MexiCayde-6's Profile

Joined: May 11, 2023

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Hydro-Man reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #25 May 10, 2023

Summary: MJ never fucks Paul — they find their kids in Dimension Goofy and adopt them. Then Spidey rescues them but MJ leaves him cuz too much time went by. And the FF and Cap are still pissed at Spidey for stealing the shit he used to rescue MJ.

Lol Imagine pitching this to an editor and getting the gig to write Spider-Man.

Amazing Spider-Man #25

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 10, 2023

The past and the present collide in this oversized and monumental 25th issue! Your heart isn't ready for this one.
Rated T

MexiCayde-6 commented on this:
superstan52 reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #25 May 11, 2023

No one seems to have noticed when Paul is in the hospital they cant find any record of him existing. Certainly a big hint pPaul will be gone imminently.

Amazing Spider-Man #25

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 10, 2023

The past and the present collide in this oversized and monumental 25th issue! Your heart isn't ready for this one.
Rated T

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MexiCayde-6 - May 11, 2023

For real? I must have missed that, when did that happen?

MexiCayde-6 reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #1 May 11, 2023

One of the best starts to an ASM run in years. It isn't perfect, but after reading through the whole run again it is exactly what fans of Spider-Man want: for him to be happy, moving on with his life, and together with MJ again. I wish Nick Spencer had stayed on the series rather than them changing hands to Wells, as his run has been an abysmal waste of time and one giant middle finger to the fans more

Amazing Spider-Man #1

By: Nick Spencer, Ryan Ottley
Released: Jul 11, 2018

An alien invasion hits New York City and the only one who can stop it is...Spider-Man?! But that's far from all you'll find here -  a revelation from the past puts Peter Parker's job, relationships, and whole life in jeopardy! And if even that's not enough, you'll see a new roommate, new love interests - and a new villain! Spider-Man goes back to...

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MexiCayde-6 added Nick Spencer to their creator watch list May 11, 2023
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MexiCayde-6 added Amazing Spider-Man (2022) to their pull list May 11, 2023

Amazing Spider-Man (2022)

Peter's on the outs with the FF. He's on the outs with the Avengers. He's on the outs with Aunt May! No one wants to see Spider-Man - except for Doctor Octopus. Ock's on Spider-Man's tail and the Master Planner has something truly terrible planned for when he gets his tentacles on Spidey. All that, and what does Tombstone have planned? Just in time...

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MexiCayde-6 commented on this:
Web-Head reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #25 May 10, 2023

One of the most misogynistic comics in recent years, the writers literally destroy one of the main female characters in the history of spiderman to push forward his relationship with another woman, the terrible attitude towards characters with such a rich history, it's just disgusting,the only thing that can be praised is the work of artists,the drawing is very good

Amazing Spider-Man #25

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 10, 2023

The past and the present collide in this oversized and monumental 25th issue! Your heart isn't ready for this one.
Rated T

+ LikeComments (1)
MexiCayde-6 - May 11, 2023

I pointed this out in my review but it bares repeating, a character actually refers to MJ as a "Scarlet Woman". Which is a fancy historical was of saying a slut or a prostitute. They want fans to hate her as much as they do.

MexiCayde-6 liked this:
Goblin22 reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #25 May 10, 2023

Worst Spider-Man Run Ever. It would have been better to have stayed with Nick Spencer.

Amazing Spider-Man #25

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 10, 2023

The past and the present collide in this oversized and monumental 25th issue! Your heart isn't ready for this one.
Rated T

+ LikeComments (1)
Sollywoods - May 10, 2023

I agree. I suffered through OMD, Past Sins and a few other dull runs but this is the worst representation of the characters. At least Slott is back writing Spiderman on the other series so there's a decent ongoing Spiderman still out there.

MexiCayde-6 liked this:

It's happened, in the end. Zeb Wells managed to completely throw me off my favourite superhero's comic book. It's not even right to rate this thing, as misconceived as it is. This is not a story: this is just a rage bait for the fans so they'll talk about it and Marvel gets free promotion. Nothing makes sense, everything just goes the way this pathetic writer chose to because he thinks he's so sma more

Amazing Spider-Man #25

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 10, 2023

The past and the present collide in this oversized and monumental 25th issue! Your heart isn't ready for this one.
Rated T

MexiCayde-6 liked this:
Tiki reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #25 May 10, 2023

Stop ruining MJ’s character it’s not that hard to do better 🤦‍♂️

Amazing Spider-Man #25

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 10, 2023

The past and the present collide in this oversized and monumental 25th issue! Your heart isn't ready for this one.
Rated T

MexiCayde-6 liked this:
Mr Malone reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #25 May 10, 2023

Sad to see what's happening to this character. Controversial series for the dumbest reasons.

Amazing Spider-Man #25

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 10, 2023

The past and the present collide in this oversized and monumental 25th issue! Your heart isn't ready for this one.
Rated T

MexiCayde-6 reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #25 May 11, 2023

I genuinely cannot fathom the level of awful decisions made for the whole of Zeb Wells' ASM run. This entire series of events can only exist if the characters are written entirely different from how they are characterized. MJ, even after years alone with someone else, would not give up on Peter. Peter may be emotional but he is still a genius, he wouldn't attack his friends and risk his best chanc more

Amazing Spider-Man #25

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 10, 2023

The past and the present collide in this oversized and monumental 25th issue! Your heart isn't ready for this one.
Rated T

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