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Joined: Nov 01, 2020

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WallyG71 added Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin to their pull list Nov 1, 2020

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin

It's the TMNT event of 2020! Springing from the minds of TMNT co-creators Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird comes an epic like you've never seen before! In a future NYC far different than the one we know today, a lone surviving Turtle goes on a seemingly hopeless mission to obtain justice for his fallen family and friends. Kinetic layouts from Eastman,...

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ChrisS reviewed Batman: Three Jokers #3 Nov 1, 2020

This series has been complete garbage from the beginning. After reading the first 2 issues, I didn’t think it could get any worse, but Johns proved me wrong. The twist was utter BS. Johns previously wrote that Batman sat in the Morbius chair to find out Jokers identity. Now in issue 3, he tells Alfred he’s known who he is the whole time. Johns clearly has problems with his memory, or just do more

Batman: Three Jokers #3

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Oct 28, 2020

The final chapter of the most terrifying and personal Batman mystery is here!
Still reeling from their last encounter with the three Jokers, Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood discover the terrible truth about the Three Jokers’ plot. Will the caped crusaders have the strength needed to put an end to the maniacal menaces’ master plan once and ...

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VicSav - May 18, 2023

You dumb mf in JL, Batman was shocked that there are 3 jokers, he knew about the joker name but didn’t know there are 2 others. The fact you missed that makes your review null, and joker wife and kid being alive is genius.

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Batman Jones reviewed Batman: Three Jokers #3 Oct 29, 2020

I can't even.

I can't even so many things in response to this series but mostly I can't believe I waited 4 years for such a banal story.

If I were like many here, I'd have given each of the three issues a "1," because at the end of each issue I was actually angry at the anticipation created and the failure to deliver anything remotely interesting. But I reserve 1's NOT for c more

Batman: Three Jokers #3

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Oct 28, 2020

The final chapter of the most terrifying and personal Batman mystery is here!
Still reeling from their last encounter with the three Jokers, Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood discover the terrible truth about the Three Jokers’ plot. Will the caped crusaders have the strength needed to put an end to the maniacal menaces’ master plan once and ...

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Batfan reviewed Batman: Three Jokers #3 Oct 27, 2020

*spoilers* WOW. What a journey. There were so many moments of doubt I had in this issue but Geoff absolutely delivered. The art and colours is it’s own review, it’s obvious to anyone that Jason and the colourist put their all in this work.

I loved everything, especially how true to the Joker Geoff was. The characterisation of the last joker is perfect. He is completely obsessed wit more

Batman: Three Jokers #3

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Oct 28, 2020

The final chapter of the most terrifying and personal Batman mystery is here!
Still reeling from their last encounter with the three Jokers, Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood discover the terrible truth about the Three Jokers’ plot. Will the caped crusaders have the strength needed to put an end to the maniacal menaces’ master plan once and ...

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WallyG71 - Nov 1, 2020

Ummm really?

Batfan - Nov 1, 2020

Yes really, what’s it got to do with you?

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Double Down reviewed Batman: Three Jokers #3 Oct 29, 2020

This book is nothing. Nothing.

Story: 0/10
Art: 6/10
Overall: 2/10

Story: There is no point to read this book. It plays out like an episode in the Simpsons where we revert right back to the status quo by the end of the book. Johns created something extra, to eliminate it, and returned all the toys back in the toy chest, EXACTLY AS HE FOUND THEM.

Batman: Three Jokers #3

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Oct 28, 2020

The final chapter of the most terrifying and personal Batman mystery is here!
Still reeling from their last encounter with the three Jokers, Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood discover the terrible truth about the Three Jokers’ plot. Will the caped crusaders have the strength needed to put an end to the maniacal menaces’ master plan once and ...

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RKS - Oct 29, 2020

I disagree with you, it's a stand alone story so that people can either accept it as continuity or not. It's a Black Label story so it sort of has to be self contained. It is leaps and bounds ahead of what is out there for Batman that was written by King.

Double Down - Oct 29, 2020

Hey thanks for commenting! I understand your point, but with how this played out, it would make no difference if it was in continuity or not, so for being a “black label” or elseworlds story, what was the point? John’s didn’t make one.

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DaveK reviewed Batman: Three Jokers #3 Oct 27, 2020

really underwhelming

Batman: Three Jokers #3

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Oct 28, 2020

The final chapter of the most terrifying and personal Batman mystery is here!
Still reeling from their last encounter with the three Jokers, Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood discover the terrible truth about the Three Jokers’ plot. Will the caped crusaders have the strength needed to put an end to the maniacal menaces’ master plan once and ...

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WallyG71 commented on this:
K reviewed Batman: Three Jokers #3 Oct 28, 2020

There's a lot of wrong with The Three Jokers and I only give it 2 for Bruce save Joe Chill and the art.
First,parallels between TTJ and TKJ.TTJ breaks down the core of the Joker’s character,in the #3 issue,affirming that there is only one specific origin story of the Joker,completely ruin his'multiple choices'.Pre-Joker was NOT domestic abuser.
Second,why Bruce keep Joker's name as more

Batman: Three Jokers #3

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Oct 28, 2020

The final chapter of the most terrifying and personal Batman mystery is here!
Still reeling from their last encounter with the three Jokers, Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood discover the terrible truth about the Three Jokers’ plot. Will the caped crusaders have the strength needed to put an end to the maniacal menaces’ master plan once and ...

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WallyG71 - Nov 1, 2020

Agree this story should not be considered canon.

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