"THE END," Part Five
Original Series Artist CHIP ZDARSKY returns for our FINAL ISSUE except for the one issue that comes next that's like a coda or reprise or something classy like whatever the WICDIV guys called it.
This issue is as good as I hoped the end would be, and while it doesn't feel like the ending that was planned, in some ways, that makes it even more appropriate. Read Full Review
Nothing has shown how emotionally resonant and unabashedly weird comics can be quite like Sex Criminals, and that was true through the very end. Read Full Review
Sex Criminals #30 moves into deep philosophical territory for its penultimate issue, delivering a unique and moving reading experience like no other. This is a series that deserves to be talked about and studied for years to come. Read Full Review
Chip Zdarsky's art showcases both the beauty and bleak that is the Quiet. Shadows on the wall, scattered pictures. All Suzie's memories are darker as if to say no matter how good they are, they can only provide so much light. Meanwhile, Suzie is highlighted in a pink luminous light. Here she is presented as both material and immaterial, she has to choose what she wants. All her yesterdays or a tomorrow. Read Full Review
Sex Criminals #30 holds the weight of the previous 29 issues, and on one hand does it well, and on another disappoints. The fact that this isnt the actual finale is a sneaky strength, and sets up issue 69 by tidying up the series plot. Read Full Review