Who will be left standing - BLACK PANTHER or SPIDER-MAN?! Deep in the wilds of Wakanda, a ritual to save Miles Morales' life begins, and the panther god BAST can no longer help him! Two more deities invade Miles' desperate trial, hungering for Spider-Man's corrupted soul. Only ONE of their chosen champions will be saved.
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Black Panther has brought Varnaes stain into Bast's realm twice now. After being stripped of his throne and exiled from Wakanda, TChalla worries about the consequences of helping Miles. But Brooklyn's Spider-Man faces mortal danger. If Miles survives the divine testing and cleansing, he had better return home quickly. Shift is getting used to assuming his brother's identity. So, in Miles Morales: Spider-Man #28, Ganke takes Shift in hand. And like Rocket Raccoon, Ganke intends to talk with Shift about his (frickin') language. Read Full Review
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #28 is one of the few comics to truly lean into the links between superheroes and mythology, as it brings the young web-slinger face to face with gods. Miles, and readers, would do well to remember that gods can be just as fickle as the mortals they observe, especially if the ending is any indication. Read Full Review
I haven’t loved the vampire stuff much, but I really liked this issue. Some of the full panels on this were awesome.
Cody Ziglar's writing in this series continues to impress. I just wish Marvel would pair him with an artist whose work truly complements his strong storytelling. This series deserves a top-tier artist.
More slightly above ok Miles. this run hasnt been all that great. This arc has some entertainment value, but it feels very generic and by the numbers.