Captain Marvel: Assault on Eden #1 View Preview
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Captain Marvel: Assault on Eden #1

Writer: Anthony Oliveira, Maria Frohlich Artist: Eleonora Carlini, Maria Frohlich Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 11, 2023 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 3
8.5Critic Rating
5.5User Rating

The Kree home planet of Hala has become a paradise under the rule of Emperor Hulkling. But when Sentries launch an attack on civilians and start stealing children, Earth's Mightiest Hero must intervene! Half Kree, half human and all warrior, Carol Danvers swoops in for an action-packed special just in time for The Marvels on the silver screen!
Kids to Adults

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Timothy ONeil Oct 11, 2023

    A tight one-shot with a fun cast. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Comic Watch - Sasha Kaplan Oct 11, 2023

    Final thoughts: Captain Marvel Assault on Eden is a fun mini-adventure that really needs more issues about Carol or about the alliance or, preferably, both. It is chuck full of future story potential. Oliveira writes these characters with love and respect that all writers should strive for. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Matthew Aguilar Oct 11, 2023

    The adventure itself is largely self contained, but I greatly enjoyed my time with it, and thank any fan of the character will too. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    derbycomics Oct 11, 2023

    This was a fun, if unnecessary, story involving Captain Marvel swooping in to save the day when Hulkling and Wiccan’s celebration of Unification Day is broken up by the Supreme Intelligence. Anthony Oliveira’s script is quick and witty, with fun dialogue between the three heroes. I wish Hulkling and Wiccan got a chance to show their strengths. Eleonora Carlini’s art had a cute, whimsical feel to it that you wouldn’t associate with Captain Marvel yet I thought it was a nice approach for this one-off story. My only complaint was how prominent and pointed characters’ noses were throughout the book to the point where they look like Whos from The Grinch.

    Not to take anything away from this story, but I’m really scratching more

  • 5.5
    fzanca Oct 12, 2023

    I was hoping for something that wasn't completely average. That's exactly what this was. The art was far too cartoony and after building up that the Kree/Skrull War was over and Unification Day had arrived, they are attacked by the Kree? Huh? Who did they negotiate the peace with, if not the Supreme Intelligence? So he just decided to start the war back up? This was all very confusing. The dialogue was very low-brow. Someone needs to rework this character. I like Carol and there's something here, but people just play with her upper layer, instead of delivering deeper. That's why this character is so hated - the stories are too shallow.

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  • 4.0
    bomp Oct 12, 2023

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