The Mad Titan descends upon Earth to retrieve something he has lost. And the Illuminati must band together to stop him, because they're the ones who hid it from him!
Rated T+
Thanos #1 is intriguing. It takes a bold stab at telling a story differently and will make you feel dark thoughts that set up a vibe for Thanos to settle into. The plot of the story remains to be seen at this stage, with this issue feeling more like the 10-minute cold open to a great episode of TV. Read Full Review
Thanos #1 contains one of the most easy to solve mysteries in comics while also serving as a fun reintroduction to the Mad Titan. The way the story is grounded makes it read like no other Thanos adventure before. Read Full Review
Even though his name is in the title, Thanos only has a few appearances throughout this first issue. Read Full Review
Thanos #1 isn't a bad comic and in many ways it delivers some cheesy cosmic fun. But, unless you're invested in the character or that corner of the Marvel universe, it's not really enough to suck you in. Still, the return of Mad Titan and what's teased has some potential there. Still, this is one that's more for the hardcore invested fans. Read Full Review
The Mad Titan is back as Thanos #1 kicks off with a rather dull introduction focusing in on this brand-new character foreign to the masses. What makes this opener even more flat, is the fact that we get nothing suspenseful or thrilling surrounding this new character. Read Full Review
Thanos #1 is an endearing comic book series with a shockingly small scope. Read Full Review
I liked this issue, but it's definitely not what I expected. The biggest thing I wasn't expecting was the lack of the titular character. It's not something I'm going to hold against the story here, but it was just a bit weird. I will say that I do like the new Illuminati team and I'm really glad to see Blue Marvel getting some spotlight here. I do like the story, though, but I just wish this packed a bigger punch with its interesting premise, if that makes sense. All things considered, this was definitely an intriguing opening issue for this miniseries that defied expectations. I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes.
Review at (1:24) in link
For a series barring the Mad Titan’s name, the debut issue severely lacked his’ presence. Instead we get a long introduction to a new female character who has some sort of tie to Thanos — enough so that he carves out the city of Fresno and lifts it into space in search for her. She’s met by the new lineup of Illimunati, who we’re informed has somehow warped her memory to hide who she truly is. There was nothing inherently bad about Chris Cantewell’s script, but the script introducing a brand new character verged on boring. It takes nearly 2/3 of the book to get even a semblance of what might be happening and by there is not a lot to get excited about ahead of the next issue. This may end up being an interesting story, but it maymore
ok we get it thanos
>Deep sigh<
5 dollars for this? I'm not going after the second issue
Yawn. Same story over and over again. Pass.