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Joined: Nov 16, 2022

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LoveAndLoss reviewed Tim Drake: Robin #5 Jan 25, 2023

Just when I thought Fitzmartin had finally left all those old detective stories alone, we're greeted with the most uninspired villain touting himself as worthy of comparison to the Joker. To be fair, this current version of Tim Drake is by no means giving Batman a run for his money at this rate either. Moriarty. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to take this seriously when nothing about this run has g more

Tim Drake: Robin #5

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Riley Rossmo
Released: Jan 25, 2023

Tim's mysterious new admirer/nemesis is closing in and they could be anyone. With everyone he trusts potentially compromised or in danger, the World's Greatest Robin has no one and nowhere left to turn for help...except for himself. But can Tim Drake get out of his own way for long enough to catch up to a villain who seemingly knows everything abou...

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(*In old-timey announcer guy voice*)
Previously on “Thanks I hate it” Starring Timblr & Bernard as the “Manic Pixie Femboy”. Timblr acted so out of character, after taking down a squad of fake Robins. But Bernard is now Tim’s boyfriend so it makes it all better. Will SmartA55 be able to make it through this issue with all his hair attached to his head?

(We now return to y more

Tim Drake: Robin #4

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Riley Rossmo
Released: Dec 28, 2022

Bernard has been kidnapped and only one person can save him: his boyfriend, Tim Drake! Plus, the Gotham Marina continues to be the target of both political unrest and a string of bizarre crimes. With every part of Tim’s life seemingly ready to explode, can the young sleuth crack the case of his abducted admirer before it’s too late?

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SomeRandomSmartA55 - Jan 2, 2023

Sadly, it is a fitting name.

2ndThought - Jan 11, 2023

Tim couldn't have been staying at Wayne Manor; last I checked, Bruce had moved out a while ago, leaving the place dormant. That does raise the question of where Tim has been staying before he moved to the Marina, but given Fitzmartin, probably something like he'd been sleeping in the various mini Bat-Caves around Gotham.

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LoveAndLoss reviewed Tim Drake: Robin #4 Dec 29, 2022

Let me start by saying, having seen more comments about the matter, that Rossmo's art isn't the main issue here for me. While I do continue to agree that this style wasn't the best fit for a Tim Drake book, it's still a style that has its place in the industry. Part of the issue with the art, though, is that it gives us one sense of a story while the actual story itself provides another, and I fee more

Tim Drake: Robin #4

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Riley Rossmo
Released: Dec 28, 2022

Bernard has been kidnapped and only one person can save him: his boyfriend, Tim Drake! Plus, the Gotham Marina continues to be the target of both political unrest and a string of bizarre crimes. With every part of Tim’s life seemingly ready to explode, can the young sleuth crack the case of his abducted admirer before it’s too late?

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Psycamorean reviewed Batgirls Annual: 2022 Dec 1, 2022

I'm not a huge fan of this series, but I thought this issue was pretty good, actually.

Batgirls Annual: 2022

By: Becky Cloonan, Michael Conrad
Released: Nov 30, 2022

It's a freaky Friday when the Batgirls wake up inside each other's bodies! That can't be possible, right? It's only stuff you see in the movies? Except Oracle has seen this happen before and the only person who may have the antidote to swap their bodies back...is Batman! And to make matters worse, Lady Shiva is here confronting her daughter about s...

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Quinn reviewed Batgirls Annual: 2022 Nov 29, 2022

This issue surprised me. I haven’t been a big fan of the book. I don’t like the art. Too cartoony for my preference, but I concede that is pure taste and the art isn’t bad the way bad comic art can be. I also thought the stories were not good and the characters were not done right by.

But this annual handles a lot of my concerns. Through a freaky Friday coin, Steph and Cass trade more

Batgirls Annual: 2022

By: Becky Cloonan, Michael Conrad
Released: Nov 30, 2022

It's a freaky Friday when the Batgirls wake up inside each other's bodies! That can't be possible, right? It's only stuff you see in the movies? Except Oracle has seen this happen before and the only person who may have the antidote to swap their bodies back...is Batman! And to make matters worse, Lady Shiva is here confronting her daughter about s...

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2ndThought reviewed Batgirls Annual: 2022 Nov 29, 2022

This annual takes on a genuine cinematic feel at times, and is certainly being more creative in how it depicts scenes, giving a stylistic element that's much appreciated.

The story is well paced, and left me excited to see what happened next. So overall, in spite of the annual not fully shedding some of the flaws of the series that drag it down a little, I'm left genuinely excited for more

Batgirls Annual: 2022

By: Becky Cloonan, Michael Conrad
Released: Nov 30, 2022

It's a freaky Friday when the Batgirls wake up inside each other's bodies! That can't be possible, right? It's only stuff you see in the movies? Except Oracle has seen this happen before and the only person who may have the antidote to swap their bodies back...is Batman! And to make matters worse, Lady Shiva is here confronting her daughter about s...

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2ndThought reviewed Tim Drake: Robin #3 Nov 23, 2022

First off, can I just point out that the solicit summary doesn't actually match this issue. That doesn't really affect the quality all that much, but it's worth noting.

Regardless, I'll be the first to concede that this issue has far more coherent progression between scenes than the last one. And there is clearly more of an effort being made this time when it comes to characterisation t more

Tim Drake: Robin #3

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Riley Rossmo
Released: Nov 23, 2022

DID SOMEONE SAY GOLDFISH? After a mysterious murder takes place in broad library, Tim, Detective Williams, and Darcy are led to three suspects...except they aren't real? Meanwhile, Tim's been so busy on this case, he's forgotten the case of the boyfriend. Where's Bernard?

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SomeRandomSmartA55 - Nov 23, 2022 (edited)

Yeah I also felt the “prove myself better” sense during the Robins fight. While I do subscribe that Tim is the best Robin, I believe that because he has so much honor and respect for the role, and had to constantly prove his worth and he went above and beyond. Also Tim felt worse about hitting Damian, a kid he continues to not get along with, over Stephanie, a girl who said being with her was the time of his life. Someone make it make sense. Also Rossmo’s Tim looks like Sid from Toy Story.

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Okay, who exactly is this made for, because I am a massive Tim Drake fanboy & I’m bi and I can tell you it’s certainly not made for me, and if it’s not made for me then who is it made for? It’s be one thing if this was a brand new character, but this is a character with over 30 years of history, with a clearly defined personality and character traits. Would love if this book incorporated t more

Tim Drake: Robin #3

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Riley Rossmo
Released: Nov 23, 2022

DID SOMEONE SAY GOLDFISH? After a mysterious murder takes place in broad library, Tim, Detective Williams, and Darcy are led to three suspects...except they aren't real? Meanwhile, Tim's been so busy on this case, he's forgotten the case of the boyfriend. Where's Bernard?

+ LikeComments (3)
SomeRandomSmartA55 - Nov 22, 2022 (edited)

@Batmanaholic It’s written for straight girls who have wet dreams about gay boys.

Batmanaholic - Nov 23, 2022

I have never understood who dc thinks they are going to sell Meghan fitzMartin's stories too. She hates dc's current fans or anyone guy over 25 that reads comcis and actually enjoys them. Like how many books do dc and marvel have to make for the twitter crowd thag never buys comics. And fail before issue 10. Do they have to make before they figure out this does not work for sales. I swear this has happened 20-30 times now in the past 5 years. And they always try it again lol.

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This definitely didn't deserve the Dark Crisis in its title. Like seriously. It had no impact or like any real involvement in that whole story. Why wasn't this just some random comic instead? Not that these characters deserve the treatment they got. I think I've walked away from this comic liking all of them less. These aren't villains. Aren't we supposed to feel good about our heroes? They felt p more

Dark Crisis: Young Justice #6

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Laura Braga
Released: Nov 16, 2022

Superboy, Robin, Impulse, Wonder Girl,Arrowette; and Red Tornado are all reunited, but is it too late for them to face down the unmitigated and unhinged power of Mickey Mxyzptlk? Young Justice will have to let their old wounds heal quickly if they’re going to escape from Mickey’s fake universe and rejoin the real DCU to help join the final batt...

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I'd like to say I feel some level of relief that this series has now met its end, but in all honesty, I'm still left baffled by how such a story was ever allowed to proceed on the course that it did. I was hoping we would get some sort of explanation into why this was worth putting the Dark Crisis title on it, but the fact of that matter remains that this series has absolutely nothing to do with more

Dark Crisis: Young Justice #6

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Laura Braga
Released: Nov 16, 2022

Superboy, Robin, Impulse, Wonder Girl,Arrowette; and Red Tornado are all reunited, but is it too late for them to face down the unmitigated and unhinged power of Mickey Mxyzptlk? Young Justice will have to let their old wounds heal quickly if they’re going to escape from Mickey’s fake universe and rejoin the real DCU to help join the final batt...


The artstyle in and of itself is quite good, though it's let down by the incredibly stiff poses the characters are drawn in, the backgrounds suddenly vanishing entirely at points, and some odd expressions in certain panels that make it look laughable.

As for the writing, it's quite poor with a lack of resolution for several plot points, some rather odd scripting choices that prevent an more

Dark Crisis: Young Justice #6

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Laura Braga
Released: Nov 16, 2022

Superboy, Robin, Impulse, Wonder Girl,Arrowette; and Red Tornado are all reunited, but is it too late for them to face down the unmitigated and unhinged power of Mickey Mxyzptlk? Young Justice will have to let their old wounds heal quickly if they’re going to escape from Mickey’s fake universe and rejoin the real DCU to help join the final batt...

2ndThought commented on this:
Ebonyc reviewed Dark Crisis: Young Justice #6 Nov 16, 2022

At this point this is not only badly written, but totally disrespectful. There wasn't much respect before this issue, but this one seals the deal on impertinence. There should be negative rating for this awful writer and terrible excuse for a human being. Oh, and the editor needs to pack his stuff and go as far away from comics as possible.

Dark Crisis: Young Justice #6

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Laura Braga
Released: Nov 16, 2022

Superboy, Robin, Impulse, Wonder Girl,Arrowette; and Red Tornado are all reunited, but is it too late for them to face down the unmitigated and unhinged power of Mickey Mxyzptlk? Young Justice will have to let their old wounds heal quickly if they’re going to escape from Mickey’s fake universe and rejoin the real DCU to help join the final batt...

+ LikeComments (5)
MichaelO - Nov 16, 2022 (edited)

You guys should that to her on the comments of her twitter account for this issue since she is saying that it is one of the best books out there.

SomeRandomSmartA55 - Nov 16, 2022 (edited)

The delusion of Fitzmartin astounds me. This is easily the worst series I’ve ever read. Worse than All-Star Batman & Robin.

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