"THE END," Part Three-The bad guy comes into rack focus. I didn't mean anything dirty by that, I mean, like, we learn a lot about him on the eve of the Big Job. That sounds dirty too. It's not. I mean, not really.
Wow, this issue is absolutely exceptional. Read Full Review
We learn more about Badal and some surprising things about Suzie, making it clear that the creators abandoning the bank robbery scenario was the absolute right choice. Read Full Review
Things have escalated to an incredible degree at this stage in the book, and there are only several issues left before it wraps up, but it's clear that Fraction and Zdarsky have only saved their craziest and zaniest story beats for the end. Read Full Review
Weird, complex, and emotionally resonant as ever, Sex Criminals #28 (Fraction, Zdarsky) brings the story to a narrative climax at last! With only two issues to go, the creative team is still firing on all cylinders! Read Full Review
The tightness of his formalism makes the contrast found in the last few pages' craziness work even better, and with the pair still firing on all cylinders, it'll be interesting to see where they go in the final few issues. Read Full Review
If you were determined to read something different I would recommend reading this. Might be best to wait for the trade paperback to come out so you can read all of the story at once though. Read Full Review
This didn’t bother me as much as it did some.
Man, I just find Badal and his plan so boring. I know the humor was intentionally taken out of the book for this super serious final arc, but man would I rather be reading a funny book about sex criminals than about a boring rapist with a boring plan that the main character just spends the entire issue passively reacting to.