Angel #2

Writer: Christopher Cantwell Artist: Daniel Bayliss Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: February 16, 2022 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 2
6.0Critic Rating
5.0User Rating

Things aren't looking good for everyone's favorite Vampire With A Soul... or his friends.
Angel finds himself trapped in the Spirit House, struggling to survive.
Lorne and Andrew have to deal with a fan favorite's interdimensional arrival... and whether to reveal it to Angel.
Oh, and Wesley tries his best to get used to life as a zombie.

  • 6.0 - Jamie Lovett Feb 16, 2022

    Even as is, it isn't a terrible diversion for Angel fans, but it doesn't transcend that as its purpose. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Psycamorean Feb 19, 2022

    While I was mostly positive, if conflicted, on last issue, this issue really started to scratch at the cynical side of me. This felt like way too much was shoved into it. And yet, at the same time, not that much happens in this issue. I liked the callbacks to the series, sure, but I need less filler and more meat on this bone, if you want me to let go of my preconceptions about these characters. I hate to be one of that type of fan that rejects any variation on something I enjoy, and I do my best to come in with an open mind, but I can feel the grab-bag nature of some of the references and callbacks. Maybe I'm wrong and Cantwell has this all planned out perfectly and it'll all come together, but I'm really concerned about that not being the more

  • 3.0
    John Pomoli May 5, 2023

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