Justice League: Incarnate #2

Writer: Dennis Culver, Joshua Williamson Artist: Andrei Bressan Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 22, 2021 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 25
7.7Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

As Darkseid’s quest leaves a bloody trail across the MultiversE, the Justice League Incarnate ventures to the dark world of horror known as Earth-13. They must enlist the aid of Super-Demon and his League of Shadows against not only Darkseid but also the evil power couple of Asmodel and the Sheeda Queen! While on Earth-11, the Batwoman Who Laughs begins her schemes.

  • 9.0
    DC Comics News - Derek McNeil Jan 3, 2022

    Justice League Incarnate #2 not only moves the main story forward, but provides a loving tribute to the Vertigo Comics era. This series is proving to be a treat with an exciting story peppered with nice surprises pulled from DC's history. I can hardly wait to see what surprises the rest of the series will hold. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Dec 21, 2021

    All of the artist bring some interesting and entertaining visuals to the issue. There are some great visual moments to be found and the adventure is brilliantly captured in the imagery. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Dec 21, 2021

    The stakes are high, the characterization is great, and the series already feels like its in a comfortable and enjoyable groove. With greater stability on the art this could easily be one of DCs top five titles. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Dec 21, 2021

    It's definitely an event comic, but by sending it off to the fringes of the multiverse, it works better as a stand-alone adventure with the best of DC's weirdest corners. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Dec 21, 2021

    Justice League Incarnate #2 immediately drops readers into chaos and then sends its heroes on an adventure only superheroes could endure. It's an adventure that's hard to resist, especially if you've read superhero comics your whole life. If you haven't, you'll likely feel a bit lost and left out, but this series isn't for you! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    But Why Tho? - Collier "CJ" Jennings Dec 21, 2021

    Justice League Incarnate #2 dives deep into the Multiverse, visiting a multitude of worlds and catching up with characters old and new. With the members of Incarnate scattered across the cosmos and unable to stop Darkseid, it remains to be seen if the worlds they're on contain friends or foes. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Dark Knight News - Bryant Lucas Dec 23, 2021

    Final Verdict: You might need to crack out a pencil and paper to take notes, but overall it'll be worth it. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Dec 21, 2021

    Justice League Incarnate #2 continues the fun of the first issue, but Joshua Williamson is not explaining things enough, and some things feel forced because of that. Williamson seems to be having fun playing in his Multiversal sandbox, but an eye-rolling addition to the story makes me wish he would slow things down a bit. The story is big enough without him being such a try-hard. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    The Comicbook Dispatch - Dispatchdcu Dec 21, 2021

    The comic does deserve a fair shake to see if the story can develop. Still, as of right now, I'd say you should pass on JUSTICE LEAGUE: INCARNATE. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicBook.com - Connor Casey Dec 22, 2021

    Justice League Incarnate #2 starts off with a visual feast as the titular group spends some time in the horror-filled Earth-13. Read Full Review

  • 10
    JLD Dec 17, 2021


  • 7.5
    UxasIs Dec 24, 2021

    I LOVED the earth-13 section, especially that beautiful art. Could have been better with a writer who would have executed it better and written better dialogue (e.g. Grant Morrison or Dan Watters) but I really liked that section of the issue nonetheless

    however, there is a very strange character reveal that was supposed to be satire but I just found it be extremely unfunny and lame

    but overall this was a massive improvement to the first issue imo

  • 7.5
    Stormwrath Dec 21, 2021

    It was fun, solid writing, not a huge fan of the art changing everytime

  • 7.5
    REYNARD Dec 21, 2021

    The plot is stale, but enough. The art by Kyle Hotz and Paul Pelletier is great (sorry Bressan). The constant swarm of Morrison OC's thrown at me does a good job at keeping me anesthetized.

  • 7.5
    Danilo Silva Dec 21, 2021

    I like when different artists draws different worlds or story arcs in the same issue, just like in this issue, but the story was very messy.

  • 7.0
    daspidaboy Dec 21, 2021

    It's fine. Not happy seeing BWL again though.

  • 6.5
    Bats20832 Dec 23, 2021

    I really want to like this series, and I will keep following it. I am hoping we get something more engaging and interesting in an issue or two. The shame of it is that Justice League Incarnate is a GREAT IDEA. I like the idea a LOT. I am not sure that Josh Williamson can deliver on the idea, and I also think we are seeing Dennis Culver as the LEAD writer on this issue, NOT Williamson. Hmmmm. I continue to follow, because I like to see where it is taking Thomas Wayne. That is the hook for me. I think Justice League Incarnate will keep going for people who have different "hooks" (characters they want to see more of): Superman Calvin Ellis, Batman Thomas Wayne, etc. Definitely **NOT** "the Batwoman who laughs" (UGH)... let us hope she got bl more

  • 6.5
    Hellblazer Dec 22, 2021

    It nice that DC is exploring its multiverse and giving some limelight to lesser known characters but this issue was quite messy and the writing poor. The Batwoman Who Laughs was simply a lazy creation.

  • 6.5
    Merlyn Dec 21, 2021

    The Batwoman who Laughs? Really? Yeah, other than the fact that he found a really good voice for Thomas Wayne, everything else here was bad, like really bad. If next issue won't improve, I feel like this will turn out to be a failure from Williamson.

    + LikeComments (2)
  • 5.5
    Psycamorean Jan 12, 2022

    I really liked Kyle Hotz's art. And I liked seeing superhero Hellblazer again... Aside from that, this is really not good. The exposition and dialogue is just atrocious. I really don't understand what happened here. Infinite Frontier perhaps dealt with even more expansive lore, but wasn't so stilted. Was this written in a hurry to fit in Batman or something? I'm really lost for what happened.

  • 5.0
    Zazikarion Dec 22, 2021

    It just feels like Williamson’s just throwing random shit at the wall and seeing what sticks. Not to mention I’m really not liking this team.

  • 2.5
    Batman Jones Dec 21, 2021

    What a paint-by-numbers nothing. Empty costumes trading tired tropes. This writer cannot be the architect of the new DCU. He’s too stuck in the past. You have to go back to the silver age to find such unsophisticated plotting and dialogue but the silver age was also whimsical and delightfully weird, This series, not unlike it’s predecessor, is not. It somehow manages to keep everything that makes those classic comics unreadable anymore while chucking everything that was cause for nostalgia In the first place. This issue was bad. It’s not that Williamson can’t do anything right—books like Robin are swell. But he shouldn’t be in charge of anything that requires real imagination, his is too dull.

  • 10
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  • 10
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