Amass absorbed Kitty during the retreat, which is why the pair of them combined recognize the baddy in the (epically stupid) Last Page Twist. Rest assured I explain without endorsing; this is singularly bad storytelling in both words and art.
Captain Pryde and the Marauders have vowed to save Threshold and all its mutants, no matter the odds. But maybe they should've checked those odds first! Witness the origins of Threshold and of mutantkind itself! And fight to protect those origins as the Marauders find they're not the only castaways from the future to take root in the deep past. All this?and the first appearance of GROVE, without whom the Krakoan era wouldn't exist!
Rated T+
‘Marauders' #9 hits a point of lore, character, and nostalgia overload as it continues the team's already deadly trip to the ancient past to save some of the very first mutants of Earth. Tons of solid ideas and energetic vivid fun artwork fill this book that tries to stay afloat even as it gets a bit lost within itself and the story trappings at times. Read Full Review
Marauders #9 doesn't only fall prey to more of these art annoyances, but the story that's being told feels like it requires an X-Men encyclopedia to fully grasp. Read Full Review
This book continues to be good but not nearly as good as some of the other x-books. The story has some depth and these new characters are really intriguing and interesting to me. I look forward to the next issue to learn more about these new characters and find out how the really cool last page reveal will play out
Eleonora Carlini's work is the real joy of this book, energetic and full of expressive fluidity in a way that reminds me of Kyle Baker. But I just don't care about the story, and many of the Marauders themselves are mostly just there in the background. (does it count as a tradition if both writers on the comic have done it?) I think this might be where I jump off, unfortunately
Truly a mess, I don't get the 10s.
The writing here is terrible. I have nothing to grasp onto here. I don't care about these new characters and this world, and every page of this is filled to the brim with characters, hardly presenting personalities, going on and on about these new things.
After nine issues this series is a absolute mess. Plots that keep jumping from place to place with little sense of logic or pacing. Dialog that is either cringe worthy is or out of context to what is happening in the panel. Characters disappearing off page with no explanation? What happened to Kitty? She's just gone now? The artwork, while energetic looking is also hard to follow. Unless there's a extreme closeup everyone ends up looking alike and it can be difficult to follow the action or even have a sense of what's happening. This book needs to be thrown into the garbage, set on fire and put out of it's misery. Truly a pathetic attempt at comics.