Can SPIDER-MAN hope to defeat BLACK PANTHER at the height of his powers in the heart of his homeland?!
Bast warned TChalla that he would pay for letting Varnae slip into her realm. In Miles Morales: Spider-Man #29, the great spider-god Anansi offers Miles healing. The challenge the Trickster offers isn't what Miles thinks it is. And like the Black Panther, if Miles escapes Varnaes influence, he must pay a price for such divine benevolence. Read Full Review
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #29 brings its latest story arc to a close with a triumphant flourish, closing one chapter in the young web-slinger's life and setting up the next. It's the kind of story that Anansi himself would be proud to spin (and in a way he did.) Read Full Review
Fantastic conclusion, Ziglar keeps cooking.
While Cody Ziglar's writing is commendable, the art in this series feels unpolished. Visual storytelling is crucial in comics, and I'm finding it difficult to continue supporting the book without significant artistic improvement.
Another insanely just ok issue of Miles. There's nothing this series has done since the first arc that made me really care, and this issue is no different.