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Joined: Nov 01, 2020

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Sue_Storm rated Batman: Three Jokers #3 Oct 27, 2020

Batman: Three Jokers #3

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Oct 28, 2020

The final chapter of the most terrifying and personal Batman mystery is here!
Still reeling from their last encounter with the three Jokers, Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood discover the terrible truth about the Three Jokers’ plot. Will the caped crusaders have the strength needed to put an end to the maniacal menaces’ master plan once and ...

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Ecco reviewed Batman: Three Jokers #3 Oct 30, 2020

Jokes on you,Batman.

Batman: Three Jokers #3

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Oct 28, 2020

The final chapter of the most terrifying and personal Batman mystery is here!
Still reeling from their last encounter with the three Jokers, Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood discover the terrible truth about the Three Jokers’ plot. Will the caped crusaders have the strength needed to put an end to the maniacal menaces’ master plan once and ...

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nobody reviewed Batman: Three Jokers #3 Oct 30, 2020

One bad day is a joke.

Batman: Three Jokers #3

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Oct 28, 2020

The final chapter of the most terrifying and personal Batman mystery is here!
Still reeling from their last encounter with the three Jokers, Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood discover the terrible truth about the Three Jokers’ plot. Will the caped crusaders have the strength needed to put an end to the maniacal menaces’ master plan once and ...

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KesheR reviewed Batman: Three Jokers #3 Oct 29, 2020

Geoff Johns is a fan fiction writer.

Batman: Three Jokers #3

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Oct 28, 2020

The final chapter of the most terrifying and personal Batman mystery is here!
Still reeling from their last encounter with the three Jokers, Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood discover the terrible truth about the Three Jokers’ plot. Will the caped crusaders have the strength needed to put an end to the maniacal menaces’ master plan once and ...

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KesheR - Oct 31, 2020

ok buddy

VicSav - May 18, 2023

KesheR has no understanding of the comic 😂 you’re a bum

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Mr.L reviewed Batman: Three Jokers #3 Oct 29, 2020

"One bad day" became a joke...

Batman: Three Jokers #3

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Oct 28, 2020

The final chapter of the most terrifying and personal Batman mystery is here!
Still reeling from their last encounter with the three Jokers, Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood discover the terrible truth about the Three Jokers’ plot. Will the caped crusaders have the strength needed to put an end to the maniacal menaces’ master plan once and ...

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VicSav - Oct 29, 2020

How come? Joker still thinks they are dead so that one day is still relevant.

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Double Down reviewed Batman: Three Jokers #3 Oct 29, 2020

This book is nothing. Nothing.

Story: 0/10
Art: 6/10
Overall: 2/10

Story: There is no point to read this book. It plays out like an episode in the Simpsons where we revert right back to the status quo by the end of the book. Johns created something extra, to eliminate it, and returned all the toys back in the toy chest, EXACTLY AS HE FOUND THEM.

Batman: Three Jokers #3

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Oct 28, 2020

The final chapter of the most terrifying and personal Batman mystery is here!
Still reeling from their last encounter with the three Jokers, Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood discover the terrible truth about the Three Jokers’ plot. Will the caped crusaders have the strength needed to put an end to the maniacal menaces’ master plan once and ...

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RKS - Oct 29, 2020

I disagree with you, it's a stand alone story so that people can either accept it as continuity or not. It's a Black Label story so it sort of has to be self contained. It is leaps and bounds ahead of what is out there for Batman that was written by King.

Double Down - Oct 29, 2020

Hey thanks for commenting! I understand your point, but with how this played out, it would make no difference if it was in continuity or not, so for being a “black label” or elseworlds story, what was the point? John’s didn’t make one.

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Darkseid24 reviewed Batman: Three Jokers #3 Oct 28, 2020

This is a new level of bad. Geoff Johns should never touch anything DC related ever again.
The Art is great, but it’s totally wasted for this trainwreck of a story. 4 years this storyline was teased by DC & the actual plot is just underwhelming. Joker created these Jokers to create a new better one, what doesn’t even make sense for his character. Then he kills his victims. The alternati more

Batman: Three Jokers #3

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Oct 28, 2020

The final chapter of the most terrifying and personal Batman mystery is here!
Still reeling from their last encounter with the three Jokers, Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood discover the terrible truth about the Three Jokers’ plot. Will the caped crusaders have the strength needed to put an end to the maniacal menaces’ master plan once and ...

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myconius - Aug 14, 2021

@The Dark Knight Detective - thank you! ... OH! absolutely. ....i may not care for Johns' writing on Batman, but his Superman, Aqualman and Green Lantern writing are great!!! he has a good sense of how to tell uplifting inspiring stories. i've not yet read his Flash. but i hear good things. ... Tom King on the other hand likes to peddle stories about depression and PTSD, as if he'd not already outed himself as a one-trick pony ages ago. he just writes every character as pathetic and sad.

VicSav - May 18, 2023

@Darkseid24 you’re a bum. You can’t read and understand the comic how sad 😂

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K reviewed Batman: Three Jokers #3 Oct 28, 2020

There's a lot of wrong with The Three Jokers and I only give it 2 for Bruce save Joe Chill and the art.
First,parallels between TTJ and TKJ.TTJ breaks down the core of the Joker’s character,in the #3 issue,affirming that there is only one specific origin story of the Joker,completely ruin his'multiple choices'.Pre-Joker was NOT domestic abuser.
Second,why Bruce keep Joker's name as more

Batman: Three Jokers #3

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Oct 28, 2020

The final chapter of the most terrifying and personal Batman mystery is here!
Still reeling from their last encounter with the three Jokers, Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood discover the terrible truth about the Three Jokers’ plot. Will the caped crusaders have the strength needed to put an end to the maniacal menaces’ master plan once and ...

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WallyG71 - Nov 1, 2020

Agree this story should not be considered canon.

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kmob reviewed Batman: Three Jokers #3 Oct 27, 2020

so boring...

Batman: Three Jokers #3

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Oct 28, 2020

The final chapter of the most terrifying and personal Batman mystery is here!
Still reeling from their last encounter with the three Jokers, Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood discover the terrible truth about the Three Jokers’ plot. Will the caped crusaders have the strength needed to put an end to the maniacal menaces’ master plan once and ...

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RKS - Oct 29, 2020

What not enough explosions for you? What exactly would you like? More Harley Quinn or perhaps an all female cast? This book was pretty much damn near flawless.

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OldAgeWarrior reviewed Batman: Three Jokers #3 Oct 27, 2020

Dont tease this things on a Justice league issue next time

Batman: Three Jokers #3

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Oct 28, 2020

The final chapter of the most terrifying and personal Batman mystery is here!
Still reeling from their last encounter with the three Jokers, Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood discover the terrible truth about the Three Jokers’ plot. Will the caped crusaders have the strength needed to put an end to the maniacal menaces’ master plan once and ...

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REYNARD reviewed Batman: Three Jokers #3 Oct 27, 2020

Underwhelming ending for an overhyped series.


Art was great, but the whole story was absolutely useless and added nothing to the mythos besides the Joe Chill redemption and wife & child twist which invalidates the whole point of the Killing Joke. If Joker was always an asshole before his transformation, then the "one bad day" perspective threaded through the book m more

Batman: Three Jokers #3

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Oct 28, 2020

The final chapter of the most terrifying and personal Batman mystery is here!
Still reeling from their last encounter with the three Jokers, Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood discover the terrible truth about the Three Jokers’ plot. Will the caped crusaders have the strength needed to put an end to the maniacal menaces’ master plan once and ...

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VicSav - Oct 27, 2020

Nah, he wasn’t evil before that, he had signs of it, he wasn’t having a healthy relationship so he lied about it and that one bad day completely transformed him to it, made him go all out and embrace who he is. Three jokers said he was kind of abusive to them and they didn’t want to be part of that family. It doesn’t say he was evil or an asshole, it was just that he wasn’t true to what happened. They just wanted to dump him.

Toonstrack - Oct 29, 2020

Jokers "one bad day" was ALWAYS BS and hes been proven wrong on it many mant times including in TKJ. He tried to do the same thing to Gordon and it DIDNT WORK. Joker was never an innocent victim, he made bad decisions and did bad things long before that vat of acid.

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MKW69 reviewed Batman: Three Jokers #3 Oct 27, 2020

It would be better without that awful epilogue. Just Like Hush Returns they shouldn't touch Kiling Joke that way.

Batman: Three Jokers #3

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Oct 28, 2020

The final chapter of the most terrifying and personal Batman mystery is here!
Still reeling from their last encounter with the three Jokers, Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood discover the terrible truth about the Three Jokers’ plot. Will the caped crusaders have the strength needed to put an end to the maniacal menaces’ master plan once and ...

ChrisS reviewed Batman: Three Jokers #3 Nov 1, 2020

This series has been complete garbage from the beginning. After reading the first 2 issues, I didn’t think it could get any worse, but Johns proved me wrong. The twist was utter BS. Johns previously wrote that Batman sat in the Morbius chair to find out Jokers identity. Now in issue 3, he tells Alfred he’s known who he is the whole time. Johns clearly has problems with his memory, or just do more

Batman: Three Jokers #3

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Oct 28, 2020

The final chapter of the most terrifying and personal Batman mystery is here!
Still reeling from their last encounter with the three Jokers, Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood discover the terrible truth about the Three Jokers’ plot. Will the caped crusaders have the strength needed to put an end to the maniacal menaces’ master plan once and ...

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VicSav - May 18, 2023

You dumb mf in JL, Batman was shocked that there are 3 jokers, he knew about the joker name but didn’t know there are 2 others. The fact you missed that makes your review null, and joker wife and kid being alive is genius.

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