When the world turned against Krakoa, these five mutants lost their lives...but their mission as X-Men is just getting started. To preserve Xavier's dream, they must accomplish the impossible - or die again trying! Spinning out from RISE OF THE POWERS OF X, discover...who are the DEAD X-MEN?!
This is, in every sense, a beautiful, thrilling, ticking time bomb of a book. You don't want to miss out. Read Full Review
All the artists deliver powerful, dynamic and visually compelling art throughout the issue. The visuals kept me engaged with every character and story element. Read Full Review
And if thats not enough, the possible new villain that could follow them through to the new X-Men era afterward is also a clever cliffhanger that this reviewer is interested in teasing out. I highly recommend adding this series to your pull list, especially if you are following along with this event OR just want to know what the heck has happened with the X-Men over these past couple of years! Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless! Read Full Review
Dead X-Men #1 is simultaneously a great hopping on point for someone looking to catch a final glimpse of this current X-Men era, while also being faithful to the past few years of mutant storytelling. It helps reinforce the idea of the X-Men being Marvel's most elaborate and extensive house of characters, hopping genres without missing a single beat along the way. Read Full Review
In Dead X-Men #1, the long-awaited return of an all-new X-Men team arrives. Their mission is complete but their story has only just begun. It's like an Exiles book by way of the FALL OF X, and the action is almost nonstop. As Fall of the House of X and Rise of the Powers of X form the core of the X-Line, Dead X-Men has quickly established itself as an essential companion to the maddening web that Gillen is weaving with his side of the story. X-Fans, make sure you don't miss out on this. Read Full Review
As someone who has kinda gotten tired of the Moira MacTaggert schtick in the X-Men universe, and welcomes the soon to come retcon, I have to say that Dead X-Men #1 went above my expectations. Time travel can get really convoluted, really quick, but this book did a great job of laying everything out straight forward. There would obviously be some context needed for anyone picking up this issue, but I feel like this could be a good jumping off point for interested readers. Read Full Review
Dead X-Men #1 presents a complicated concept that isn't easily digestible, and the creative team is doing their best within the boundaries they have to work within. Read Full Review
Dead X-Men #1 isn't a bad comic but it's an "event comic in every way. If you're not bought into the current X-Men transition story, it's one that won't jump out. But, if you're completely here for it, it's a vital chapter of what happens next and how it happens. Read Full Review
This was sooooo good, this will be fundamental for the conclusion of Hickman’s X-Men , read it true believers!
I was worried that this team wouldn’t have much to do and would be quite tangential to the main action of the Fall of X. I’m very pleasantly surprised that this is not the case!
Not my favorite debut in the current "FoHoX" phase of X-books, though it wasn't bad. I don't think we needed three different artists here, especially with no big scene changes to warrant it. Either way, Foxe wrote a fairly interesting story, though I just wish the execution was a bit better. Re-reading the solicitation for this and realizing that this comes out of Rise of the Powers of X does make it make a bit more sense for me, though.
Art: 3/5
Story: 3/5
Total: 6/10
This was VERY different than what I expected going into the debut of this miniseries. I was anticipating a story focused more on events from the X-Men’s past, but this felt squarely focused on revisiting Moira and her past lives which were first introduced all the way back in Hickman’s HoX #2.
The setup for how/why these 5 mutants were chosen was handled via data pages and it felt sorta cheap IMO, especially for how we got this point. Xavier and Rachel put the plan together? Ok, but when? I couldn’t stop thinking about that major missing piece throughout the entire issue. And how much more are we going to see Moira turned into a caricature of herself? This is getting out of hand.
Having 3 artists on a book is a more
Was so looking forward to this. I don't think it is remotely good nor will it have any lasting impact. Yet another example of the Krakoan era whimpering and limping out.
The summer relaunch is so desperately needed.