maybe comic book standards got lower
The world has changed, Dcotor Doom is Sorcerer Supreme, but he has no plans to spend his time like his predecessor... Each year, Doctor Strange would use every ounce of his power and experience to save the world from an evil god and his scions. This year, Doom is delegating this task to... SPIDER-MAN?! The leader of Latveria has given Spider-Man a new, magic-powered suit and EIGHT EXTRA LIVES with which to save the world?! True Believer, they won't be enough...
Rated T
If you haven't been reading Amazing Spider-Man, this is the perfect time to start. If you have been reading it, be prepared for it to feel like coming home for the first time in a while. With great artwork and a solid story, this is one to watch. Read Full Review
Doctor Doom tricked Doctor Strange into giving up the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme. In Amazing Spider-Man #61, Doom manipulates Spider-Man into defending Earth in a cosmic contest. If he survives, perhaps Peter Parker will learn why Doom picked him over all of Earths mightiest heroes. But first, a man who cant safely deliver a Rick Jones record to his girlfriend must defeat eight demigods. Read Full Review
Doom enlists Spider-Man as his champion, tasking him with battling an ancient god and its seven scions to protect Earth from supernatural threats. At first, Spider-Man flat-out refuses. But he quickly learns he has little choice, as Doom has already put his plan in motion. Armed with magical armor and an assortment of enchanted tools, Spider-Man has no choice but to face this otherworldly challenge. Read Full Review
This issue is easily the best issue of Spider-Man in recent memory and is an incredible first step forward for the series overall. It's a bold story that's hit the ground running from the start and it's an issue that's a MUST READ for not only Spider-Man fans but all comic book fans. Considering where this story could be going, it's going to have massive ramifications for the entire Marvel universe. Read Full Review
This is a winning opening issue to the story arc, as the art is fun and matches the fun vibe of the dialogue and pace. Amazing Spider-Man #61 is a refreshing, action-packed ride that embraces both the humor and high-stakes drama that fans love about Spider-Man. With Joe Kelly's witty, fast-paced dialogue, Spider-Man's personality shines through, offering levity even as he faces off against a new wave of supernatural threats. Read Full Review
Mild plot hole aside in Doom's choice of champion to go up against these mega-powerful demons,Amazing Spider-Man #61 is that rare comic that lives up to the hype by putting our hero in less-than-familiar circumstances, threading the needle in such a way that it still feels like one of their token stories throughout. If this issue is any indication, "The 8 Deaths of Spider-Man" is going to be a real treat from start to finish. Read Full Review
I absolutely love McGuinness art in this issue. Not only are the character designs fantastic, but the action is visually stunning and impressive. Read Full Review
There are fantastic art and narrative choices made in this issue, but it is not quite enough to stop me from worrying about the future of this arc. Read Full Review
Amazing Spider-Man #61 begins a new arc with a new creative team by naming Spider-Man as Dr. Doom's champion to fight and die to protect the Earth, over and over again. Joe Kelly does his level best to turn a predictable concept into a meaningful story, but the entire issue barely rises above mediocre. If nothing else, Ed McGuinness and Mike Farmer's art looks great. Read Full Review
Amazing Spider-Man #61 got "The 8 Deaths of Spider-Man story off to a rough start. Going back into the well of the typical Peter Parker presentation kept this story parked for much longer than it should have. It wasn't until the second half of the issue that the story finally started to get going. Now that we got all the set-up out of the way hopefully it is all up from here for the "The 8 Deaths of Spider-Man story arc. Read Full Review
Spider-man has a normal day where he must stop a new villain called Burnout and leaves his family and friends waiting for him, however something different happens, the appearance of Doctor Doom as the Sorcerer Supreme who offers him a job that Spidey rejects.
Suddenly New York is attacked by Cyntros, one of the Covenant of Cyttorak, who had long ago made a deal with Doctor Strange, that every cycle of Cyttorak the Planet Earth must present its Champion who has to fight against the Eight Scions of Cyttorak. Doctor Strange fulfilled this task for a long time, but now it is Doctor Doom's turn, but he prefers to give it to Spider-man because he does not have time for this.
Doctor Doom appears and offers Spider-ma more
Art: 4/5
Story: 3.5/5
Total: 7.5/10
It’s nice to have unique looking faces again.
This feels like it’s going to be a filler arc, so I’m rating it as such. Fun little jaunt.
Yeah I didn't hate this as much as other people seem to have. While there are irksome things, like Peter being a bit stupid - handing over a broken record instead of just saying he didn't get it (although maybe you could argue he wanted to show Shay that he put in the effort but circumstance failed him) - but I don't think the first half of this book is really that bad. I don't think it's even abnormal for a Spider-Man comic. This is just how his social life is 95% of the time, especially post-Brand New Day. What saves it is the lack of reaction from May, Shay and Randy. If they hated him for it then I'd be annoyed, but they mostly just accept it. It's a little bit of arrested development but that's just inevitable as long as they want to kmore
I am soooo not kidding that years ago, I said to myself that Marvel needs to put Spidey in an isekai...and wow, I guess this is pretty darn close
Really, are we really salivating out the mouth for this?
I understand why people are excited for this new run. No more Zeb Wells, now we can start fresh. Well not exactly. Starting this issue the first panel was striking and really popped out but the dialogue in the action panel was so disjointed and lame I had to look it over a couple times to really find the flow. Which there wasn't any flow at all no matter how hard one tries.
Going on, it seems like a step up that we are now reading from Peter's perspective but it feels to fast paced and rushed and when the moment Doctor Doom comes in the impact is not what it should be. It all just comes off kind of schizophrenic.
When Peter becomes more
I haven't been looking forward to this story... It feels gimmicky, like the title came first and the story was built around it. It's always weird when the tone of a super-hero comic changes into realistic and lethal consequences when it's always been about beating the odds and cheating death (I'm thinking about the pre-Krakoa Rosenberg run on X-Men here). It's different if it's the ground rules, like Suicide Squad or Strikeforce Morituri. Not looking forward to the rest of this.
There's a reason why Hickman's Ultimate Spider-Man is doing well. I have hopes that Marvel's Flag Ship title will improve, but this first issue is middling at best. Kudos to Ed’s artwork. He draws a strong Spidey.
It's average...nothing more to add.
Why though do 'critics' give it marks of 9.5 or laughably 10? The 'Death of Gwen Stacy' is a 9.5, how can a critic give this the same? Please, explain and let me understand the logic.
The art is amazing but the writing is so bad. I struggled to barely keep reading through Zeb Wells run but this was just so clunky with awful banter and character writing that I’m done. Once marvel cares enough to give their biggest book a worthy writer, I’ll come back to finally be able to enjoy reading my favorite marvel character again.
I had some fun with it, but it's not nearly enough to justify this corny issue. ASM is just annoying to read.
Wow, this really didn't work for me. Ed's art is great as always, but first half felt like a chore. This whole "Peter Parker is down on his luck, with little money and poor management of his relationships" is definitely not what I expected to read after Wells' run started the exact same way and ended with Peter moving on and having something stable in his life. It doesn't feel at all like a continuation to what Zeb did in his run. And Spider-Man dumping his problems on a 10-year old just feels so irresponsible and childish.
Peter's dialogue just feels off here. I don't know, maybe I was used to Zeb's dialogue, but here he is so wordy while also saying a lot of nothing with a lot of misses in humor
The second part was more
Most of the dialogue here is just bad. Unfunny jokes, Peter feels like a teenager still, people talking at Peter and everything sailing over his head. Marveling at the fact that he stood up to Doctor Doom despite the fact that he's done it countless times. Whether or not he was the Sorcerer Supreme. Everyone here just felt a bit lifeless. Aside from Kevin. And what was even the point of introducing Burnout? Could he come up later? Sure but as of right now he's nothing and it had zero impact on the story. Just a device to remind readers of Doom's power which isn't necessary because he's DOOM! Kelly seems to be trying a bit too hard to be meta-relevant. We know all of the annoying problems in the world. AI on our phones, corporate ads invadinmore