banditobane's Profile

Location: Suisun City, CA Joined: May 14, 2023 About Me: The Well-Rounded Nerd, The Super Spider-Man Fan and The Warhammer Noob. I love all things geek culture from Sci-fi to Fantasy. From Comics to Manga. From Video Games to Table Top. I love what I love and am honest of what I don't like.

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banditobane reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #26 May 31, 2023

This comic is laughable bad. While there are some good parts it comes few and far between. Paul is revealed as Rabbin in his world but having MJ compare him to Peter is just wrong. Peter uses his regrets and suffering to help people while Paul is just a cynical a**hole we saw that when he suggested he and MJ leave those kids behind. But the at least we know now the kids were illusions and this may more

Amazing Spider-Man #26

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 31, 2023

Now fully in the present, the Emissary has returned and his power is so far beyond Spider-Man's abilities. The heroes may figure out a way to win, but the cost of victory will be so immense that you may hope they don't...
Rated T

banditobane commented on this:

Since when was issue #25 of any series a "Landmark issue?" Soon Marvel will be celebrating issue #5.

It isn't terrible but it isn't very good either. A very average 5 out of 10 and that's mostly for the art. Nothing much happens in this hyped-up and oversized issue. We learn where the kids came from. And that's about all. Disappointing.

I enjoyed the art, especially Kaare An more

Amazing Spider-Man #25

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 10, 2023

The past and the present collide in this oversized and monumental 25th issue! Your heart isn't ready for this one.
Rated T

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banditobane - May 14, 2023 (edited)

Grey I didn't know you reviewed here too. :) But this issue is just painful to read the art is great but the story is just garbage. I understand the deconstruction of a hero but this seems like total demolition. It make me dread the next issue.

wakizashireviews - May 14, 2023

@banditobane Yes, I drop a couple of reviews when I have time. The only problem with this site is the users who have multiple accounts just to review bomb certain writers. They never write any reviews, just throw out 1s or 10s for writers they seem to either love or hate.

banditobane reviewed Night Club #2 May 14, 2023

Really like where this series is going. It gives me Ultimate Spider-Man or Luthor Strode vibes of where the power comes in but the responsibility part. Millar is great writer and I will love to see where this leads.

Night Club #2

By: Mark Millar, Juanan Ramirez
Released: Jan 18, 2023

Danny Garcia is a High School student who was bitten by a vampire, but he isn't going to mope around and be some annoying goth. He's going to be a superhero, and he's bitten his best friends too so they can form a team. This is going to be great. Note the $1.99 price! Take THAT, Marvel and DC!

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banditobane reviewed Night Club #1 May 14, 2023

Mark is very good showing a power fantasy for a kid who just want to be Web Famous. So he uses his vampire powers to fight crime and make Youtube videos.

Night Club #1

By: Mark Millar, Juanan Ramirez
Released: Dec 14, 2022

You're 17 years old and you've been bitten by a vampire. Do you live in the shadows and drink human blood, or do you use your newfound gifts for the dream costumed superhero life you've always wanted?
You're bulletproof, you can crawl up walls, and you can turn to mist, bats, or even a ...

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banditobane reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #23 May 14, 2023

This issue makes no sense. Okay so the time works differently in the world where the Ceremony took place but why are Peter's friends acting like he a stranger. But now we know why he's been trusting Norman.

Amazing Spider-Man #23

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: Apr 5, 2023

We opened this series with a question.
The centerpiece of the answer is a flat-out fight.
Rated T

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banditobane reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #22 May 14, 2023

Okay I now we know how they met Paul, but he is sooooooooooo boring he has a the personality of a glass of milk. But the ceremony and totem angel sound interesting. Is Peter being tested by the gods, that is why his life had turned to crap?

Amazing Spider-Man #22

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: Mar 22, 2023

Who is this mysterious figure and what do they have to do with Peter's and Mary Jane's disappearances?!
Rated T

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banditobane reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #21 May 14, 2023

Padding and Filler. Nothing special and now we just had to wait and wait and wait. Good action though.

Amazing Spider-Man #21

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: Mar 8, 2023

WHAT HAPPENED TO PETER AND MARY JANE?! It's time. This arc will answer your questions including... WHAT DID PETER DO?! Who caused all of this?
Rated T

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banditobane reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #24 May 14, 2023

This issue is so depressing that is leading to what I call the Month of Anxiety. This just pours salt on wounds for all Peter and MJ fans. When will Marvel just read the room?

Amazing Spider-Man #24

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: Apr 19, 2023

Witness what brought Peter Parker and Norman Osborn together.
Your opinion of who the hero is and who the villain is may end up at least blurred...
Rated T

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banditobane reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #25 May 14, 2023

I always wondered why she dumped Peter for Paul, and it was because he was LITERALLY THE LAST MAN ON EARTH! Though I think even though she still truly loves Peter, l think that she is staying with him more out necessity than love do to those kids. Plus, I don't think she told him the whole truth in order to protect him. Maybe this is all an act as they have never been seen kissing throughout the w more

Amazing Spider-Man #25

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 10, 2023

The past and the present collide in this oversized and monumental 25th issue! Your heart isn't ready for this one.
Rated T

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