The best new #1 comic of the year so far, Barbaric #1 is a perfect debut issue, a subversive romp with a hilarious and entertaining concept put on top layers of relatable conflict and philosophy. Dont miss this book. Read Full Review
Graphic Policy - Brett
Jun 30, 2021
Barabric #1 is a hell of a start that sets things up nicely. By the end, we know the mission, we know the tone, and we know “the rules”. There's an underlying intelligence in all of that's unexpected and makes this stand out. This is a comic for people looking for something a little smarter than your average hack and slash. Read Full Review
Barbaric #1 is the best new comic of 2021 and a must-read for all fans of fantasy and action comics. Even if you do not fancy yourself a fan of those comics where wild warriors in impractical armor run amok, there is much in this series and its defiance of genre expectations to win you over. For the rest of us, there's a sarcastic talking axe who literally thirst for blood and gets drunk on it. Truly a comic with something for everybody! Read Full Review
It's always great to see a comic living up to its impressive hype, but in all honesty, I think BARBARIC may have actually exceeded it. From the legitimate belly laugh on page five to the air-punching violence throughout to the the eyebrow-raising final page, this is a perfect example of exactly why I read comics. To be entertained. And if entertainment is what you're after, I really can't recommend this series highly enough. Read Full Review
Lotusland Comics - Hank Rea
Jun 29, 2021
Our early look at 'Barbaric' made it clear it was one of 2021's best new series. The hype as they say is real. This stunning debut blends adventurous fun fantasy elements with artistry that elevates it to the top of the medium. 'Barbaric' is irresistibly fun. This will be your new comic book obsession. Read Full Review
To describe this comic I would say Gladiator meets Witcher meets Venom on a Game of Thrones scale. The story is layered and very intriguing while the main character has a troubled soul while surrounded in mystery and he has a talking, blood drunk axe who is hilarious. I urge people not to sleep on this comic, If you like action, fantasy and graphic comics then you will like this. Read Full Review
Barbaric #1 from Vault Comics, writer Michael Moreci and Nathan Gooden is a great new comic that parodies the sword and sorcery genre as savagely as Conan cracks skulls and a great first issue. A new twist on a well-worn genre, but done with affection and a knowing wink to the readership. Read Full Review
Furious and funny, this story is pulpy yet epic, grizzled yet jovial, and we just don't want more. Read Full Review
'Barbaric' is full of bloody, balls-to-the-wall action and a surprising level of character development. This first issue both embraces and deconstructs sword and sorcery stories in a way that may surprise you. Read Full Review
Thankfully, Barbaric #1, from writer Michael Moreci and artist Nathan Gooden at publisher Vault Comics, recognizes that repeating the past is a surefire recipe for mediocrity and provides the first exciting new sword & sorcery series to hit comic book stores in many years. Read Full Review
I flat out love Barbaric. I almost want to say we get too much material in this issue but it's designed to lay out the basics and get us on our journey – and I think it does it without the need for future flashbacks to expand on it more. We'll need to know the witches intent in doing this to Owen but that can all come from going forward and I'm hopeful that's the path so we can simply join Owen on his journey. And I really hope Moreci has a lot planned for this because Owen is a really great character from the get-go, as is his axe, and our first blush look at the new witch at the end is going to raise interest all the more. It's a great read with fantastic artwork that has me excited for this in a huge way. Read Full Review
The opening salvo in Barbaric #1 is brutal, amusing and exciting. It is unabashedly designed to appeal to the most basic instincts of the reader - ribald humor, naked flesh, astounding violence and just a keen awareness that the issue exists to ensure the reader has a heck of a good time. If you're not all in on Barbaric #1, you're missing out! Read Full Review
I normally recommend the D&D books that IDW Publishing puts out but this might be the new book to recommend to people who are looking for something different and enjoyable. Barbaric #1 totally lives up to its name (but in a good way) and delivers the bloody ass-kickings youd want from a hard-R fantasy story. A man and his talking axe make for a fine story. Personally, I'd buy this issue and continue on from there. Read Full Review
Barbaric isn't a comic for everyone due to its over-the-top violence, but it's definitely a worthwhile read for those who have the stomach for it - or just like strong satire. Don't be shy, check it out now at your local comic store! Read Full Review