Silver Surfer #1
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Silver Surfer #1

Writer: Dan Slott Artist: Mike Allred Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 20, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 19 User Reviews: 27
8.4Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

"Fantastic Planet"
The Surfer has taken Dawn Greenwood to the end of the universe, and now he's going to show her the most fantastic planet of them all: Earth! It's your homeworld like you've never seen it before: with monsters, magic and...a secret that will change everything! The perfect jumping-on point for the book everyone's talking about!

  • 10
    All-Comic - Dan Leicht Jan 22, 2016

    Dan Slott and Michael Allred make a strong return to the pages of Silver Surfer. This issue #1 shows they've spent their time away from the character coming up with even more creative stories to showcase the power cosmic. The artwork by Michael and colors by Laura are spot on just as they were before. The story by Slott sets us up for another wild ride through space. And we get introduced to a brand new holiday – Happy New-Hallow-Givings-Birth-Mas! Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comicsverse - Chris Galvin Jan 20, 2016

    It really feels like the creative team on this book are just let off the leash to let their creativity flow. This issue is clever, fun, and will give any reader a smile that will stay with them for a while. You couldn't want more than that, could you? Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge Jan 21, 2016

    This new debut is the best kind of entry point into the series for new readers, yet familiar enough to keep readers who have been around since the first #1 satisfied. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Jessica Boyd Jan 20, 2016

    You'd have to be a very jaded reader to not succumb to the joy and fun that flows constantly through this issue. From the very first pages action, adventure and joy fill the Surfer's world. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Jan 23, 2016

    Silver Surfer is a ton of fun, and I'm excited to see what this rejuvenated series has in store! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jan 24, 2016

    An excellent first issue of an excellent ongoing, which is not a paradox at all… Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Pop Break - Alisha Weinberger Feb 6, 2016

    There is however only one complaint. Slapping a #1 on the cover for the sake of relaunching may confuse new readers as Silver Surfer #1 picks up almost immediately where Slott and Allreds fantastical run left off. Yet in a company wide frenzy for relaunches and creating continuity between Marvels cinematic and comic universe, readers should take comfort in knowing there are still titles focused on creating innovative interpretations of beloved characters. With the announcement of some new movie or Netflix adaptation seemingly every month, not all titles are focused on capitalizing off a cinematic fan base by maturing and dramatizing in-print characters to match their live-action counterparts. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Geeked Out Nation - Grant Raycroft Jan 21, 2016

    Silver Surfer #1 is a fantastically mellow comic for the overly hyped All-New All-Different Marvel line up. Zigging where most of its contemporaries zag, Slott ditches the hectic life of the Amazing Spider-Man for a family getting together and watching the Wizard of Oz while the Allreds churn out fantastic after fantastic idea with a great sense of care free adventure. It's definitely the greater book for your buck. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    We The Nerdy - Josh McCullough Jan 19, 2016

    Overall, for a long time fan, Silver Surfer #1 feels like meeting up with an old friend, and having a blast catching up on how things have been going. The issue is accessible enough that new readers can jump on, and if you haven't already I highly recommend you do, but any long time fans can rest assured. Silver Surfer is every bit as brilliant as it ever was, and it shows no signs of slowing down. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Multiversity Comics - James Johnston Jan 22, 2016

    It exceeded my expectations by being a fun book that fully believes in itself and the attitude its projecting. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Entertainment Fuse - Jim Bush Jan 25, 2016

    Overall, Silver Surfer #1 is good barometer of what the Slott-Allred issues are like. It establishes the tone and cleverness that have been the hallmarks of their issues while also keeping a light touch. The issue doesnt feel repetitive for readers of the last series, though, because we get to see Dawn and The Surfer return to Earth. I think this series can appeal to a wide range of comic book readers, and Silver Surfer #1 is a great time to begin if you havent read previous issues. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jan 21, 2016

    With the creative team staying the same, it should come as no surprise that the new volume of Silver Surfer is every bit as fun and entertaining as the last one. This issue offers a clean gateway into the franchise and a great showcase for Mike and Laura Allred's art. The story misses some opportunity when it comes to fleshing out the title character, but it's still an enjoyable read. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - Russ Whiting Jan 20, 2016

    Though a bit subdued in this first issue, overall there's only one thing to do: thank Marvel for getting the crew back together and letting us savor more of that sweet Slott and the Allreds Silver Surfer flavor. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Marykate Jasper Jan 20, 2016

    In a market with more and more humorous comics, "Silver Surfer" #1 never feels like it's trying too hard or showing off. Its joy and creativity feel effortless, and that's quite inviting. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Jan 23, 2016

    "Silver Surfer" launches with a fun read. The comic book lets the reader get to know Surfer and his human friend, Dawn, while stopping a couple of bad guys here and there. The supporting cast, Dawn's family, also gets an introduction as the plot begins to unfold. The comic's story is a fairly simple one as an alien force is sucking the culture off of Earth. The book has a couple of unique surprises to make the comic memorable. The artwork contributes a creative and colorful presentation that rounds out the read. Overall, this is a good comic in what looks to be a good series. I'd give this comic a try. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi Feb 24, 2016

    This is a great issue for new readers, even though it picks up exactly where the last volume ended. I’m stoked that Silver Surfer is back, and I can’t wait to see how he and Dawn (and a character featured in the last three pages) deal with the aliens running about. Aliens that steal culture? That’s so insanely clever that I can barely believe it. They’re stealing artwork and music! This can either end pretty well or horribly, horribly wrong. I definitely recommend sticking around to see what happens. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Graphic Policy - Brett Jan 19, 2016

    For fans of the previous volume, little has changed. This first issue picks up where things left off with the same characters, similar status, and same look. This isn't All-New, All-Different, it's a continuation of what's come before. And that's quite ok as that worked really well. For those who missed the previous volume, this is a solid jumping on point. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Jan 19, 2016

    Readers who have enjoyed Slott and Allred's run on Silver Surfer will likely still be on board, while critics and naysayers will likely only warm up to Slott's central conceit a little before moving along elsewhere. But with this run, that also feels a bit like Slott and Allred's prerogative - to belabor a point, Amazing Spider-Man might be for the fans, but Silver Surfer feels like a labor of love for the creators themselves. Only time - and sales - will tell if readers will join the festivities. Read Full Review

  • 5.2
    Comic Watch - Matt Meyer Dec 17, 2018

    Well-intended but ultimately disconnected and scattershot, this issue has easily been the weakest of Marvel'sBest Defense miniseries of one-shots. Although the art occasionally shines, that alone isn't enough to get this entry up to snuff. Recommended for completists only. Read Full Review

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