LOGAN and BLAZE'S battle has taken a serious turn. Enter: The HELLVERINE!
Rated T+
Wolverine #36 gets its characters ready for a major showdown involving the Hellverine. It's an idea so insane I don't know how a comics fan wouldn't want to check it out. Add "Weapons of Vengeance" to the pile of good supernatural tussles for both Ghost Rider and Wolverine. Read Full Review
Logan's hellish romp with the Ghost Rider continues as ‘Wolverine' #36 brings the demonic crossover one step closer to its conclusion while throwing a very comic book-style wrench into the mix. Horror meets the world of Wolverine shady government stories to create something predictable yet fun and fitting for the characters involved. Read Full Review
It's dripping in heavy metal iconography, but with everything that's going on with "Fall of X" and the miniseries ending in its next issue, it feels like this is stalling for time more than anything else. Read Full Review
If you told me this issue would premiere "HELLVERINE" I would have rolled my eyes and been grateful I dropped the Wolverine run, but man this story is tons of fun and exactly what a Wolverine/Ghost Rider crossover should be. Just a fun over-the-top romp with plenty of monsters and violence.
It's a solid evolution of the story so far, maintaining a nice tense feeling. If the way the plot develops isn't too surprising, that's countered by the fact the storytelling is consistently strong in words and art.
Far from a bad read, but this continues the downward trajectory I mentioned in my review of Ghost Rider #17, unfortunately. I'm just not finding myself as interested as I was in the beginning. With only one part of this crossover left, I hope it can at least finish strong. Also, on a quick side note, I can't believe I missed Danny Ketch's helmet from the last Ghost Rider arc being the same as the Weapon X helmet. I do not know how I didn't realize that until reading this issue.
Was fun. But it's pretty standard and generic.
Somehow we’ve already reached the penultimate issue of Benjamin Percy’s “Weapons of Vengeance” arc featuring Wolverine and Ghost Rider. After the event’s prologue presented an interesting concept, Percy’s story continues to spiral into irrelevancy and absurdity with WOLVERINE #36.
For some reason, Wolverine and Ghost Rider let their guards down and are easily captured by the run of the mill villain, Father Pike. It all felt rushed in order to set up the issue’s ending revealing Hellverine, the demonic-possessed Wolverine. The event’s finale is now set up to be a confrontation between Hellverine and Ghostrider, which seems like the idea Percy pitched to Marvel to get this event greenlit in the first place. There ha more
The plague of the crossover is upon us. Listing Wolverine #36 in the reading order of the Fall of X is a misrepresentation of what the issue is about. The storyline is hot garbage. I want my money back.