metal, it is still relevantly fun and high energy, but its starting to wan on me. It has the opposite effect of Marvel's Empyre. With Empyre, things are being dragged way too much. With Death Metal, things are being rushed. And this gives head to some laughable plot armor. Like the " Bat-blocker ". Come on Snyder. I know this event is supposed to be fun and wild, and it is, but it also needs to be grounded in some sense, and with rushed story-telling it fumbles over too many blocks for me to adequately enjoy everything about Death Metal, even though really I want to.
Just having high-stake thrills and big bombastic energy is not enough to make me jump on the Death Metal train. Another thing, if all the heroes were trapped on New Apokolips, AKA the hell of the Multiverse, why are all the JL heroes imprisoned in an air-conditioned room, with their suits on all clumped together? See, pacing things to quickly allows some " wtf? " questions about how we got from point A to point B which is glossed over by Snyder and company.
Snyder does Snyder things with his exposition on the grand plan to take back the multiverse from both BWL and Perpetua, again with some enjoyable quirky banter throughout. Its wrapped up with some hope-inspired cliche WW speech on taking how teamwork makes the dreamwork. Although Snyder left us with an excellent hook at the end, and some killer Lobo moments. We also get to see the Darkest Knight and Robin King jump into action in this issue, as well as seeing Superman and the rest of the JL which was great.
Art by Capullo, again what more can you ask from the guy. His art is perfect for this wild crazy adventure Snyder has amassed, matched with great colors and action scenes. Really liked the Capullo also opted for simple panel design rather than complex or two-paged spreads, so we can take in all of the Metal in relative ease. His fifth dimension art in Issue #3, yeah steller. Anyways, Death Metal is still exciting, but it to have some control to the pacing.
Edit; Read it again. These types of events, I probably just need to second read it. It still has all the problems I mentioned, but it was a more enjoyable read the second time around. more
It is getting worse by each issue. It feels rushed and disorganized. Snyder should remember that the less is more.
Look, i get that the point of this event is to be crazy camp for the sake of it, but a lot of the writing and concepts are just so fucking bad. The whole New Apokolips scene triggered me immensely because Scott Snyder clearly didn't understand Final Crisis and blatantly messed up one of the climaxes of the book (Batman vs Darkseid). The Anti-Life Great Death Drive was stupid as hell, Darkfather is beaten with ease (you would expect a Darkseid/Batman analogue to be unbeatable) and they find their allies on the next page just in time to set up the tie-in series. Robin King is edgelord crap (but the Speed-Force repellent is ridiculous enough to get a chuckle). Lobo's parts were interesting and we finally get some hinting as to why this series is called "Death Metal", as with the first Metal we had the whole dark numbered metals theme, now we have Lex Luthor gathering the 5 death metals to get his revenge of Batkek and Perpetua. Most of this issue was just tie-in setup, and DC even released the checklist with their new titles this week. This event is 24 parts long, and the next few are going to be the deciding factors as to if I still give a shit about any of this overexposed hodgepodge of mundane event-bait. more
This still just doesn't do it for me. It just feels so rushed.
Having the event start after the big battle was a mistake.
Maybe the biggest problem for is that I just don't care. I don't care about BWL. I'm just annoyed by him. Every issue it feels he just becomes more and more powerful and it is getting ridiculous.
Wonder Woman doesn't feel like the main character currently, because this event is still too much connected to Batman. Do we really need to see Batseid for one issue and then never again?
The 7 Dark Knights felt like an horrifying enemy whose backstories were good so Snyder thought it would be better if we had 10 times more Batmen without those backstories.
And again, Bruce is way-too-prepared for everything, now he had a bat-plocker to shield from Darksied blast?
This isn't bad, just boring and otp. And again we are getting 5 different tie-ins and the whole event doesn't feel complete. more
This was a struggle to get through. I had a lot of nitpicks that I won’t bother sharing, but the reason I bring them up is that this comic is so disengaging that I end up thinking about tangents rather than caring about the story. I cared more about Diana’s hair dye than I did about the Batman Who Laughs chasing down three generations of Flash.
You know, Nihilist compared this series to Mastodon. As someone who hates Mastodon, I couldn't agree more. Way too much of this issue is spent expositing and that's because there is no foundation here. It's just like Justice League where everything is just building on pillars of sand and bullshit. And now they're setting up the numerous one-shot tie-ins while never establishing their event's base. This is just mindless. I'm so sick of Scott Snyder's anime-esque storytelling. It's fucking drab. What was the point of the Final Crisis regurgitation besides "fun"? I guess a reference is enough for some, but for me, I just saw it as wasted pages, and ultimately stupid.
I'm ready for The Metal era to be done with.
TBH I stopped reading and just glanced through the pictures, mostly, about 1/3 of the way through. This just seems like a mess.
“Fool me once, strike one. But fool me twice...strike three.” - Michael Scott. Yeah, I should have stopped with the event back when I rolled my eyes upon seeing the last panel of Issue 1. I have this impression that this isn’t Snyder’s story at all–that someone from the top is pushing this down his throat. This just doesn’t feel like the Scott Snyder I grew up admiring back when he wrote the first issue of the New 52 Batman series. However, if it IS Snyder’s story… What happened? Does he only want money out of this with all these new “Batmen” he keeps creating through sheer whim (batman toys)? After all, this is his LAST gig before he opts out of DC. Is he milking as much as he can out of this? Speaking of the various Batmen, I’d argue that even Capullo’s pencils (and panels) are lacking when it comes to drawing these various Bat-thugs, and the entire DC pantheon. Wonder Woman, for example, when she first appeared in this issue, her face looked…off. Heck, this whole series seems off. I was expecting a Wonder-Woman driven story as Scott said but this is more of the same of what METAL was but in doses that would answer this question in affirmation: Is too much of a good thing a bad thing? Yes. Yes, it is. This issue alone proves it. What with all these Batmen and a storyline that a 6-year-old would create with his toys. By far, though, the biggest casualty out of all this mess is Batman’s reputation. This series has turned him into a cliché. I love me some metal, you know, but you can only go so far before it turns into screamo–and I have nothing against screamo–but, yeah, this series is too rich for my comics taste. I’ll pass. This is the opposite of what ‘Doomsday Clock’ was and, far as I’m concerned, DC is what changed DC. Not this…thing. This unholy aberration of a ‘superhero comic.’ I'd pick Geoff's Superman over Snyder's 'Death Metal' version of the character any day of the week. The critics love this series, though, so am I missing something?
For what its worth, if you’re an aspiring inker or colorist–or even a letterer–pick it up. That’s why this is getting a 3, at least. The colors are lush and vibrant and the inks are sharp–and are contrasted nicely to make those colors pop. The lettering is fine, too. more
I am beginning to hate batman