KaijuSHENANIGANS's Profile

Joined: Feb 16, 2022 About Me: I read a lot of comics and i like most of them

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KaijuSHENANIGANS reviewed Thanos #4 Mar 7, 2024

This entire experience felt rushed and disjointed, exhibiting lazy art and storytelling. As a dedicated Thanos fanboy, I found myself questioning the purpose of this. While I generally try to appreciate most things to some extent, I couldn't overlook the shortcomings of this particular mini. My reviews usually lean towards a higher average, but this was undeniably subpar.

I'm willing to more

Thanos #4

By: Christopher Cantwell, Luca Pizzari
Released: Mar 6, 2024

Death rejects Thanos once and for all, and the Mad Titan does not take it well. What follows is the most consequential fight in the history of the Marvel Universe...
Rated T+

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Avengers Assemble: Omega #1

By: Jason Aaron, Javier Garron
Released: Apr 19, 2023

The grand, oversized finale of the most epic battle in the history of Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Along with being the final issue of Jason Aaron's five-year AVENGERS run, this features an all-star cavalcade of artists, a veritable smorgasbord of Avengers and a few last emotional gut punches in the Mighty Mar...

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KaijuSHENANIGANS commented on this:

On its own merits this issue is an incredible Star Wars-style space opera full of big drama and feeling and cool starfighter battles, but lingering in the background is the sense that while the 100 year gap is simply, clearly and effectively communicated (unlike certain other issues of this crossover I could name) we're getting a mere summary of the sorts of passions that were so powerful in X-Men more

Storm & the Brotherhood of Mutants #2

By: Al Ewing, Andrea Di Vito
Released: Mar 22, 2023

100 YEARS SINCE THE SINISTER ERA BEGAN... WAGNERINE and her gene-spliced assassins are HOLY THIEVES, servants to a cosmic cult. Let the HEIST LITURGY be spoken! Loot the ashes of Asgard! Raid the tombs of Otherworld! Pick the pockets of the Marvel Universe and build the sacred weapon! And let us bear witness to the final fate of the First...the fal...

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KaijuSHENANIGANS - Mar 29, 2023 (edited)

To add additional thoughts. Mystique has autonomy over her abilities on a molecular level as she is able to present as any age she chooses. Essentially she is immortal by gift, and has the added benefit of a life coupled to a woman with an abilitiy to steer her clear of certain death.

KaijuSHENANIGANS - Mar 29, 2023

As for Destiny, i don't have as thorough an an understanding of ability. But with her powers of foresight. One could assume her advanced age might simply be chalked up to a product of viewing, and taking the paths needed for such a prolonged existence.

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justonemore reviewed Immortal X-Men #3 Jun 22, 2022


Immortal X-Men #3

By: Kieron Gillen, Lucas Werneck
Released: Jun 22, 2022

Over one hundred years ago, Irene Adler wrote twelve books.
A sequel is long overdue.

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Jawsh reviewed Immortal X-Men #3 Jun 22, 2022

Gillen makes Destiny a writer.
This era of X-MEN is turning out to be everything I hoped after House/Powers of X, after two years of ho-hum series; this was worth the wait.

Immortal X-Men #3

By: Kieron Gillen, Lucas Werneck
Released: Jun 22, 2022

Over one hundred years ago, Irene Adler wrote twelve books.
A sequel is long overdue.

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KittyNone reviewed Immortal X-Men #3 Jun 22, 2022

Just a masterpiece. If we were going to have to wait decades for Marvel to explicitly acknowledge Mystique and Destiny's relationship, at least Gillen & Werneck are paying it off with one of the greatest romance stories in comic history. Even if everything else about the current era was terrible, it would all be worth it just for Immortal X-Men and X-Men Red

Immortal X-Men #3

By: Kieron Gillen, Lucas Werneck
Released: Jun 22, 2022

Over one hundred years ago, Irene Adler wrote twelve books.
A sequel is long overdue.

KaijuSHENANIGANS reviewed Immortal X-Men #3 Jun 23, 2022

Wow, This was a wonderfully told love story, one of the best ever written in a marvel book. If not all of comics. This is the X-men version of "The Constant", a beloved episode for all the "LOST" fans out there. Gillen has perfected destiny's voice here, her motivations. This was a hauntingly beautiful read, i could here the orchestral score in my head swelling with the turn of each page as the st more

Immortal X-Men #3

By: Kieron Gillen, Lucas Werneck
Released: Jun 22, 2022

Over one hundred years ago, Irene Adler wrote twelve books.
A sequel is long overdue.

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KaijuSHENANIGANS reviewed Punisher #1 Mar 10, 2022

This was awesome, chilling off knives in the fridge with leftovers is fantastic. The action scenes in this book are top notch. The art in general is quite good. Aaron seems to be the writer of the month to dog on, but i always enjoy his work personally. With punisher being no exception. The reasons for aligning frank with the hand, and changing the logo, makes sense here. Great first issue.

Punisher #1

By: Jason Aaron, Jesus Saiz
Released: Mar 9, 2022


Born of tragedy. Devoted to war. Unstoppable in his rage. As the Punisher, Frank Castle has become the most accomplished killer the world has ever seen. Now it's time for him to face his true destiny. What shocking secret from Frank's past will convince him to take the reins of the Marvel Universe's most notori...

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REYNARD reviewed Eternals #10 Mar 9, 2022

Finally caught up!

This book is so much fun; ribic's art is phenomenal and Gillen is so good at crafting a narrative cerebral enough to digest without extraneous prereq of continuity porn (the two one shots Thanos Rises & Celestia did the exposition weaving extremely well for someone who hasn't read a lot of marvel.)

Excited for Judgement Day!

Eternals #10

By: Kieron Gillen, Esad Ribic
Released: Mar 9, 2022

Look for more information on this title in future issues of Marvel Previews.

KaijuSHENANIGANS reviewed Eternals #10 Mar 9, 2022

Eternals has been one of my favorite on going series from marvel, and this issue is no exception. The Thanos stuff is exciting for fans of the character. This issue will not win over new readers however, its very on brand with everything eternals has been giving us. Its talkie, its punchy, and it juggles a lot of characters and mythology. With all that said, I'm docking all the points based solely more

Eternals #10

By: Kieron Gillen, Esad Ribic
Released: Mar 9, 2022

Look for more information on this title in future issues of Marvel Previews.

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Afre reviewed Devil's Reign #5 Mar 9, 2022


Do you guys remember the door scene in DD Season 1? One of this moments in this book is like that. Just switch the words "embarrased me" to "you messed up my mind".

Devil's Reign #5

By: Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto
Released: Mar 9, 2022

As smart and ruthless as Wilson Fisk may be, he's chosen to enlist the aid of some of the most reprehensible, dangerous and bloodthirsty criminals the Marvel Universe has to offer! He's been able to keep them on a short leash out of fear for weeks.

IN THIS ISSUE - that fear runs out! Fisk's lackeys aren't scared of ANYTHING anymore, even ...

+ LikeComments (2)
daspidaboy - Mar 9, 2022

Is Mike Daredevil's Brother? Who was the person that Kingpin was punching in the face?

daspidaboy - Mar 9, 2022

I did, but it has been a really long time since I read it and I totally forgot everything. Send me the private message on Discord

KaijuSHENANIGANS reviewed Devil's Reign #5 Mar 9, 2022

This issue is what an event should feel and look like, Checchetto's art is captivating. I love that devils reign is a Fisk story above all else, and he really shines here. Focused and brutal. The hero moments are a fun b side, with some amazing splash action.

Devil's Reign #5

By: Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto
Released: Mar 9, 2022

As smart and ruthless as Wilson Fisk may be, he's chosen to enlist the aid of some of the most reprehensible, dangerous and bloodthirsty criminals the Marvel Universe has to offer! He's been able to keep them on a short leash out of fear for weeks.

IN THIS ISSUE - that fear runs out! Fisk's lackeys aren't scared of ANYTHING anymore, even ...

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Afre reviewed Devil's Reign: Moon Knight #1 Mar 9, 2022

Sabbatini's art felt messy or unfinished at times. But that is my only problem with this. I really liked this one.

Devil's Reign: Moon Knight #1

By: Jed MacKay, Frederico Sabbatini
Released: Mar 9, 2022

Look for more information on this title in future issues of Marvel Previews.

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The story and art are at extreme odds in this book. Otherwise I would give it a 10, because the story is that good. Sabbatini's art isn't bad, its just entirely miscast. Moon is a force of nature here, reminds of Rorschach and the watchmen prison escape. If we had Alessandro Cappuccio on the art, or any other number of available artists, we are looking at a classic moon knight one shot. Which it s more

Devil's Reign: Moon Knight #1

By: Jed MacKay, Frederico Sabbatini
Released: Mar 9, 2022

Look for more information on this title in future issues of Marvel Previews.

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I am normally a fan of spectacle. When things are non sensical, outrageous and ridiculous I usually find the charm and have a good time. This was almost that, i will say the art is rather good in this issue. However the dialogue is bloated and empty. There is no meat to this story outside of "prime" Otto, whos depiction I enjoyed. As a whole, No meat, just a bag of bones clanging down the stairs m more

Devil's Reign: Superior Four #3

By: Zac Thompson, Davide Tinto
Released: Mar 9, 2022

Look for more information on this title in future issues of Marvel Previews.

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CrazyforRAMU - Jul 15, 2022

I love a creative critical metaphor. Good work!

KaijuSHENANIGANS reviewed The Thing #5 Mar 3, 2022

This run is the best kind of escapist insanity. It is nuts, nothing makes sense and I love it. This is the kind of mindless fun I need sometimes. From jump, thingy boy Ben has been punching his way through a rolodex of WTF moments. The escalation of shenanigans here is hilarious, like.....why Ben, and why all of this. Mosley must have had the time of his life accepting the green light of this proj more

The Thing #5

By: Walter Mosley, Tom Reilly
Released: Mar 2, 2022

Look for more information on this title in future issues of Marvel Previews.

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tonpas1989 rated The Thing #5 Mar 2, 2022

The Thing #5

By: Walter Mosley, Tom Reilly
Released: Mar 2, 2022

Look for more information on this title in future issues of Marvel Previews.

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Adsun22 rated Strange #1 Mar 3, 2022

Strange #1

By: Jed MacKay, Marcelo Ferreira
Released: Mar 2, 2022

Look for more information on this title in future issues of Marvel Previews.

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pizzamain rated Strange #1 Mar 3, 2022

Strange #1

By: Jed MacKay, Marcelo Ferreira
Released: Mar 2, 2022

Look for more information on this title in future issues of Marvel Previews.

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Onomatopoeia rated Strange #1 Mar 2, 2022

Strange #1

By: Jed MacKay, Marcelo Ferreira
Released: Mar 2, 2022

Look for more information on this title in future issues of Marvel Previews.

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daspidaboy rated Strange #1 Mar 2, 2022

Strange #1

By: Jed MacKay, Marcelo Ferreira
Released: Mar 2, 2022

Look for more information on this title in future issues of Marvel Previews.

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The Chosen One rated Strange #1 Mar 1, 2022

Strange #1

By: Jed MacKay, Marcelo Ferreira
Released: Mar 2, 2022

Look for more information on this title in future issues of Marvel Previews.

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RMD rated Strange #1 Mar 3, 2022

Strange #1

By: Jed MacKay, Marcelo Ferreira
Released: Mar 2, 2022

Look for more information on this title in future issues of Marvel Previews.

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Rachit Mittal reviewed Strange #1 Mar 2, 2022

Great Issue by Jed MacKay as expected.

Strange #1

By: Jed MacKay, Marcelo Ferreira
Released: Mar 2, 2022

Look for more information on this title in future issues of Marvel Previews.

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Hydro-Man reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #91 Mar 2, 2022

You’ve heard of the expression “a series of ups and downs”???

That is the perfect way to describe the Beyond era. Some weeks, I am like “yay, this is awesome” and others I am like “okay, enough, bring Peter back full-time”.

This is the latter.

Amazing Spider-Man #91

By: Kelly Thompson, Sara Pichelli
Released: Mar 2, 2022

Look for more information on this title in future issues of Marvel Previews.

KaijuSHENANIGANS liked this:
Rachit Mittal reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #91 Mar 3, 2022

Okay issue. Poor Pacing. Art was decent. But feral lizard was good to see.

Amazing Spider-Man #91

By: Kelly Thompson, Sara Pichelli
Released: Mar 2, 2022

Look for more information on this title in future issues of Marvel Previews.

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allenquanobi reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #91 Mar 2, 2022

the story's fun, but the art is such an issue here. Sara Pichelli is amazingly talented, her work on Miles Spider-Man is some of the best art in modern comics. She also gets the excuse of losing her main colorist Justin Ponsor, which is a tragedy. However, her art in this issue just looks insanely lazy. The art also feels so rushed, and this is where most people would say that's because of the more

Amazing Spider-Man #91

By: Kelly Thompson, Sara Pichelli
Released: Mar 2, 2022

Look for more information on this title in future issues of Marvel Previews.

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allenquanobi - Mar 3, 2022

ah I see, thanks for clarifying, I don't want to thrash an artist b/c of an injury. The switching art still is an issue for me though

Kalaoui - Mar 3, 2022

Yeah It's an old injury and not recent but her art has never been the same since that happened. She does not use it as an excuse but it hurts to see since as you said she is very talented. I agree with you that the art switcheroo midway was not good. I wish they get one artist per issue or put her on projects that won't come out until the art is finished.

KaijuSHENANIGANS liked this:
Kalaoui reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #91 Mar 3, 2022

It was fun and bit of change from the previous ones. This beyond series doesn't have one unique identity by design and it suffers for it. Kelly Thompson does good and has many good quips but the way the issue goes around itself to get to the end was forced. Sara Pichelli style has changed and she can't finish issues anymore because of her back injuries. It's good but it has changed. The second art more

Amazing Spider-Man #91

By: Kelly Thompson, Sara Pichelli
Released: Mar 2, 2022

Look for more information on this title in future issues of Marvel Previews.

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Julhin reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #91 Mar 3, 2022

Ben out there giving us another "see ya chump", i guess he missed the part where that is his problem. Is the end of Beyond him coming full circle and becoming Bully Maguire?

Kelly Thompson is one of my favorite writers working in comics today, and while the issues she wrote for beyond so far haven't been close to some of her other works like Hawkeye, Black Widow and Captain Marvel, it' more

Amazing Spider-Man #91

By: Kelly Thompson, Sara Pichelli
Released: Mar 2, 2022

Look for more information on this title in future issues of Marvel Previews.

KaijuSHENANIGANS liked this:
Marginalhero reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #91 Mar 2, 2022

I use to really enjoy Sara pichelli’s art but lately it’s been going down in quality. I didn’t even realize it was pichelli at first. While not the completely bad, I did find myself thinking the art was bothersome at times throughout the issue. Otherwise I thought it was a great issue!

Amazing Spider-Man #91

By: Kelly Thompson, Sara Pichelli
Released: Mar 2, 2022

Look for more information on this title in future issues of Marvel Previews.

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