THE HOME FRONT! Frank Castle is back in New York, but being labeled an international terrorist has made it an inhospitable homecoming. One man who is certainly not happy Frank's back: NYC's new mayor, Wilson Fisk, the "former" Kingpin of Crime. And Baron Zemo's not done with Frank yet...
Parental Advisory
It's everything a good Punisher comic book should be"profound, violent, and ridiculous, all at once. Read Full Review
Overall, this really was a great issue of the Punisher. It fits nicely into the storyline and serves to move it forward as well as introduce a few new characters to the mix. The added bonus of a message whether you agree with it or not is just icing on the cake. There was a time when all comics were told with this subtle hand and comics as a whole were better for it. Read Full Review
Moody, atmospheric, violent and surprisingly funny in places, this is an intriguing start to a new story arc for Frank Castle. Rosenberg crams a fair amount into this issue and the sense of things already beginning to escalate is palpable by the book's end. That ending, borderline bonkers in its boldness, might not be to everyone's taste, but this book is not going to be boring anytime soon. Read Full Review
Amidst the impending X-launches, Conan spotlights, Avengers love and the still-smoldering ashes of War of the Realms, Punisher is a book that feels like it should get more attention. The scope of its ongoing arc is quite big and there's a lot to like for casual fans and diehard fans alike. Read Full Review
"War on the Streets" heats up, and the odds are stacked against the Punisher - and with a fan-favorite set of characters poised to make their big comeback next issue, what more could a fan ask for? Read Full Review
Zemo was born better than this. Read Full Review
This in The Punisher at its best. Great to see Fisk again and this is definitely one of the top, if not the top, in an amazing series. The point about why the police should not be displaying the Punisher logo was also really well done.
Punish me, daddy.
This is so good, man.
I'll say this one, we're not the same. You took the oath to uphold the law. I help people. I gave all that up a long time ago. You dont go what i do. Nobody does you boys need rôle model ? His name is captain américa, and he'd be happy to have you. "
Punisher's return to New York starts unfolding much to my liking: He's conducting a dirty gutter-level war against Hydra stragglers while Zemo and Fisk combine to launch supervillains and military troops against him. There's still plenty of storytelling here that I find fault with, but the plot is holding my interest much better than the last arc. Plus, that scolding of pro-Punisher cops is very welcome.