Homophobic fake reviews from gay people who believe Alan's been intended to be read as gay since the 1940s... right, got it. It's a bad book, bud.
Alan Scott’s learned the Red Lantern’s dark secret! But even if the Green Lantern knows the truth, can he find the will to stop his enemy’s monstrous plans?
Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #4 is another perfect issue that perfectly mixes action, romance, and emotion into one issue. This issue will leave you begging for more and heartbroken at the same time. Read Full Review
Every single member of the creative team brought their A-Game for this issue. There are some truly personal moments towards the end of the book that were my absolute favorites (you'll know it when you see it), and I loved the hints of mythology that were subtly peppered into the dialogue. This story is a prime example of why I love reading comics. If you haven't been reading this book, now is the time to catch up as Alan Scott: The Green Lantern keeps getting better with each new installment. The character moments are incredibly raw and genuinely impressive. Read Full Review
It's hard to find much to dislike aboutAlan Scott: The Green Lantern, and issue #4 is no different. Once again, DC has knocked it out of the park with a comic that begs to be read, analyzed, and reread over and over again. It will be interesting to see where this comic goes as the end approaches, and it's absolutely worth a read or four. Read Full Review
The art is strong as always, and Sheridan's deft, emotional script manages to perfectly capture the time period and make this feel like one of the most personal superhero tales on the stands. Read Full Review
The heart-break and heroics burn bright with another fantastic issue. Sheridan gives readers a closer look into devious intentions with sharp writing. Tormey and the rest of the creative team deliver the soul-crushing repercussions into vivid imagery. Brace for the final moments and dont dare miss this series. Read Full Review
Alan Scott's most personal conflict yet manifests in a backstory-filled, but still engrossing peak. Read Full Review
Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #4 gets to the heart of the issue by giving readers the full scoop on the Red Lantern's origins. While the reveal isn't the least bit surprising, it's well done. That said, Sheridan succeeds in building Red Lantern up by tearing Alan Scott down into a confused, chronically horny man whose libido clouds his judgment at every turn. Read Full Review