Dr. WøøfWøøf's Profile

Location: Floyd, VA Joined: Aug 03, 2022 About Me: LX-Men and Laura Kinney/X-23 are my JAM!; into soundtracks (darker and moodier, the better, esp. any by Trent Reznor + Atticus Ross)

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A.X.E.: Death to the Mutants #2

Sep 7, 2022

A.X.E.: Death to the Mutants #3

Oct 12, 2022

I know I will catch flack in some circles, but I wasn't as enamored with this issue as I was with previous ones! Of particular disappointment was the art, which was still a letdown when it came to the faces! Can someone, anyone please tell me why Starfox now looks like a losing contestant from 'RuPaul's Drag Race'? * I hope to re-read the whole event when it is done, as something tells me I was missing a few things in this issue. Probably didn't help that I was fostering an annoying little puppy who simply refused to listen when verbally corrected, leading me to be distracted more often than not! 'Nuff said on that!

A.X.E.: Judgment Day (2022) #3

Aug 28, 2022

Intense, well-paced! Far cheaper than going to a theme park! 😯 And two scenes took my breath away, the one involving the Celestial God (that's all I can really say w/o bein all Spoiler-y!) and that last panel when the reveal drops! I hope future events will be this good! #hopehopehope

A.X.E.: Judgment Day (2022) #4

Sep 14, 2022

I know a re-read is going to happen when all is said and done, but for first time round, this like a bloody IMAX experience! Everything going down is panel-for-panel, larger-than-life! This is definitely going to be one that will be talked about long after this event is finished! And all I have left to say is: that last page!?! 😮

A.X.E.: Judgment Day (2022) #6

Oct 26, 2022

I liked it well enough, but at the end of the day, it disappointed. The whole thing felt too long, and the last issue could have happened two issues ago! And, I am surprised to repeat myself again, but seriously WTF is up with DragRace contestant StarFox??!? I get that everyone needs a redo every now and then, but this one is just absolute rubbish! So, yeah, some great ideas, some interesting talking points, but overall, not the conclusion I was expecting/hoping for! And, lastly, dear GOD, please bring back non-drag-queen StarFox! :S

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #8

Aug 28, 2022

Man, can poor Peter Parker get put through much more? I feel like I reading 24 MEETS MCU, only there's no Jack Bauer! I feel like Peter needs a puppy! Jus' sayin'.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #11

Oct 12, 2022

Now this is what I am talking about! Someone solid characterizations for the Spider-Verse! Betty Brant, Ned Leeds, just everyone this issue seemed perfectly in line with how they should speak/act! Judging from the User Reviews so far, I might be in the minority, but I think Pete and Black Cat might be an interesting couple! MJ seems to be kind of a cold fish in regard to whatever happened between she and Peter! I mean, come on, MJ even had a baby with that *other* dude! If that ain't a #WTF moment, as well as a "Go get her, Tiger!" in regard to Black Cat, then I don't know what is! And, man, I do *not* .. *not* .. *not* trust Norman Osborne! He may some others fooled, but I think he is a bad man at heart! Sure, you can change how people may view you, but the way you are inside *never* changes! Lastly, John Romita, Jr. is killing it with his art! I will admit to not being super jazzed when I heard he was going to be the art choice for the new ASM, but now I have seen these 11 issues, I am over the moon with his current art style! Way to go, JRjr!

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #19

Feb 16, 2023

The Dodsons never *ever* disappoint when it comes to the art, esp. when part of the story matteris one Felicia Hardy! Overall, the book's visuals were a solid 10 outta 10; the story, on the other hand, was not so much! I've always like Joe Kelly 's scripting, but here it was just dialed in! Nothing to make ya go "Wow!" Or anything! It was kinda boring, if we're being honest here! Maybe it was just an off day for Joe theday he turnedin the script for this issue! 🫤

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #26

Aug 16, 2023

Let me start this by saying I had no intentions of reading this issue, as 1) the series had tanked after the big reveal of where Peter had been in those missing years, etc., and 2) it seemed like another needless death for publicity's sake! By the end of the issue, I was the completely turned around, experience the polar opposite of the feelings I went into this issue with! While overall, I still think ASM is a lost cause at this point, I feel that this story was genuinely heartfelt, leaving me sad as hell (no tears, tho'; that shit I'm saving for "Fall of X") by that last page! I really thought this would be an "Oh, so yeah, [hero victim-of-the-month] died. I guess they'll be back next week! And sure we know that Kamala Khan is not permanently dead, but damn, if it still didn't punch ya in the Feels with her sacrifice! I've always liked the character, and this just further cemented her selfless commitment to being a hero! Thank God, Marvel had the good sense not to leave her dead for too long! And lest we forget about John Romita Jr's art, which has been the high point of the series for me! Here, especially so! What a gamut of emotions he has to evoke, and evoke he does, forcing us, the dear reader, to experience genuine feelings of regret and sadness - unless your Soul is out at the cleaners! Ugh! All in all, a better than expected read, and one that I am glad I ignored all the naysayers and read it myself!

Children of the Vault (2023) #1  
Crypt of Shadows (2022) #1

Oct 19, 2022

When I heard this was coming out, and that Laura Kinney (Wolverine) was going to be in it, I was onboard! Unfortunately, the end result was sadly lacking in both the interesting and scary! One thing that I thought worked especially well was the bridging scenes with Victor Strange, brother to the deceased Doctor, as well as emcee for each of the anthology's tales. The first tale, "The Crypt of Shadows", is a ghost story giving us a taste (no pun intended) of Blade's daughter Brielle. Al Ewing hardly ever disappoints, and he doesn't here, helping this anthology to earn a 3. Next on the docket was "Werewolf By Moon Knight", from Rebecca Roanhorse. I really wanted to like this one, but it felt like it was more of a set-up for some upcoming rather than a story in the anthology! "Skin Crawl", from Chris Cooper, was a forgettable Morbius tale! So forgettable that I can hardly recall what the story was about! Then we had "Down Came the Rain", an Elsa Bloodstone tale by Chris Condon. This one was fun! I'm always down for some Elsa adventuring, and Condon's story does not disappoint! Another one that contributed to the 3, rather than giving this anthology a 1! "Endless Slaughter in the Infinite Swamp" was Adam Warren's Laura Kinney story for the anthology! And, it was the biggest disappointment for me! The writing she was given did not present us with the character that we have gotten to know! Dis-a-point-MENT!! I don't know if the print version had all six stories, but the digital version was missing "Neither Big Nor Bad", by Danny Lore! I doubt it being there could have saved this one for me!

Immortal X-Men (2022) #8

Nov 19, 2022

Solid! Everything I wanted to say has already been said! This was just bloody brilliant, and not because I am a sucker for agood Victorian English romp! This just gets me more excited for next year's "Sins of Sinister" event! #SupereXcited!

Immortal X-Men (2022) #9

Dec 7, 2022

Wow, was this solid! I'm sure it is paving the way for next year's "Sins of Sinister" event, but good Lord! So, so much bits and gore! And the things Sinister has set in motion, so intriguingly interesting! Some will piss and moan, that this wasn't what Jonathan Hickman had intended! To that I say, "Poppycock!" Hickman has said he left notes behind, and while I believe Steve Orlando is •RUINING• MARAUDERS, I think Gillen is killing, doing the an awesome job, one that I believe Hickman would approve, and appreciate!

Immortal X-Men (2022) #11

May 11, 2023

After all that's going on as we end one event,"Sins of Sinister", and are starting to build for the next one, "The Fall of X", this issue was decidedly refreshing. What a treat it was to see Storm "let her hair down" as she participates in a first date w/Craig Marshall - a first date that was abruptly ended by a mental call from Xavier, asking to discuss Magneto's recent death! That whole exchange between Storm and Xavier was intense, and the way it ended was spot on! You go, Ororo! Perfect issue for someone looking for something that was not event -centric! #recommended!

Immortal X-Men (2022) #14

Aug 12, 2023

Wow! As if the angst and emotional damage from X-MEN #25 wasn't enough, there was this week's IMMORTAL X-MEN, which follows after the Hellfire Gala. Much of it deals with Charles' inner battles as he tries to come to terms with the after-effects of the Gala and his X-Men, his Children! A fair bit of soul searching as he tries to make sense of it in his own manner! But, as much as this was a very Xavier-centric issue, there was other things going on as well. We saw Sebastian Shaw and where now stands (or does he?) in the Hellfire Club. We witness a psychic communication between Emma Frost and Charles Xavier, trying to assure that just because he can't sense them, it doesn't mean they are necessarily all dead; Charles chooses to believe the "gloom 'n doom" angle! Poor dear! Someone get this man a Mini Schnauzer puppy already! Oh, and lastly, we see where Exodus and Hope and Destiny had gone when they were forced through that one gate towards the end of the Hellfire Gala. Where, pray tell? A desert, an un-as-yet unnamed desert, but a desert all the same! And with them are 250,000 mutant minds, and, as Exodus points out, "none are Mystique or the rest of the Five, for that matter"! Granted, the issue encompasses a bit more than that, but it's a review, eh? Good things, though! Gillen never disappoints, here giving us more than just an angst-heavy, cash-grabby event! This is something that really feels like it is going to matter when the dust settles! We shall see..

Invincible Iron Man (2022) #8  
Marauders (2019) #22

Aug 4, 2022

This issue was a solid "9", as we learned the truth behind the whole Lourdes Chantel dead/not dead, allowing for Emma to gain one on, not just Shaw, but the entire Helllfire Club! The flashback sequences were handled ever so brilliantly by Klaus Janson, giving them just the right amount of nostalgia, without taking away from Matteo Lolli's art on the story in the present! And, lest we forget poor Wilhelmina Kensington, the girl from the Homines Verendi. Thanks to the mental efforts of the Stepford Cuckoos, it would appear the young lady would be on the path to redemptive closure in regard to her _____ father (I can't up with an appropriate word to describe him! I have a great deal of disdain and dislike for molesters, esp. when it is from within the child's own family)! But, the best part came when Shaw learns that Chantal Lourdes was, in fact, still alive! Oh, that face! Priceless! An all-around good issue with enough going on within to make it worth the price of admission!

New Mutants (2019) #28

Aug 19, 2022

IDK. I stayed for all the parts to this arc, but the end just felt like it went on too long! The art was super solid, but the story felt, I guess, anticlimactic is the word I am looking for. I think it may be time for me to reconsider whether to continue with NEW MUTANTS or not! :/

X-Men (2021) #13

Aug 24, 2022

*LOVE* nearly everything relating to A.X.E.: JUDGMENT DAY; I do not love Gerry Duggan continuing as writer on X-MEN! Don't get me wrong there was some great dialogue, like getting to see Forge out and about as part of the team. but there was some bad dialogue, like over-the-top Iceman! The best part about this issue was the art, which helped earn that 5.5 I gave it! Maybe next Hellfire Gala we can elect a different writer perhaps?

X-Men (2021) #16

Nov 25, 2022

I wanted to HATE this, as Gerry Duggan's writing on this series has been lackluster: never truly bad, but never truly great, either! However, With this issue (and the previous issue, as they both seem to compliment each other in his CotV arc), he seemed to redeem himself for the moment (no Spoilers, y'all, promise)! I am a bit late to the party, so most of what needed to be said has already been said, and pretty well, too, I might add! But, I will say this: **THAT LAST PAGE!!** If you haven't read it, you owe it to yourself! Oh, and Cyclops going all Liam Gallagher on his brother? Priceless, really!

X-Men (2021) #17

Nov 26, 2022

Holy Mutant Resurrection! That was effing brilliant! Seriously, where was this writing in the first 16 issues (well, maybe 15, as 16 was pretty good, too)?! I am of the opinion that Gerry Duggan has been trolling us, having us for a lengthy spell, a spell which ended with this lovely confection! From finishing out his very Forge-centric story arc inside the Vault to dealing with "Alpha Wolverine" Laura Kinney dealing with her first steps outside the Vault to a fine wrap-up of Forge working with Caliban, everything about this issue was a solid homerun! I hope going forward this is what we can expect from the writing/stories in the book! Sooooo good! And bonus points to Duggan for bringing "Vault" Laura back to the game! Laura is my favorite mutant, so I may have to buy him a drink if I ever have the opportunity to meet him at a convention! #eXtremeSatisfied!

X-Men (2021) #18

Jan 13, 2023

Erry Duggan is *RUINING* this book, and this team! Can someone at Marvel replace this hack with someone who can write a X-Men story!

X-Men (2021) #20

Mar 11, 2023

X-MEN #20 was something of a disappointment! I quite liked the first part of this new Brood arc, even liked most of the second part! However, by the end of this issue, there was too much going on: you had [SPOILER] coming through the Gateway on Krakoa; the reappearance of [SPOILER II], who was itching for a rematch against Jean Grey, and then there is the bit with Monet and Forge getting the [SPOILER III] colonists onto the ship and off the planet! It was pointed out by another review site on here that what was clearly wrong with this issue was there was too damned much going on!! Serious, what would it take to get Gerry Duggan off the book, before he can drive any more stakes through the X-Men characterizations and storylines?!?? PLEASE????!??

X-Men (2021) #22

May 21, 2023

I thought this was a solid read! The story,while clear clearly sets-up for a larger story overall, is a good read, with the good guys being "good" and the bad guys being..well.."bad", something the comics aren't always black&white about these days! The other thing that stood out for me was Duggan's efforts to begin to tie-up/tie-together plot threads that have either been running,or only just started recently. Maybe I will stick with X-MEN a little longer, as it looks like Duggan has something going on!

X-Men (2021) #25

Aug 8, 2023

** Apologies abound for the late review! Sometimes Life gets in the way, but I am here with one now, for what it's worth.. ** *** SPOILER-FREE *** WOW!! Just WOW! I know it is cliched and overused, but I can't think of another word to describe the emotional ending that was this issue! Let me be frank here: I was expecting to have major issues with this, as I loved the grown up character of Kate Pryde! However, those expectations I had were quickly thrown to the wind once the backstory as to how she took on the new moniker of Shadowkat! I have followed her character since her first appearance back in X-MEN #129 (yes, I am old enough to have been there for when that issue first came out originally!). Kate has had ups and downs as she was a focus of good, and bad, writing! The writing here was very good! Again, so good, in fact, that, again, I had a hard time with believing that it was Gerry Duggan! Color me impressed, Mr. Duggan! This issue was full of so much Win and so, so much Feels! The only thing that made it a 9.5 instead of a 10 was the stuff in the book before we get Kate's back story! It wasn't terrible, mind you, I just would have like the whole issue to have been Kate-centric, especially considering she was on the cover and all! Jus' sayin'..

X-Men (2021) #30

Jan 17, 2024

Another of Duggans forgettable stories in this week's X-MEN! The running plotline with Talon (old Laura from inaude the Vault) and Synch is a terrible story for Laura Kinney, and writing-wise, it plays out like the worst of the worst soap opera plots! I gave this a 2, simply because Phil Noto's art was the best thing about this issue! No, I lie, second best, as first best would go to if this were truly the end of the Synch-Talon tries-for-the-feels-but-fails-terribly story arc! *SKIP this MEH issue!*

X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic (2021) #106

Nov 9, 2023

Not sure why (maybe no one is reading them, or no one feels like reviewing them for others?), but there are zero reviews for the X-MEN UNLTD COMICS on Marvel Unlimited. I've been dipping into them and some of them are pretty good, actually, like this one. "The Redroot Saga" begins here, wherein Akira Yoshida (Sunfire, y'all!) takes it upon himself to go to Otherworld and bring home Redroot, who was imprisoned there by Mad Jim Jaspers near the end of "X of Swords". What follows, while short, still manages to engage, giving us Sunfire's feelings as he truly *feels* the need to do this, to bring her back, no matter what! Writing-wise this was a good start! After the debacle that was his stint on MARAUDERS, I had a hard time believing Steve Orlando was writing on this. Then again, he was writing it with Steve Foxe, so maybe together they make one hell of a good writing team, eh? If you've been reading CHILDREN OF THE VAULT (and if you haven't been, why ever not??), then you already how good a writer Steve Foxe is! The art is okay. It had a kind of a manga feel to it, which I don't really want when I read X-MEN. Was it terrible, no, but not something I really enjoyed! I hope that helps!

X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic (2021) #111

Nov 10, 2023

So, I finished this, the final Chapter of "The Redroot Saga", and it was good! Much of this, and the prior Chapters, really help to give us a deeper understanding of Sunfire's character! Maybe I am wrong, I don't recall him ever being so transparent before, allow his emotions to show! I really dug that about this story arc. Unfortunately (or, fortunately, as if you're like me, you were already reading X-MEN anyway), the story ends on a cliffhanger of sorts, as it leads into X-MEN #28, where you will have to read to find out what happens with Sunfire and Redroot! As I said in review for the first part, the writing for this was pretty dang solid! Steve Foxe and Steve Orlando work well together, each bringing something to the table! I hope Marvel has more lined up for these two together in the not-so-future! The art still wasn't wow'ing me! The manga look was not really suited to this story, and I felt by the last few Chapters, the art felt rushed in spots and took away from the story, rather than supporting it. But, again, that's just me!

X-Men: Red (2022) #5

Aug 3, 2022

It's been beaten into the ground how friggin' AWESOME this issue was, so I will refrain from repeating that! What I will say is this was how you a powerful comic! Al Ewing turned some stellar writing! And that art by Stefano Caselli? It drove it all home, baby! Lest we forget that last page! Yeah, man, definitely my WTF moment of New Comic Day! This event is really turning out to better than expected!

Reviews for the Week of...



