Batmanaholic's Profile

Joined: Aug 05, 2021

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Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #1

Apr 28, 2022

This is a tough book to review. I like parts fo it but not others, I don't mind the Mary Jane thing at the end, because it's only been 6 months. If they are anything but step kids it will take this issue to a 3-4/10 in retrospect tho. Unless they are Mephisto demons or something g or from an alternate timeline and Peter really screwed everything up. Who knows. John Romita Jr was born to draw Spider-Man. I absolutely love his Spider-Man comics, which is kinda funny because I did not like the art in 1 single comic he drew for dc. I really didn't enjoy any of them. Maybe superman year one, but his Batman is aweful, but other then when randomly Spider-Man's legs are way to small. His Spider-Man is just awesome. So did I enjoy the reset πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ..... no, but I'm excited to see where it goes. At the end of the day, I've not read nearly as many Spider-Man books as I have Batman and skipped Spencer's run. But I will keep with this run for a while and see where it goes. The story is intriguing enough to want to stay.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #2

May 27, 2022

This book is a going to take a few issues to get where people want it to be, but the first two issues have been alright, and I'm excited to see where this goes from here. Don't be mad about a cover in comics. It's comics lol this is what happens hell last week I got a Batman superman 3 cover with the Batman who laughs on it....... he's not in the issue. Idgaf tho because it's a good cover

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #3

Jun 9, 2022

This was a fun read, the first three issues together are telling a good story. I am liking where the book is going. And enjoying the story it's telling. John romita jr, was born to draw Spider-Man, it the place his art looks best.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #5

Jul 6, 2022

Great conclusion to this silencing arc, the mystery of what happened is still out there, but I imagine in issue 900 we will get some answers (hopefully) but Black Cat coming around is always welcome ( I like her more then mj after one more day ) and Pete going back to have dinner with aunt May. Felicia gave him the words he needed to hear, and I think this run is going to be a classic. I can't wait for issue 7 to get here.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #8

Aug 24, 2022

This a really really good Spider-Man run so far, still has some mysteries going, and is doing a good job of keeping me entertained. It's changed up the status quo with some good writing, and some great takes on the villains. We all know him making peace with Norman Osborne will not last long, but it's always nice to see Peter give someone the benefit of the doubt. It's who he is, no matter how many times that person stabs them in the back. He's going to give them another chance.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #13

Nov 9, 2022

This has been a great series overall possibly the most consistent and best on the shelf from the big two. Since issue 1. I have rather enjoyed this run and can't wait for the next arc to start. Also the Kraven's last hunt variant cover is top notch.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #14

Nov 23, 2022

This was not what I expected but a good read. It's got 4 different set teams which is usually something I hate, but it worked for this story. Ben'a new suit is pure badass and one of the only character redesigns I've liked in a long time. Can't wait for this event to start.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #24

Apr 21, 2023

This is coming from a guy who likes Our favourite wall crawler Peter with Felicia over Mj. But this is just a horrible way to treat MJ to me. And Peter getting to look like a big cuck and Paul not only stole his girl he's worked how hard to get back after all this time? But he kids with her. I thought she was the strip mom or something before, but this to me is just an aweful place to take the story. I'm happy he's back with Felicia, and I have really enjoyed this run up until this issue to be honest, it's not amazing but it's been solid. This is jsut dumb and bad, such an aweful idea. I have no clue how it made it through editorial.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #32

Aug 23, 2023

It was a solid issue all around. I was not a massive fan of the last 5-7 issues so this was a good course correction. I was let down, that they kicked black cat before they ever seemed to have a good time. But the lawyer of a crime boss love interest if they go that route. Could actually be kinda fun, I could see it leading to some good/fun stories. But the ending got me, I really like where this is going, especially with the villains in this series. And spoilers I am a massive Batman who laughs fan, so I can't wait for The Spider Who Cackles. It seems like a good angle to take, it felt weird for this arc to be able forcing Norman to be the goblin. After the last arc. I bet he saves the day in a couple arcs or maybe even this one, by taking the goblin back. It only makes sense.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #33

Sep 6, 2023

That was ruthless, so much fun, and a great homage all at the same time. Exactly how you want Peter to act after what happened last issue. If you like Angry black suit Spider-Man going to town. You will enjoy this. If not πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ it's not what I want for 50 issues of spidey but 5-10 ya it's an awesome arc, best since the first one.

Aquaman: Andromeda #1

Jun 8, 2022

Now that is a fun start to a comic book, I don't read a lot of aquaman solo stuff, but this was amazing. I cannot wait for issue 2. If you like amazing art and great intriguing new story's, then you need too but this book.

Batman (2016) #118

Dec 9, 2021

This book was simply a great Batman book. I really enjoyed the setup in the issue for where this run wants to go, I really enjoyed the two small time criminals at the start. And my good lord can Molina draw Gotham and Batman, the fireworks in the background of his first Batman page almost seemed like a celebration of finally getting to draw Batman in Gotham for the first time. The art is just breath taking, and worth the read for the billionaires ball scene alone. The only thing keeping this from being a 10 is no Alfred, no Batman book will ever get a 10 until he's back to me. The story was fun and interesting, I'm always down for a new Gillian but I really loved how they have this one set in the past and brought in a good mystery. We haven't had some good detective work lately. I really hope this is a good long run if this is what we are getting. Like if he keeps writing this and robin this good, give this man the keys to Gotham and let him play as long as he wants. I haven't enjoyed a Batman book outside black label stuff this much since Snyder. I don't care how dc does it but we need Alfred back and Bruce Wayne's fortune aswell.

Batman (2016) #125

Jul 6, 2022

Fun read, I like the story and the art is amazing as always. You can tell this is not the same series tynion was writing. Even though it has the same artist. Jimenez is flawless as always on pencils. The man can stay in Gotham as long as he wants! Fail safe the new villian doesn't play a part yet, but I am intrigued to see where it goes. Tim drake felt like Tim drake. I still don't like them making him bi, but this comic does it right. Let's not focus on his sexuality, but make him Tim drake again. All in all it's a 7.5-8 but the art gets that half a point extra from me. Great start to a new Batman run.

Batman (2016) #126

Aug 5, 2022

This is going to be a really fun Batman book, the art is perfection and the story is interesting. I want to see how Bruce beats failsafe, and I'm always down for the return on the last page. It's been a while since we have seen him, and I really can't wait to see where this story goes.

Batman (2016) #129

Nov 2, 2022

Hard to rate without the conclusion, but the art so amazing and the story has been fast paced. It's good not great. It's worthy of the main Batman title atleast. I don't get the 4-5 ratings. The art alone makes this book worth reading. My only complaint about this arc is that it almost feels like the end of a long run on Batman not the start of one. Where do you go from this?

Batman (2016) #131

Jan 4, 2023

This series has not exactly been what I expected from a zdarsky Batman book. But it's always a good solid read. This was a fun issue, I like the skeleton Jim Gordon. Excited to see where this series goes. It's paying homage to older stories while doing its own thing at the same time. Let's see where this all goes!

Batman (2016) #135

May 4, 2023

That was a fun finale lots of fan service but it was awesomely drawn. Jimenez is the best artist on Batman since capullo I love his Gotham and everything he does with each bstman he drawn. Michael Keaton needs to buy the page of his Batman for his office. And the Adam west one should go into a Batman museum. Simply breathtaking what that man can do eith a pencil. The story was fun but I didn't overly like the whole " he created every joker " thing. It looks more like the regular joker drove him mad and not the other way around. All in all this run has been good. Nothing special I am going to be honest I think I enjoyed the first 2 arcs of tynions Batman run more then zdarsky's. Not by much but batman their dark designs was a way better story then it gets credit for, and better then fail safe, and joker war was better then this arc too. So we will see where this goes from here. I'm excited for the next arc.

Batman (2016) #137

Sep 7, 2023

The art is great as jiminez is on the pencils, but this event is just not good so far. Everyone's acting like an idiot. Batman's off but that's a little understandable, since he was in a different universe for 2 months, but the rest of the bat family is just written so stupidly. Like did you not think that eventually the villians will team up? Or just hire goons from other cities..... or just pay their old henchmen who are now better trained l. To do bigger and more dangerous jobs. Selina's whole idea, makes zero logical sense, and I know we are talking about comics here. But this has to be Howard's idea. Because it just seems to stupid to come from chip. He's no god of comics or anything, but I expect him to be smarter then " if the criminals only rob the rich, then nobody gets hurt " ..... yes except once you rob everything the rich have within 6 months. Now what? I was originally going to give this a 6.5 but the more I thought about it. I feel this end of the event was written, and then the rest of it was made to make a story around the ending.

Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War (2023): Scorched Earth #1

Nov 4, 2023

This was awful, just aweful. The whole idea should have been stopped in editorial. I think that has to be the biggest issue in comics currently. No editor ever seems to say to a writer β€œ that is a stupid idea and you cannot do it β€œ Also dc has the best character in all of comics l, and has decided β€œ you know how people love Batman…… and he makes literally over half or more of our revenue in a year, how about lets take away his trusty beloved Butler, his mansion, his cash, and now his family, his manhood in some stories (Tini Howard writes him line a big cry baby bitch ) β€œ and wonders why people don't like the current Batman run. Bruce Wayne being a rich white male, doesn't mean he can't be the best character in your roster dc, and it doesn't mean you have to hate him for being rich or white. Dc needs to be bought by a crypto billionaire nerd, and completely redone top to bottom.

Batman / Spawn (2022) #1

Dec 14, 2022

Batman / Spawn was a lot of fun. Seriously it's nice to just read a nice an fun comic with great art. I like the ending and how it leaves this open for a sequel that I really would like to read. Because the only thing holding this book back was time. If this was a 3/4 part series it would be amazing and give the story more time to build. If you like Greg Capullo's art even half as much as I do, this will be worth reading. It's just gory fun from the first page to the last.

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #2

Apr 21, 2022

Dc just straight up. More comics like this. Thank you, and to comic writers...... mark waid showed you how to just write a good comic and keep most of your politics on twitter and off the pages.

Batman Beyond: Neo-Year #3

Jun 8, 2022

Fun read I love Batman Beyond alot lately though, and it's fun too see terry have to branch out on his own and go low tech. It was great too see babs, and the new cop Terry was talking with and crushing on was really cool. She seems like a good addition to the story. I just really enjoy this book all around. Great art too!

Batman Beyond: Neo-Year #4

Jul 6, 2022

This series is fun and a good read with some awesome art. If you liked Batman beyond. But this book, it's that simple. Is it perfect? No but it's a great read and it of fun, and knows what it's trying to do. And that's more then I can say about a lot of books on the market today. It gets a 7.5 and not a 8, because I like Batman 125 just a little bit more, so I could t give them the same mark.

Batman vs. Robin (2022) #3

Nov 9, 2022

This is a really really good comic. I was going to give it a 9. Spoiler God dammit dc, you killed off alfred after three issues I was soooooooooo happy to have my butler back. You can go to hell. I'm only buying 1 cover of every book from now on instead of two, and cutting my pull list in half. I'm tired of your shenanigans and Tom foolery.

Batman vs. Robin (2022) #4

Dec 22, 2022

Awesome story and can't wait for the rest of the series.

Batman: Beyond the White Knight #1

Mar 31, 2022

This is a perfect start to this universe. SGM is the man at giving you a new take on a classic Batman tale, and making it his own. I loved the tweeks to the regular continuity and the Batman beyond continuity. This book gives a great foundation for this tale to start from! I can't wait for issue 2. Let's go bat family. We got a good one in the making here!

Batman: Beyond the White Knight #2

Apr 28, 2022

This is exactly what to do with an elseworld a story, create your own new fun universe while paying respect to the characters, while giving them a new spin. This would be a 10, but I just don't like how dick is always ....... well such a dick all the damn time. He's the only one in the series I don't like, and I've never not liked dick Greyson. He's usually Dutch an awesome character. It's weird to think of him as the bad guy.

Batman: Beyond the White Knight #3

May 27, 2022

Read this series if your not it's so much fun. I love black label series that have their own universe though. It allows you to just tel something completely different then the other 17 Batman books on the shelf this month.

Batman: Beyond the White Knight #4

Jun 29, 2022

Great story so far, this is probably the worst issue so far..... but only because one of them had to be. But it's still a great story. The only issue I have with this book is dick Greyson's character, he's soooooooooo out of character but it's out of continuity. So I hate bashing it for having him not be himself... when he isn't truly our boy wonder. I really like what they did with Terry in this issue. That sets this up for a a sweet team up down the road, if what we all want out of a Batman beyond series.

Batman: Beyond the White Knight #6

Oct 27, 2022

This series is awesome, this is how you do an elseworlds tale. This is a very very great issue. The set is amazing, I love the way sgm does the shadows in this book. I can't wait to re read the first to volumes and then go through this series again when it's done. Dc this is one of your best books on the shelf and the covers are always worthy of putting up on a wall. I may have to change up my Batman books and get some sgm on my wall soon.

Batman: Fortress (2022) #1

May 27, 2022

This book is tough to review, it gets a lot right about Batman but so much wrong at the same time it is impossible to rate this above a 4.5, Batman being ok with people looting his city, is the dumbest take on Batman literally in 80 years of the character.

Batman: One Bad Day (2022): The Riddler #1

Aug 18, 2022

That was quite possibly the worst comic book I have read, it's definitely the worst Batman story I have ever read. Tom king should never be allowed to write a Batman comic again after that. Don't try and ruin the killing joke because your a hack writer. No spoilers but everyone who gave this a 8/19-10/10 is on glue. Your all dumb for saying this is a perfect story. It try's to say the riddler came up with the plan for the killing g joke and also has Batman break his only rule it seems. Such an aweful book. Do not read this book save your money or just light it on fire or give it to a homeless person. Worst Batman comic ever.

Batman: One Dark Knight (2021) #1

Dec 23, 2021

The art was awesome, the setup is cool, the fact the book has Alfred in it doing Alfred stuff got it a bonus point from a 7 to an 8. Dc .......... everyone loves Alfred, literally everyone loves that old British man. Now Toss his ass in a Lazarus pit, have the death been faked by clay face or lady clay face, or the broken neck scene have been a fear toxin sequence, and Alfred's been trapt in a secret prison this whole time. I don't care dc, use whatever stupid comic book logic you need too, but bring us back our beloved butler.

Batman: One Dark Knight (2021) #2

Mar 31, 2022

Jock is a better writer then I thought he would be. I can't believe we where lucky enough to get two Batman books this week. Written and drawn by one guy. I always enjoy these stories, because there is nothing lost between what the writer wants and what the artist wants. They always make for a good - great read, and the art is amazing. Jock is an amazing Batman artist, this is a fun story, you get a very contained story since this three parter is all happening in one night. I like this approach, and showing Batman working without all his gadgets is always fun. This book is a fun read, and I cannot wait to buy the hardcover for my Batman shelf. This a Batman tale worthy of our favourite caped crusader!

Batman: The Knight (2022) #2

Feb 17, 2022

This book is awesome, I didn't expect to enjoy it the way I am, I didn't think we needed this story but honestly it seems to be exactly what Batman needed to be honest. I have the first two volumes of zdarsky's DD run at home, and they jump got bumped up the " needs to be read list " I think he's got a good voice for a young Bruce finding his way, and I really liked cougar French cat woman lol, we see why Bruce has a thing for car burgers now haha.

Batman: White Knight Presents: Red Hood #2

Aug 24, 2022

It's a fun read not as good as the main story but I'm a sucker for a red hood story, so I probably give it a point more then it deserved, because of fanboy reasons πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths (2022) #1

Jun 8, 2022

Good start too this book, I'm excited to see where this goes. Not a perfect book, but a lot of fun and great art. Im always in for a good Multiverse story, and I can't wait to see a Dick vs Slade fight.

Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths (2022) #2

Jul 6, 2022

Great art fun fight scene but a big old " meh " from me on this event so far. It still has potential to be good. But A crisis book should not be " good " it should be amazing and talked about for years to come. I doubt anyone will be talking about this event by this time next year.

DC Pride (2021): 2022 #1

Jun 7, 2022

....... 9.8/10 and 9.6/10. So this anthology issue is the best boon dc has made since the court of owls? Is what your telling me? Just because it says pride on it, doesn't make it the greatest comic ever written. My god people. Use logic during your reviews.

DC Pride (2021): Tim Drake Special #1

Jun 14, 2022

These stories where boring and uninteresting the first time they where printed. Let alone the second time for a cheap cash grab during pride month, because nobody cares about these stories when they came out originally, as seen by the fact the first issue tim came out in, sold less then the previous issue did that was the end of an arc.

Detective Comics (2016) #1060

May 27, 2022

This is the best tamaki has ever written for detective comics. I like this arc so far actually and it's art is gorgeous!

Detective Comics (2016) #1063

Aug 24, 2022

Loved it, Great pacing, amazing art, I love what they did with Harvey sent with the gothic opera mask, and can't wait too see what happens with him next issue. I love barbatos as a villain, I have since I first read morrison's run and loved him in metal aswell. I love the creepy feel of this book, all in all, I can't figure out why any Batman fan would not at-least enjoy reading this book. This boona dm zdarsky on the main title is the best Batman we have gotten in a while, that is not a a black label mini series. Can't wait for the next issue!

Detective Comics (2016) #1065

Oct 27, 2022

This is a really really good start to a Batman run. It's different and sets itself apart from every other Batman book on the shelf. It has a mood to it that matches the story it's trying to tell perfectly. Ram G writes a very interesting Batman story. Can't wait for the next issue, also Albuquerque's art is perfect for this book. Only reason it's an 8 and not higher is I just liked the white knight series better this week. But between detective comics, the Zdarsky Batman run, and the white knight, waid's Batman and supermen, and Batman vs Robin, it's possible the best over quality in the Batman line up in a long time. I'm loving it.

Detective Comics (2016) #1069

Mar 1, 2023

This run has been a good to great slow burn. And I have enjoyed every issue so far. I feel the 10 ranking are a tad high. As it's not the Long Halloween or anything. But it's forsure the best detective has been since Tomasi was in the book.

Detective Comics (2016) #1073

Jun 28, 2023

See it's tough to date this series. Is it a good story with good art. Yes Is it a story I've read 7 times in the past 3 years with 7 different writers. Yes Ram v is trying to put his own spin on it, but I'm really really tired of the villians " Batman is actually bad for the City and I'll save it shtick " just stop it. There is no way possible in continuity for the city to flip flop on Batman this much and go from " he's our dark saviour " to " wait someone is trying to frame Batman for the 967th time, and we are dumb as sh!t so we fell for it again routine" And the mad hatter rip off with a bunch of eyes is dumb, just plain dumb. If this series existed in a vacuum where no other Batman series ever wrote about something like this. It would be good . But it's now it's just the next version of the same story I've read that doesn't make sense, as a non black label boom anymore. Get a better editorial dc.

Ghost Rider (2022) #2

Mar 31, 2022

As the name says I'm a big Batman fan. But I do love me some marvel too, I always wanted to read a ghost rider story, and this current arc is absolutely amazing. This is one of the best books on the shelf right now, from any company. If your local comic shop has issue 1/2 lying around go there and buy them right now! It's a phenomenal series. I am very very happy I picked this series up, this book was as good as anything on the shelf's This week . This series is as good as the start of immortal hulk. Marvel! More of this, this is awesome !

Gunslinger Spawn #8

May 27, 2022

Great art, fun story and good world building. Gunslinger spawn is a great series, anyone can love aslong as you like crazy horror art and some fun action fights and a cool new character!

Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #4

Jan 5, 2023

The main story was the best of the series. The jones where aweful and in poor taste and has me laughing. There humour was twisted and there was some great banter between red hood and the joker. Also spoiler When joker is hiding in the hospital from the swat team, and ends up in the childrens termanilly I'll suck wing. He made them laugh enough to cover for him with the cops. What more do you want from a joker comic. The backup is goofy but harmless old style comic fun but with dark goofy plots. And no logic at all. Anyone trying to say this is woke, because the joker was hexed and then threw up a mud monster that ended up forming into a mini joker. Is an idiot, who isn't worth listening too. I don't like " woke stuff" that wasn't " woke " you morons giving this 1.0 over it.

Jurassic League (2022) #1

May 11, 2022

I was sooooooooooo excited for this book. It's just a fun dumb idea when we don't get enough of them. I bet the series will read better once completed but while that's a good book. The amount of 10s this is getting is crazy. This is a good fun comic book, it is not a perfect comic book. Just stop it people.

Jurassic League (2022) #2

Jun 18, 2022

There is not enough weed in North America, to make this book as good as some people are trying to say it is. What are they reading, this is mediocre at best and I wanted to love it.

Local Man (2023) #1

Feb 22, 2023

This is a good read with good art. It reminds a bit of the boys with the way the issue plays out with his old team. Can't wait for issue 2

Mary Jane & Black Cat (2022) #1

Dec 22, 2022

That book was way more fun to read then expected. Awesome job all around on that one. The back up story was great too.

Robin (2021) #11

Mar 1, 2022

Williamson you beautiful son of a b$$$$ you are going to do it, it's a week late and I couldn't read this book till right now due to covid and not getting my books for a week. But yes people just in so many ways. This book is proof of extactly, exactly what makes comics fun. DC more of this, taking your Established characters and doing something fun and new that's in character for them, while adding a couple fresh new characters that are a blast to read. And massive spoiler next. So if you don't want a spoiler don't read this. If you actually bring Alfred back I don't care what comic book be logic you use to bring him back just bring back the butler I thought zdarsky would bring back the butler but Williamson I'm glad you did. This series is so much fun I've always like Damian but this is the best he's been written since Tomasi. Arts awesome too, just yes all day everyday. Best book I've read in a while.

Robin (2021) #13

Apr 28, 2022

This robin book overall has been one of the best books at dc every month for over a year. This is the best Damian has been written since super sons.

Robin (2021) #15

Jun 29, 2022

This was a mediocre end to a great robin run. Dc and marvel seriously need to lay off superheroes eating fast food or ordering up pizza. It's so dumb, Batman is never buying pizza for the barn family. Not in 100 years, like alfred fed them how many cucumber sandwiches over the years. The pizzas parties are so cringy. These hero's are not like you or me, stop trying to make them a normal pizza eating, Netflix watching idiot. They are better then us lol, let them be amazing. I've seen this so much lately and I'm tired of it. The bat family doesn't have pizza parties, why do they gotta try and be all cute with stuff.

Robin (2021) #17

Aug 24, 2022

This is the best Damian Wayne story form issue 1 until now I've ever read. Loved every issue. And I am sad to see it finish. I hope they do a nice omnibus for this run. It would be a must own for my shelf. This book was just straight up fun, and it always had great artwork. I loved Damian and flatline and I really hope she becomes his longtime catwoman Style on romance, (pre Tom king era) that always leaves you wanting more for the two.

Shadow War (2022): Alpha #1

Mar 31, 2022

Good starting point for shadow war, I liked the characterization of Ra's it was nice to see him close to death and pondering what he's become. And I do believe it was another master plan of his to be evil. Just like when joker turned good in white knight ....... villains only turn to the good side for a well placed plan. I did not like Bruce " I would have saved alfred" but it kind of fit the scene I just thought it made him look like an ass. Considering he was off on a beach and doing kinky things eith catwoman at the time. But shadow war seems like it will be a fun time, can't wait for the rest. Also I can't understand the hate for his art...... it's got some Greg capullo vibes to his Batman, and I never thought anyone would complain about that lol.

The Joker (2021) #15

Jul 6, 2022

Ok close to a interesting series. I never expected a joker series to be a Jim Gordon detective series, but I really enjoyed these 15 issues, and I hope the ending teases a future Jim Gordon/ bullock PI book. Like a Sam and twitch of the dc universe type of book. That could be a lot of fun.

Tim Drake: Robin (2022) #1

Sep 27, 2022

Why dc why would you let this hack writer destroy Tim drake and Bernard........ I remember the simpler days. When Bernard had the hots for Tim drakes new step mom, and had a massive crush on her. How that ended up as him wanting to blow Tim now, is hilariously bad writing.

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