After the shocking ending of Infinite Frontier, Justice League Incarnate defends the Multiverse from Darkseid across infinite Earths! Following a devastating defeat at the hands of the one true Darkseid, the Superman of Earth-23 leads a team of superheroes from myriad worlds that includes Flashpoint Batman, China’s Flash from Earth-0, Captain Carrot from Earth-26, and the brand new superhero DR. MULTIVERSE from Earth-8 in a last ditch effort to stop the end of every possible universe as we know it! Written by Joshua Williamson and Dennis Culver with first-issue art by Brandon Peterson and Andrei Berssan and a rotating cast of artists explormore
If you're the kind of comic fan who loves parallel Earth stories, then you won't want to miss Justice League Incarnate #1. The love Williamson and Culver have for DC history exudes from every page. You really shouldn't miss this series. Read Full Review
Peterson, Bressan, and Dinnick all have seamless art, the styles distinct, but not jarring to draw attention away from Williamson and Culver's story. So refreshing to read a story that stands great on it's on two before it hits omnibus slot where it belongs in the pantheon of essential DC history. Read Full Review
Justice League Incarnate steps right up to the forefront as the best Justice League book on the market. This will easily be a title worth following. Read Full Review
Justice League Incarnate #1 kicks off the new mini-series with a bang! Joshua Williamson and Dennis Culver get everyone up to speed and then crank it to eleven. It's a shame that the multiple artists don't all kick-ass here because, besides uneven art, this is an excellent start to the next step in our Infinite Universe. Read Full Review
Justice League Incarnate #1 puts the spotlight on the multiverse-hopping team, introducing new members and giving them a new mission. As a fan of the team, I look forward to the remainder of the series and a potential setup for future issues. Read Full Review
THE DISPATCHEssentially, what will drive the reader's attention throughout JUSTICE LEAGUE INCARNATE #1 is the array of unfamiliar, yet reminiscent characters that provide that hook immediately into the comic. Moreover, its the way Williamson and Culver manage to juggle this extremely large cast of characters giving an excellent blend of interest where its needed without making any character feel left out. Readers, theres practically something for everybody in this comic. Read Full Review
All of the artists delivers some great, dynamic and beautifully detailed art on every page of the issue. Read Full Review
Justice League Incarnate #1 proves to be an unexpectedly fun gem, digging into what makes DC's multiverse so much fun with a sharp eye for detail without wallowing in doom: the endless possibilities. Don't miss this comic! Read Full Review
It's another ride round the multiverse with ‘Justice League Incarnate' #1, and one that lands on a marvellously familiar world. Read Full Review
The last run left us with a lot of unanswered questions, and the tone of this first issue is sometimes a bit too jokey. But Williamson seems to be setting himself up as the architect of the future of the DCU, and this is another promising start to a new chapter. Read Full Review
This debut issue marks the beginning of what will undoubtedly end up giving us a fun, Multiversal romp. Williamson and Culver's script is fun and exciting, and it ends with a pretty gnarly cliffhanger. While the art is by no means the most original or groundbreaking work ever published, it's good, which is about all one can expect for a book that features three different pencilers. Overall, the title is pretty solid. Read Full Review
After the somewhat incomprehensible nature of Infinite Frontier from earlier this year, Justice League Incarnate #1 mercifully simplifies DC's massive multiverse plans by narrowing its focus. Read Full Review
Justice League Incarnate #1 is a strong start thanks to Doctor Multiverse and Avery Ho being well written and relatable. Given they exist in a narrative that spans multiverses, fight an all-out war on the rubble of a fallen city, and encounter many colorful characters, that is saying a lot. Justice League Incarnate gives nearly everything you want from a superhero epic. It's big, bright, and one of the most unique comics experiences out right now. Read Full Review
"Justice League Incarnate" #1 is a very fun, if flawed, first issue in a fascinating, epic story Read Full Review
A Xeen Arrow reference, a shot at Marvel and a brand-new hero make for an exciting opening for a book that I enjoy. I have no idea where or when it takes place, but it's nice. Read Full Review
I just love the very concept of JL Incarnate, the best Justice League in years now (and waiting patiently to take place in a movie, c'mon). And I just loved Infinite Frontier and this first issue for the new limited series. The art is cool sometimes and nothing spectacular in others, but Williamson is proving himself a great writer, providing misteries, action and using DC's Multiverse in all of it's potential. Just curious to see the next issue. And hope JL Incarnate get a monthly series after.
Oh, and let me take a moment to talk about Doctor Multiverse. I was expecting some weird character with a shit story and poor reasons to be un the story, but in the end I liked her. A character with great possibilities, even in a potentia more
It was fun, I like what Joshua Williamson is doing with the team and the art is solid
Brandon Petersen's art is soooooo bad.
Williamson's no Morrison, but he does a pretty decent job nonetheless. No high concepts like in Multiversity, but some great callbacks and entertaining moments. The discount Thanos getting merked by Darkseid while having a giant "snap" effect is hilarious. The return of the Grandmother Box (now grandfather) and Sturmer got me so hyped. Excited for next issue with hopefully better art.
This was great from a story and metatextual point of view, but sadly not from an art perspective. The interior art really lacked detail in a lot of panels. It takes a bit of the lustre off an otherwise fine, serviceable facsimile of Grant Morrison.
Have to be honest, I was disappointed with this. Infinite Frontier had a lot packed into it, but it never felt overstuffed. This does, however. The dialogue here is some of the worst I've seen in a while. The exposition is exhausting. The only reason this issue is only getting a 7 and not something lower is because I've already read the next two issues, and they are worse. So it's on a curved scale.
Pretty mediocre to be honest, but Infinite Frontier started the same way and it got much better so I'm hoping next issues will improve.
P.S.: I definitely disliked the way Williamson chose to poke fun at Thanos, it's really not Marvel's fault that DC hasn't known what to do with Darkseid in a looong time now and that Marvel developed Thanos into the character he is today.
"I am inevitable!"
A decent start with a very uneven art.
This comic reads like a Youtube video on 1.5x speed. Just so much packed into a condensed story. The first few pages are nothing but exposition, and even when the action picks up, it's painfully forgettable.
Multiverse stuff is tricky because at the end of the day, there's a world where everyone wins and a world where everyone dies. This makes it hard to care about either outcome.
This was way too silly for me, fun but silly
After the fun and interesting Infinite Frontier, this Justice League Incarnate was a rushed, jumbled, and inconsistent let down. And really there is no need to have three artists, and it is clearly uncomfortable for the story. If I wanted a "Marvel look," I would read a Marvel comic book, OK? So hopefully after ugly story on Earth-8 and next issue with Demon, maybe by issue 3, we will start to get a coherent plot. Sure hope so. Currently just buying for Thomas Wayne's redemption, and hopes this will get better. We will see. Miss the JSA characters A LOT.