Welcome to Detective TV, starring Angel and his co-star -- Cordelia!
But wait, Angel isn't just a celebrity? No, he leads a double life... as a real monster hunter for Angel Investigations! Sometimes this double life can get his friends in trouble. As Wesley is recovering from a horrific curse, Angel stumbles into a series of supernatural events, and finds himself sucked into an unexpected and mysterious world.
He soon faces a terrifying enemy, who sees him as an intruder...
Angel #1 pulls off an incredibly nifty trick in balancing a refreshing new look at fan-favorite characters with characterization that is 100% spot-on. If you're a fan of the show, don't miss out on this! Read Full Review
I am excited with how malleable this comic is showing the Angel mythos to be. And although the "multiverse" is becoming a common trend I am always up for another trip to prove what is possible. However, a 5 issue run raises the same problem Angel and Cordelia argue about in this issue. With only so much time to tell a story, who is the star? I mean the show (and comic) is called Angel. Read Full Review
I am excited with how malleable this comic is showing the Angel mythos to be. And although the “multiverse” is becoming a common trend I am always up for another trip to prove what is possible. However, a 5 issue run raises the same problem Angel and Cordelia argue about in this issue. With only so much time to tell a story, who is the star? I mean the show (and comic) is called Angel. Read Full Review
A solid start from everyone involved. This is an engaging, entertaining, and exciting read from the opening panel to the last page spread. A treat for long time fans of Angel and new readers, just getting in on the Vampire with a Soul act. Read Full Review
Despite these strengths, I feel that the comics narrative is hurried the different stories and sequences of events in issue #1 can be a bit hard to follow. For new fans of the Angel comic series, it may take some time before you are able to piece together what is happening. Read Full Review
"Angel" #1 is a confident opener to the new era of a franchise that has room to grow in terms of tone. Read Full Review
It feels a bit like the issue throws readers into the middle of an ongoing series, and the lack of familiarity with these particular versions of the characters makes it hard to feel invested when apparent tragedy strikes. But there are hints at multiverse madness afoot, and while the story may not fully get readers to invest emotionally, it'll likely have them curious enough to want to see what happens next. Read Full Review
The reimagined Buffyverse continues in a new series for Angel who is now a TV detective with Cordelia while his friends continue to fight monsters and things that go bump in the night in his absence. Read Full Review
I may have said this before (thats a lie, I have definitely said this before), but I am a tad sick of alternative universes. As a one off, they are fine, but as it stands every publisher is doing it. When did it become norm to change everything in an effort keep things fresh? Has storytelling ideas, building on existing themes with new aspect become so difficult that it is now easier to start over regardless? Back to Angel, for fans of a lot the aspects of the TV show, you may be disappointed with some of the changes, though some do say that a change is as good as a rest. I will leave that last thought there to linger. Read Full Review
So, I read this and the next issue back-to-back, and I will try to keep that from altering my initial thoughts on this first issue. Overall, I liked it. I'm a super big fan of the Angel television series, I must've rewatched it 10 times over because I'm nothing if not a mid-2000s goth chick. The last attempt by Boom to create an Angel comic soured me a little bit. With this series being premium-priced for whatever reason, I was very reluctant to try it out, but I have enjoyed Chris Cantwell's work over at Marvel, so I gave this a shot. It's... weird. And the fact that it mostly lands despite the insanity inside this issue is a testament to Cantwell's ability if anything. I don't know if I'm cool with this direction though. It's just wacky amore