"Death of the Speed Force" continues! The Speed Force is collapsing, and its destructor is here...to save the day?! The Strength, Sage and Still forces have placed a dangerous strain on the force that empowers the DC Universe's super-speedsters, and the Flash is about to face the impossible choice of saving his friends' lives or losing his powers forever!
In the Flash #77, we see Williamson skillfully juggling two storylines, moving the plot forward for both. Barry's clearly about to be put through the wringer, facing one crisis while another is brewing. I've Williamson's work on The Flash, but he has brought the title to a whole new level. Read Full Review
This story, and particularly this issue, has been what this book has been needing for quite a while. Williamson had the makings of a classic Flash story with the introduction of the new Forces, and then he put it on the backburner to tell other stories. Now that hes back on track, this book has become a cant-miss read again. If youre looking for a good time to start reading the Flash, or the perfect time to jump back on, this is the story you have been waiting for. Read Full Review
The storyline is called "The Death of the Speed Force," so it's anyone's guess. We will find out soon though I'm sure. Right now, I'm just enjoying the ride. Read Full Review
The Flash is ironically always one of the fastest reads every other week. Williamson packs so much into the story, but almost always ends an issue with that ideal cliffhanger to keep me anxious and ready for the next issue without dragging the story out. Hopefully the new gig on Batman/Superman won't eventually end his run on one of DC's most consistent titles. Read Full Review
Overall, though, Barry's getting the team back together and it's one of the more entertaining arcs of the series. Read Full Review
Rafa Sandoval always brings quality work to the art and this issue is no exception. The depiction of Flash in motion is always dynamic and adding other speedsters only enhances the beauty of the visuals. Read Full Review
Although it's a pleasure to see this story finally moving forward again, writer Josh Williamson's predictable characterization robs the reader of any meaningful surprises that could have been elicited. Over all, not a bad comic, with solid art from Rafa Sandoval - just one that needs a plot that relies less on things the reader has seen before from this writer. Read Full Review
Some gorgeous art and interesting interactions take place in this issue which carries the book for another issue. That said, not a whole lot happens in this book and it deserves some criticism for that. However, I cannot say that you should skip this issue at all. So, the book is still in a good place for now and I'm looking forward to the next issue. Not a whole lot else to say about it. Read Full Review
The Flash #77 is a drag. Read Full Review
"I'm her assassin. And mother nature demands vengeance."
"Mu dahw!"
This comic book is good again!
I'm so happy.
So we have Captain Old, Ninja Heat Wave, whose next for these weird and wacky designs? Oh and Barry's in this too.
The Good:
Always like tying past arcs together and we've got a taste of it here.
Sandoval really does Speedster art well and it shows here.
The Bad:
Year. Of. The. Villain. God, it's just clickbaiting covers for only a page or two that could have been used on much better things.
Yay, we have Avery and Wallace in this story! Oh wait, they just got written out of the story. Damnit.
Willamson finally puts some direction into the Flash but I fear it took too long. My usual grips with YotV are here too but I hope Williamson can step up on more
I don't dislike Williamson run but it's been a while since I was really amazed by it. Everything is kinda meh. Even Sandoval who was incredible on GL is just good.
The Black Flash was cool, and I like the use of Avery Ho and Wally, but the issue still functions as setup for the "clash between the forces" that we'll see in the coming books.
I did really enjoy the Weather Wizard scene, and would've never expected his new gimmick to be related to climate change and ecological damage to the Earth.
Force quest still sucks
I don't care about the other forces. More rogues please.