Two of Spider-Man's villains are forming the deadliest team-up he's ever had to face. But are they after Spidey? Or is he just in the way of something bigger? Patrick Gleason rejoins the AMAZING SPIDER-MAN crew for the darkest arc of Amazing Spider-Man yet!
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Amazing Spider-Man #32 showcases Peters concern for his friends, casts the identity of the Goblin Queens partner in doubt, and leaves us wondering why the red-skinned woman seeks revenge. How much of Ashley Kafka remains and hates the villain she's become? Read Full Review
The Amazing Spider-Man #32is the beginning of something extremely compelling, kicking off the next big arc in this series with a bang. Gleason brings the necessary amount of tonal finesse visually that Wells' has desperately needed since the end of his work onThe Amazing Spider-Man: Beyond. They're a match made for one another, and this issue is proof of how some comics live and die by the symbiosis of their creators' respective roles. Read Full Review
Gleason delivers some solid action and visual thrills throughout the issue. The character moments are framed beautifully as well. I love the visual style of the Kraven/Kafka moments as well as the confrontation between Kraven and Norman. Read Full Review
Whether it's comedic back-and-forths, displays of fearsome power, or some sincere dialogue between old associates, every sequence serves up these disparate tones well and ensures they all blend together making Amazing Spider-Man #32 a diverse set up for a forthcoming story that's not to be missed. Read Full Review
Amazing Spider-Man #32 goes back to the well (again) for another villain trying to get Norman to revert to his Green Goblin ways. This time Kraven II gets in on the act to top his father's greatest hunt, and the accidental slip at the end leads to intriguing possibilities. The art looks great, and the idea has merit, so it's up to Wells to pay off the concept… for once. Read Full Review
Amazing Spider-Man #32 is a good-looking issue, but it's too impatient to get to the big cliffhanger moment. This issue falls prey to never earning some rather significant plot developments as it seems more interested in turning Spider-Man evil. Read Full Review
The panel with Felicia wasn't great. It was oddly written and felt a bit ooc.
But come on my fellow readers. You guys know this was a banger. With amazing art and intriguing direction.
Oh this was good! I'd walked away from this comic a while ago, but this issue caught my eye and I decided to give the title another shot, and I'm glad I did. This issue definitely benefits from Gleason's superb art papering over the cracks in Wells's script in places, particularly the scenes with Michele & Felicia (unsurprising, since the romantic subplots have always been Wells's weak spot on this title), but at its best, Wells's script sings with the sort of psychodrama he does so well.
This is a great issue. This issue in particular did something that I feel has been super lacking in modern Spidey, which is maintaining that balance between superheroics and soap opera. Gleason's art is amazing, they gotta use him more often. The run feels like it's picking up, finally breaking free from the Dead Language of it all, and focusing on its narrative strengths.
I don't like Queen Goblin. I don't like her coming back from the dead "because that's what Goblins do." I don't like the "Norman Osborn's sins are persistent, malevolent ghosts" premise that's central to her character--what this volume has done with that idea seems simultaneously too shallow and too deep.
I don't much like this volume or the way its author handles it. I don't like Zeb Well's strategic plans, and I don't like the way he paces his issues so fast and his arcs so slow.
But DAMN does the man know how to pull off a surprise plot twist. This issue's final scene came out of left field, completely floored me, and flipped my expectations on their heads. I can't help being excited about what comes next (even if e more
HATED the prior story arc and everything they’re doing with MJ. This book? This was great. The art on the Kraven pages? Stupendous.
*feel that it’s worth mentioning someone who hated the prior arc enjoyed this issue.
Was this my favorite issue of the series? No, I wouldn't say so. However, it's one I feel very positively about following how critical readers, myself included to a relatively much lesser degree, have been of the series since around Dark Web. We get Peter having kind of a weird conversation with Felicia after their break-up and we get a little bit of follow-up on Randy and Janice after the events of the last issue. I wasn't super into these parts of the book, but I appreciate their inclusion. After this, though, we get to what has me really excited about the future of this title. Peter and Norman's relationship has been one of the highlights of this run for me throughout, and that content continues to be good here. What really intrigues me more
Good issue but ASM has way too many stupid ideas. Trying to keep them and justify them in continuity is becoming a pain lol. Gleason on art helped a lot here as he is a great artist!
I liked it. Stuff happened. Still pissed about Felicia but unlike most Peter/MJ stans I will get over it. I just think it could have been handled better and not addressed so quickly and casually like they were just buddies or something. The art is phenomenal but I think Gleason is always good and finds a way to change his style just enough with each new character to bring out something new and it's a master talent. I REALLY like the bond that Norman is trying so hard to create and it makes me even happier that Peter is actually trying to accept it. I don't want to see it end but I realize it has to.
I'll give it a little higher just cause it was first pretty solid issue in a bit. Like to see some good entertainment come from this title.
It was a solid issue all around.
I was not a massive fan of the last 5-7 issues so this was a good course correction. I was let down, that they kicked black cat before they ever seemed to have a good time. But the lawyer of a crime boss love interest if they go that route. Could actually be kinda fun, I could see it leading to some good/fun stories.
But the ending got me, I really like where this is going, especially with the villains in this series.
And spoilers
I am a massive Batman who laughs fan, so I can't wait for The Spider Who Cackles. It seems like a good angle to take, it felt weird for this arc to be able forcing Norman to be the goblin. After the last arc.
I b more
To say there’s been criticism about this series over the past few months might be an understatement. From questionable storylines to questionable choices made by characters and everything in between, Zeb Wells was beginning to emerge as a new member of Spider-Man’s rogues gallery in die-hard Spidey fans’ eyes. Whether or not you agreed with each of these past criticisms, it’d be hard to argue that AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #32, which sees two of Spider-Man’s most potent villains teaming up and immediately spelling trouble for everyone’s favorite neighborhood superhero, isn’t a strong issue and a promising sign of things to come.
From the start, Wells showcases Kraven and Queen Goblin as legitimate threats who are dealing more
I love Patrick Gleason! Have since he worked on Green Lantern Corps