Kraven is all about the art of hunting. He hates the rich "hunters" that don't actually hunt or respect the animals, but rather just kill them. He's not PETA, or anything close to that.
• The biggest AMAZING SPIDER-MAN story of the year starts next month, so don't miss this prologue!
• The Kraven thread gets woven into Spider-Man's life in a terrifying way that puts Spidey on the road to ruin!
Rated T
Ryan Ottley and Alberto Albuquerque have amazingly detailed art throughout the issue and every page is filled with emotion. The way Kraven is depicted is perfect. Read Full Review
Setting up an event story is a careful process. You can't give the reader all the details; you have to leave them guessing. Nick Spencer understands this process to a tee. And Ryan Ottley's artwork works in tandem with Spencer's storytelling to keep things moving smoothly. Read Full Review
A proper set up for the event that develops the story and characters nicely, although is confused on what the villain wants Read Full Review
A solid start to a story that I hope will live up to the hype. It’s not without its flaws, but I think anyone who picks this up will be satisfied and on board for the next issue. Decent artwork, elevating colors, and an excellent setting for Spidey make me excited for what’s to come. Check it out. Read Full Review
This is a great setup issue preparing readers for a major move by Kraven and Arcade. What this story means for Spider-Man's rogues gallery is huge, and should not be missed by any Spider-Man fan. Read Full Review
Amazing Spider-Man #16 shows that better days lie ahead for Kraven the Hunter. Read Full Review
Peter Parker/Spider-Man take a backseat but return to the front in an uneven backup story. At the end, fans of Kraven can take heart that he might be getting the story he's deserving. Good enough to grab this issue. Read Full Review
Two strong artists and an interesting story direction make this issue a great jumping-on point. There's a lot of setup here, but Nick Spencer's track record proves that we'll be better off for it in the long-run. Read Full Review
This is only my second Amazing Spidey comic since Spencer took over. I'll keep an open mind but my interest is already waning. Read Full Review
The majority of this issue serves as the prelude to the latest book featuring Kraven on a massive hunt, and it's shaping up to be quite the event. Read Full Review
'Hunted' starts off on the wrong foot, offering an opening that would have been better off closing, in spite of the always stellar art team. Read Full Review
Much has been made of Nick Spencer's encyclopedic reading of the entirety of Peter Parker's adventures to get ready for his run on Amazing Spider-Man, but with this latest prelude to his Kraven-centric "Hunter" arc, one can't help but wonder if the emphasis on the soap operatics surrounding Spidey's supporting cast haven't slowed this series to a crawl. Read Full Review
If you're brand new to the Amazing Spider-Man title the amount of recap Nick Spencer does each issue might be appealing, but it does nothing for me besides recap things I know or have already read, taking up space that could be used to make things fresh again … this is the Fresh Start Spider-Man after all. Ottley returns for some of the art duties here, and he was sorely missed, but overall this title does nothing to make me want to invest in the .HU tie-ins, and my excitement for Kraven's return has now passed after seeing his plan for a Grand Hunt already being spread thin. Read Full Review
Despite some high-minded ideas,Amazing Spider-Man #16 falls short of its ambitious goals. It may be a crucial lead-in for "Hunted," but as a comic unto itself, it just doesn't hold together. Read Full Review
Really good set up issue. I would've been less happy with it if Spider-Man wasn't in it at all. The Kraven stuff was interesting and necessary, but I'm here for Spider-Man most of all. Luckily, he does get a story and a very good one at that. This is all looking to be something crazy and I'm actually really excited for it.
Great set up. Spencer proves he's fit for ASM. His take on Craven is both heartbreaking and hilarious. I love his use of Black Ant and Taskmaster!! Ryan Ottley, Rathburn and Martin cannot be praised enough!!
Great Start.
Okay I am a sucker for the most dangerous game stories and I am so excited for all the villains to go wild.
Great setup, loved both stories and I am very excited for this storyline. Lots of stuff happening, and I am very much on board with it.
A Kraven-centric episode reveals most of his plans, though nuances and some relationships between the moving parts are still deliciously ambiguous. He's gonna unleash wannabe hunters on animal-themed supervillains, and it's all but stated at this point that the fun's gonna happen right in Fun City. This issue builds anticipation for a memorable story quite well.
This was good. I'm really looking forward to this story. I will say this though. Im no artist or anything but, ottley and Ramos are both not my style and I feel like ottley really didnt fit the tone oxf this issue. It could have been a lot more impactfuland menacing if the artist was not as hokey.
I'm interested. I like Kraven and this is something new, not just "Kraven's Last Hunt 3.0". Art is great as always. I'm not superhyped, but interested enough.
-We're finally going somewhere with Kraven. Finally!
-I thought that that scene with the hunter played out in a nice and unexpected way.
-I thought the storyline with Kraven and his "son" was really good.
-I really like where this Hunted storyline is going.
-That last page for the main story was great.
-I mean, we get more Taskmaster + Black Ant. That's great. Is it too much to ask for them to star in an ongoing series together?
-The end of the backup story made me excited for next issue.
-Overall, this felt worth the extra dollar.
-Ryan Ottley's art was really dragging this issue.
-The art for th more
I was so baffled by the plot of Kraven coming back to life and making 87 Benjamin Button clone sons of himself and his weird PETA/but also hunter idealogies. There was so much story in this one issue and yet I don't feel fulfilled or excited for the future issues.