Out of Gluck's Profile

Joined: Feb 15, 2023

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Astonishing Iceman (2023) #3

Oct 29, 2023

If Iceman is popular enough to have his own solo series over so many other mutants, it better be good. This is just treading water.

Dead X-Men (2024) #1

Feb 2, 2024

Was so looking forward to this. I don't think it is remotely good nor will it have any lasting impact. Yet another example of the Krakoan era whimpering and limping out. The summer relaunch is so desperately needed.

Fall of the House of X (2024) #1

Jan 5, 2024

Overall, not impressed. Need Rasputin IV and Ms. Marvel to be gone. I don't care where, just not in a flagship X-Men title. Positive points for seeing actual A-list X-Men together: Kitty, Kurt, Peter, Logan, Remy and Rogue in a panel together? Almost unheard of compared to the try hards they have littering these titles. Looking forward to a new lead voice for the X-Men who doesn't come up with dumb things like Shadowkat with a k.

Fall of the House of X (2024) #2

Feb 17, 2024

Yearning for a fresh take.

Immortal X-Men (2022) #11

May 17, 2023

This was OK overall, but continues Gillen trends, dogging Xavier and championing pet characters Hope and Emma. There is this weird trend in lettering where "God" is not capitalized. If you're referring to the Jewish/Christian/Muslim deity, then it's "God", it is a name and thus a proper noun. Just like "Zeus" would be capitalized or other proper names like "Buddha". To say, "Oh my god" is just grammatically incorrect. If you don't believe in Jewish/Christian/Muslim God then don't invoke Him. It's now how our language works unless we want to start talking about "xavier", "emma" and "nightcrawler". Yet, for some reason, "Goddess" is capitalized. . . This is a trend in recent X-comics so I assumed this is an editorial thing and not a letterer thing.

Immortal X-Men (2022) #12

Jun 7, 2023

Some interesting movement here.

Immortal X-Men (2022) #13

Jul 22, 2023

I just wish we had more of Cypher and his machinations all along.

Immortal X-Men (2022) #15

Sep 7, 2023

I liked seeing Selene and Shaw. Unsure about the rest still.

Inferno (2021) #1

Mar 9, 2023

Inferno (2021) #4

Mar 9, 2023

Invincible Iron Man (2022) #8

Aug 1, 2023

Emma is Duggan's Mary Sue.

Jean Grey (2023) #1

Sep 7, 2023

Great to finally have a series with adult Jean. Would have been nice to have something where she isn't between life and death and flashbacking, but I can't deny that the writing and the art was top notch.

Marauders (2022) #9

Feb 15, 2023

Truly a mess, I don't get the 10s.

New Mutants (2019) #7

Mar 9, 2023

New Mutants (2019) #8

Mar 9, 2023

I like that Brisson was trying to do something with Magma and Nova Roma. File it in the "danglers" list.

New Mutants (2019) #33

Feb 15, 2023

Loses even more points for having nothing to do with the New Mutants team. Try letting the characters stand on their own feet with a title that doesn't automatically sell. And somehow this merits 5 more issues? Poor Dani, Illyana, etc.

New Mutants Lethal Legion (2023) #1

Mar 9, 2023

So the actual New Mutants were replaced by z-listers who are borrowing their name for a title. Feels like a bait and switch, not cool. Mirage was on the cover, that was enough for me to buy. I think she got a panel.

New Mutants Lethal Legion (2023) #2

Apr 28, 2023

Strategy: "Let's ignore all the cool New Mutants and focus on the lamest, least interesting characters ever". Bad strategy.

New Mutants Lethal Legion (2023) #4

Jun 28, 2023

[Art: 4.5 Writing: 2.5] /2 = 3.5 -2 points for repeatedly using Wolfsbane's ridiculous multiple man powers which make no sense whatsoever.

New Mutants Lethal Legion (2023) #5

Jul 21, 2023

The best thing about this series was the author's sign-off. She appreciated the chance to write the New Mutants. However, this series was extremely poor, self-indulgent, cringe and cheesy. It did absolutely no favors whatsoever for the New Mutants brand and dragged down the actual three New Mutants characters who were secondary to this book. Cerebella/Escapade/Scout/MorganRed/Galura/Hibbert #NotMyNewMutants Recipe for success in a New Mutants book is simple: Cannonball + Mirage + Magik + Sunspot. Bonus for others in the Original 9. But these core four are the most popular and are integral to the brand. Sadly they haven't been together properly since issue #7 of the main title (Hickman).

Nightcrawlers (2023) #2

Mar 9, 2023

Nightcrawlers (2023) #3

Apr 28, 2023


Phoenix (2024) #4

Oct 12, 2024

I do think this series is improving. The only problem I have with it is the core concept-- I'm not sold on Jean as a cosmic hero. What I love about Jean is her human side and her relationship with the X-Men. We're not seeing any of that which is a bit sad for me. I think the editors should consider giving her more earth time but releasing the Phoenix power when on earth to balance things out.

Rise of the Powers of X (2024) #2

Feb 24, 2024

More Cypher please!

Sins of Sinister (2023): Dominion #1

Apr 28, 2023

Is it bad that I want those 4 characters to stay in the pit-- at least for a while?

Storm (2023) #1

Jul 1, 2023

Normally not into flashback series. Surprised by the criticism-- it's extremely Claremontian set in the Claremont era. Logo of the book is Storm's best logo ever. Art is neither great nor bad. Subplots have been seeded. Quite impressed with Nocenti's work here.

Uncanny Spider-Man (2023) #1

Sep 20, 2023

So I HATED Way of X. I HATED Legion of X even more and all the Onslaught garbage too. Expected to hate this but gave it a fair shake. As a Nightcrawler fan I feel like this is a return to form. It helps that he jettisoned the clunky supporting cast of the last 2 books. (No one cares about Lost and Forgetmenot). Liked the relationship between Kurt and Peter. Like the street level aspect which mutants don’t usually get. Intrigued to carry on, and I don’t give this score lightly.

Uncanny Spider-Man (2023) #2

Oct 27, 2023

As with last month, I am not a fan of Spurrier's X-writing but this has been good. I blame editorial for small things like Dagger saying "moaning" instead of "complaining". She's American, Spurrier is British, get it right folks. Docking .5 for Nightcralwer saying "F@#%@ off". He's not a character who curses.

X-Factor (2024) #3

Oct 24, 2024

I get that every writer wants to create new characters but this doesn't do much for me. Some good ideas though.

X-Force (2024) #4

Oct 12, 2024

This book is just OK for me. The biggest struggle I have is that I don't like the team lineup at all so I'm not at all motivated to continue buying. It's kind of an issue I have with McKay's X-Men as well. I need flagship characters (which Betsy no longer is since she lost the Psylocke identity).

X-Men (2021) #20

Mar 9, 2023

I'm not sure why people are giving Duggan's run such a hard time. I think it's because the X-Men title has such high expectations. It's been reliably "solid" throughout. For me, that's a passing grade when I consider New Mutants post-Ayala.

X-Men (2021) #22

May 18, 2023

X-Men (2021) #24

Jul 21, 2023

X-Men (2021) #25

Aug 3, 2023

Ms. Marvel as one of the X-Men feels forced/contrived/MCUwashed. The Kitty vs. ORCHIS scene was badass though.

X-Men (2021) #26

Sep 7, 2023

A definite step backwards in momentum; this felt like filler. Low points: - The jig is ALREADY up with Firestar? Wha??? - The continued idiotic spelling of Shadowkat. Maybe she can have an intervention by Cyklops and Nightkrawler. - Continue retconning of Emma's deeds as a former villain. Even Butter Rum now? I've generally liked the Duggan run but focus on the obvious pet characters is wearing thin; ready for a change.

X-Men (2021) #31

Feb 8, 2024

Personally I am happy one Laura was removed from the board. I hate the proliferation of duplicate and/or derivative characters. It seems that Synch's Vault story has gone awry though. Synch's story was heartbreaking-- an ancient man stuck in a young man's body without the love of his life. Instead of exploring that theme, Duggan just gave him the love interest. Steps have been skipped in tight storytelling at all points. I think this is better than a lot of recent issues, although I still can't imagine how Shadowkat with a K passed editorial.

X-Men (2021) #34

May 1, 2024

I'm finding this lame duck era especially bad. Here we just get more of Duggan's pets (Laura, Emma, Kitty, Everett) continue to do their shtick and get more of the continued vilification of Xavier.

X-Men (2021): Hellfire Gala 2023 #1

Jul 27, 2023

Very compelling, but somehow missing that special something. I have to take off points for -what happened to Jean (abandon the trope already) -the continued vilification of Xavier (also tropey) -Moira's unearned heel turn which is still incredibly unbelievable Those who had Xavier's psychic training mostly didn't make a lick of sense. Emma Frost and Lourdes Chantel using Xavier's technique? R E S I S T I really don't care for Ms. Marvel as a mutant either-- there are so many mutants screaming for page space and she has her own niche; she doesn't need the X-Men and they don't need her.

X-Men (2024) #1

Jul 10, 2024

Not a bad debut. Not overly fond of the art style and the cast doesn't do much for me. This just doesn't feel like the cast of a flagship X-book.

X-Men (2024) #2

Oct 24, 2024

X-Men (2024) #6

Oct 24, 2024

X-Men Blue: Origins (2023) #1

Nov 29, 2023

Has some good retcons, has some unnecessary retcons. The X-Office continues to vilify Xavier and soften villains. Can Spurrier be done with Nightcrawler now?

X-Men: Before The Fall (2023): Mutants' First Strike #1

Jun 7, 2023

Kudos to Orlando's deep cuts but this was literally a litany of just mutant reports one after the other.

X-Men: Before The Fall (2023): Heralds of Apocalypse #1

Jul 1, 2023

Story is laying down bricks. It might be better in retrospect but as a self-contained story it feels like we're on the sidelines, not in the game.

X-Men: Onslaught Revelation (2021) #1  
X-Men: Red (2018) #1  
X-Men: Red (2022) #11

May 17, 2023

I found this compelling; I just wonder why the X-office has such a boner for vilifying Xavier.

X-Men: Red (2022) #13

Jul 21, 2023

I have to admit I'm losing interest in Arakko. There are sooooooo many mutants clamoring for page time that I can mostly do without this extra planet. Appreciate their weirdness though.

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